Anti-transpirant studies and applications in agriculture Response of stomatal conductance to light in tobacco plants Daily dynamics of photosynthesis in alfalfa varieties under dry farming conditions A simulation model of net primary production at watershed scale in hilly area of Loess Plateau, China Trees transpiration response to meteorological variables in arid regions of Northwest China Water use of apple trees on three rootstocks measured with heat pulse technique Stomatal conductance and influence factors of seabuckthorn in Loess Hilly Region Effects of Oligochitosan on Photosynthetic Parameter of Brassica napus Seedlings under Drought Stress Andances in simulation of plant photosynthetic productivity and canopy evapotranspiration A comparative study on chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence and diurnal course of leaf gas exchange of two ecotypes of banyan Effect of topsoil drought and root signals on yield formation of spring wheat Transpiration characteristics of tea tree N2O emission from woody plants and its relation to their physiological activities Studies on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Rubus strigosus Mick. Growth and photosynthesis characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under arsenic stress condition The environmental responses and simulation of canopy conductance in a winter wheat field of North China Plain Photosynthetic Characteristics of Chilopsis linearis under Soil Water Stress Effects of Sodium and Calcium Salt Stresses on Strawberry Photosynthesis Relationship Between Photosynthetic Characteristics and Leaf Vein Density in Sorghum bicolor and Perilla frutescens The sap flow dynamics of Caragana korshinskii and the influence of environmental factors in semi-arid region of the Loess Plateau Difference in leaf photosynthetic capacity between pima cotton (Gossypium barbadense) and upland cotton (G.hirsutum) and analysis of potential constraints Diurnal Variation of Eco-physiological and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Reynoutria japonica Comparison of Photosynthetic Characteristics of Grafted and Own-root Seedlings of Cucumber under Low Temperature Circumstances Adaptative Morphological Responses of Plant Water conducting System to Soil Texture and Radiation A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON LEAF TRANSPIRATION AND STOMATAL CONDUCTANCE OF EUCOMMIA ULMOIDES Physio-Ecological Response of Haloxylon persicum Photosynthetic Shoots to Drought Stress A preliminary study on the water physiology of four plant species in karst area of Southwest China Simulation of the Physiological Responses of C3 Plant Leaves to Environmental Factors by a Model Which Combines Stomatal Conductance, Photosynthesis and Transpiration A Mathematical Simulation of Stomatal Regulation Associated with Root-Originated ABA Variation of Leaf Stomatal Conductance in Winter Wheat Canopy Environmental response simulation and the up-scaling of plant stomatal conductance Optimization of canopy stomatal conductance models for Osmanthus fragrans and analysis of its parameters Hydraulic responses of whole tree transpiration of Schima superba to soil moisture in dry and wet seasons Dynamic Study on Photosynthesis, Transpiration,Conductance for Water Vapour and Respiration of Soybean Leaves during the Whole Growth Period Photosynthetic Characteristics of Aegiceras comiculatum Seedlings under Fresh Water Adaptation Anatomical structure and stomatal activity of tea leaves in a pine-tea interplantation Photosynthetic characteristics of Gynostemma pentaphyllum under shade The simulation of three-dimensional canopy net photosynthetic rate of apple tree DIURNAL CHANGES OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND ACTIVE OXYGEN SCAVENGING ENZYMES IN SOYBEAN LEAVES UNDER FIELD CONDITIONS Effects of Intercropped Vigna radiata on Root Hydraulic Conductance and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Juglans regia Seedlings STUDY ON CO_2 EXCHANGE CHARACTERISTICS OF DESERT PLANTS UNDER DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Effects of drought and phosphorus stress on root hydraulic conductance of wheat at different types Applications of δ13C in Plant Ecological Research DAILY VARIATION OF GAS EXCHANGE,STOMATAL CONDUCTANCE AND WATER USE EFFICIENCY IN SUMMER LEAVES OF ORMOSIA PINNATA THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTER AND ADVENTITIOUS ROOTS IN FLOODED CLEISTOCALYX OPERCULATUS SEEDLINGS Daily variation in stomatal conductance of wetland paint Alisma orientate Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Water Use Efficiency the Growth, Photosynthesis and in Tectona grandis Changes in Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Transpiration in Parakmeria omeiensis after Cutting Root and Branch in Different Seasons GAS EXCHANGE, CHLOROPHYLL AND NITROGEN CONTENTS IN LEAVES OF THREE COMMON TREES IN MIDDLE EUROPE UNDER TWO CONTRASTING LIGHT REGIMES Water Use Efficiency Difference among Four Poplar Clones and Its Physiological Mechanism RESPONSE OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATE AND STOMATAL CONDUCTANCE OF RICE TO LIGHT INTENSITY AND CO2 CONCENTRATION IN NORTHERN CHINA Effects of Natural High Temperature and Irradiation on Photosynthesis and Related Parameters in Three Arid Sandy Shrub Species Effect of limited irrigation on diurnal variation in flag-leaf photosynthesis and yield of dryland wheat Photosynthetic characteristics of diploid and tetraploid radish(Raphanus sativus L .) Differences in photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and water use efficiency between four legume species on the Loess Plateau Response of leaf δ13C to altitudinal gradients and its mechanism Photosynthetic Characteristics of Broussonetia papyrifera Seedlings Inoculated AM Fungus in Limestone Soil Substratum The Transpiration Rate and Net Photosynthesis Changes in the Flowering Stages of Salvia sclarea and Their Effected Factors Comparison on the Photosynthesis of Seedlings ofPrunus serotina and Prunus serrulata Effects of Salt Stress on the Growth and Photosynthetic Physiology Characteristics of Zoysia japonica Evidence of Hydropassive Movement in Stomatal Oscillations of Glycyrrhiza inflata under Desert Conditions Influence of CO2 Doubling on Water Transport Process at Root/Soil Interface of Pinus sylvestriformis Seedlings Photosynthetic characteristics of Prinsepia uniflora Batal. Comparative analysis of photosynthetic characteristics of different cotton cultivars STUDY ON GAS EXCHANGE CHARACTERISTICS OF PHRAGMITES COMMUNIS TRIN. IN DIFFERENT ECOTYPES OF DRY DESERT OF THE HEXI CORRIDOR Characteristics of Transpiration and Canopy Stomatal Conductance of Schima superba Plantation and Their Responses to Environmental Factors The Simulation of Leaf Stomatal Conductance of Populus euphratica in Desert Riparian Forest in Ejin Impact of Water Stress on Leaf Water Potential,Transpiration Rate(Tr) and Stomatal Conductance (Gs) of Alfalfa Correlation between Canopy Spectral Vegetation Index and Leaf Stomatal Conductance in Rapeseed(Brassica napus L.) Photosynthetic Characteristics of Transgenic Wheat Expressing Maize C4-Type NADP-ME Gene Seasonal Changes in Photosynthetic Characteristics of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Study on leaf transpiration and stomatal structure of medicinal plant Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Studies on gas exchange of Tamarix ramosissima Lbd. Ecophysiological responses and adaptation of Tamarix ramosissima to changes in groundwater depth in the Heihe river basin Canopy conductance characteristics of poplar in agroforestry system in west Liaoning Province of Northeast China. The responses of 17-years old Chinese fir shoots to elevated CO2 Analysis of Water Management Strategy for Larix gmelinii Characteristics of Stomatal Conductance of Populus pruinosa and the Quantitative Simulation Ozone uptake at the canopy level in Robinia pseudoacacia in Beijing based on sap flow measurements Modeling the response of stomatal conductance to variable CO2 concentration and its physiological mechanism

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