Roots distribution of three desert shrubs and their response to precipitation under co-occurring conditions Impact of salt stress on peroxidase activity in Populus deltoides cambium and its consequence Characteristics and quantitative simulation of stomatal conductance of Aneurolepidium chinense Ecophyslological response of Pinus koraiensis seedlings to elevated CO2 Influences on the seed germination and growth with addition of kriliums in saline-alkali soil Research on physiological adaptability of three mangrove species to salt stress
LIAO Yan, CHEN Gui-Zhu*
Impact factors and model comparison of summer stomatal conductance of six common greening species in cities of Northern China Calculation and modeling of the canopy stomatal conductance of Acacia mangium from sap flow data Diurnal Variation in Photosynthesis of Differently Directional Leaves in Hybrid Hazels (Corylus heterophylla×Corylus avellana) Effects of Boundary Layer Conductance on Leaf Gas Exchange A study on photosynthetic characteristics and simulation of the psammophyte Artemisia halodendron Photosynthetic Induction in Seedlings of Six Tropical Rainforest Tree Species Responses of Photosynthetic Rate and Stomatal Conductance to Water Stress in Soybean Leaves Effect of elevated CO2 concentration and increased temperature on physiology and production of crops Cold Tolerance Variation of Populus cathayana Clones from Different Populations SIMULATING SEASONAL AND INTERANNUAL VARIATIONS OF ECOSYS- TEM EVAPOTRANSPIRATION AND ITS COMPONENTS IN INNER MONG- OLIA STEPPE WITH VIP MODEL MECHANISM MODEL OF STOMATAL CONDUCTANCE Characteristics of canopy stomatal conductance in plantations of three revegetation tree species and its sensitivity to environmental factors. Responses of Stomatal Traits of Desert Plant Nitraria tangutorum Leaves to Artificially Simulated Precipitation Effects of Yttrium on Water Use Efficiency of Maize Seedlings Effects on leaf stomatal conductance and single leaf water use efficiency of maize by aquasorb rootzone-divided use EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON THE PHOTOSYNTHETIC PHYSIO-ECOLOGY OF 18-YEAR-OLD CHINESE FIR(CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA(LAMB.)HOOK.) Effects of temperature increase and grazing on stomatal density and length of four alpine Kobresia meadow species, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau A comparison of photosynthethetic characteristics in four poplar clones Effect of Changes of Temperature Around Roots in Relation to Water Uptake by Roots and Leaf Transpiration Characteristics and simulation of canopy conductance of cherry Responses of photosynthetic physiological characteristics of two transgenic cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) varieties to CO2 concentration Photosynthetic characteristics and their effect factors of Reaumuria soongorica on three geographical populations Effect of short-term girdling on stomatal conductance and chlorophyll fluorescence in Alhagi sparsifolia Changes in Stomatal Conductance, Transpiration and Water Use Efficiency of Ten Species Experienced in High CO2 Concentrations in Biosphere 2 The Electrical Analogy Analysis and Simulation Testing of the Relationship Between Net Photosynthetic Rate and Stomatal Conductance A Mathematical Model for Leaf Photosynthesis of Mulberry The Study of Canopy Stomatal Conductance with Dividing Layer Method in the Winter wheat Field The effect of red∶far red ratio on the stomata characters and stomata conductance of Chrysanthemum leaves SAP FLOW_SCALED STAND TRANSPIRATION AND CANOPY STOMATAL CONDUCTANCE IN AN ACACIA MANGIUM FOREST Simulating responses of leaf stomatal conductance to environmental factors for Tamarix ramosissma in an extreme arid region of China Stomatal characteristics of ferns and angiosperms and their responses to changing light intensity at different habitats Optimal stomatal behavior theory for simulating stomatal conductance Assessment of loss of accumulated dry matter in winter wheat based on stomatal conductance and ozone uptake model The research progress of mesophyll conductance Hydraulic responses of stomatal conductance in leaves of successional tree species in subtropical forest to environmental moisture Photosynthetic Characteristics after Anthesis in Flag Leaves of Wheat Cultivars Xiaoyan 54 and 8602 and Their Hybrids Xiaoyan 41 and Xiaoyan 81 High Photosynthetic Efficiency of Leaf Colour Mutant of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) On the coordinated regulation of forest transpiration by hydraulic conductance and canopy stomatal conductance Study on the Diurnal Variations of Photosynthetic Characteristicsof Four Elytrigia Desv. Relationship between Diurnal Changes of Alfalfa Net Photosynthetic Rate and Environmental Factors Effects of soil moisture and short-term shade on photo-synthetic and stomatal response in cotton leaves STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT SOIL WATER CONTENTAND SOIL FERTILITY CONDITIONS ON THE.PHOTOSYNIHETICCONDVCTANCE AND YIELD OF SPRING CORN The Simulation of Leaf Conductance Responses to Changes in Environmental Water Status The effect of environmental factors on American ginseng’S transpiration under different conditions Photosynthetic characteristic and quantitative simulation of high quality wheat“8901-11-14”at the jointing stage in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain Study of Jarvis model on stomatai conductance of mandarin leaf Effect of high temperature on the physiological characteristics of casaba Simulation of latent heat flux over a temperate mixed forest: application of a combination model to Shuttleworth-Wallace model Changes of defensive enzymes and active oxygen of Puccinellia tenuiflora seedlings under Na2CO3 stress The Temperature Compensation Point and the Start Time of Photosynthesis of Cucumber Leaves The Temperature Compensation Point and the Start Time of Photosynthesis of Cucumber Leaves Studies on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Rubus strigosus Mick. Effects of Molybdenum on Photosynthetic Characteristics in Winter Wheat under Low Temperature Stress Effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid on leaf gas exchange and water use efficiency in winter wheat Photosynthetic responses of Arundinella hirta populations to light intensity and CO2 concentration Photosynthetic and Ecophysiological Characteristics of Snow Lotus (Saussuea involucrata)in Its Natural Conditions in the Central Part of Tianshan Mountains Analysis and Quantitative Simulation of Stomatal Conductance of Aneurolepidium chinense Effect of Barnyardgrass (Echinoch oa Crus Galli) Shading on Nitrogen Fixation of Soybeans A Study of Stomatal Behaviour of Groundnut Study on the transpiration of artificial Hippophae rhamnoides L. forest in the loess hilly region Inter-annual and seasonal variations of energy and water vapour fluxes above a tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna, SW China Relationship of stamatal conductance of leaf with environmental factors in broad-leaved Korean pine forest at Changbai Mountain Effect of drought stress on light-response curves of centipedegrass EFFECT OF SALT STRESS ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERS OF SEEDLINGS OF PUCCINELLIA TENUIFLORA Stomatal Conductance Characteristics of Populus euphratica Leaves and Response to Environmental Factors in the Extreme Arid Region Viewing Leaf Shape and Size Variation in Tobacco Plants under Different Temperatures from a Hydraulic Perspective Responses of Leaf Gas Exchange to Water Stress in Maize,Upland Rice,Cowpea and Cotton

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