Size structure and dynamic of the Picea crassifolia populations on eastern Qilian Mountains Effects of seed size on the survival of insect infested acorns in three oak species The variation of seed sizes of Gordonia acuminata geographic populations and its effect on seed germination and seedling New Variation Identified by SSR in a Wheat Variety Derived from Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat ( Triticum durum× Aegilops tauschii) Geographic Variation of Cone Size of Picea schrenkiana var. tianschanica in the Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang Analysis of Morphological Plasticity of Trapa L. from China and Their Taxonomic Significance Effects of forest gap size on litter recalcitrant components of two tree species in Pinus massoniana plantations A review of research on responses of leaf traits to climate change Characteristics of seed germination of the rare plant Cercidiphyllum japonicum The synthetically estimating vegetation fractional coverage of grassland using field data and ASTER remote sensing imagine The classification systems of soil seed banks and seed persistence in soil Application of WBE model to ecology: a review Fractal analysis on soil particle size distributions under different land-use types: a case study in the loess hilly areas of the Loess Plateau, China Effects of topsoil aggregate size on runoff and erosion at hillslope in red soils Effect of variety, seed size and fertilizer on biological characteristics of winter wheat Effects of aestivation on energy budget of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) The size structure and competitive relationships of Larix chinensis in mixed-conifer forest types on Taibai Mountain, China The Size-fractionated chlorophyll a concentration and primary productivity in the Chukchi Sea and its northern Chukchi Plateau Identification of the spectral characteristics of a submerged plant Vallisneria spiralis Change of Ion Content and Particle Size of the Modified Severe Saline-alkali Soil Comparison on the Substrate and Container Size of Container Nursery of Schima superba Structure Character istics of Plant Commun ity in Sma ll-sized Sandof Be ijingWestern a t D ifferent Successiona l Stages Acid hydrolysis organic N content and the distribution in different sizes of soil complexes in Loess Plateau dryland under long-term no-tillage and straw mulching Effect of alfalfa flavonoids on reproductive performance of female rats in pregnancy and on gene expression in the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian gonadal axis Effect of alfalfa flavonoids on growth and reproduction performance of female rats Influence of altitude on reproductive traits and reproductive allocation of different colours in Anemone obtusiloba populations The Research on Combining Ability Effection and Genetic Potential of Maize Synthesized Population Population Structure and Dynamics of Quercus liaotungensis in Two Broadleaved Deciduous Forests in Dongling Mountain, Northern China Plasmodesmata: Dynamic Channels for Symplastic Transport Molecular Dissection of Relationship Between Seedling Characteristics and Seed Size in Rice Absorption transport mechanism of puerarin oil-in-oil nanoemulsion Preparation of nanopaticles of SCF-CO2 extraction of
Magnolia officinalis
Si-releasing character of slag-based silicon fertilizer and impact factors Development of a Size Measurement System for Pear Fruit Based on Image Processing Technology SEED GERMINATION AND SEEDLING PERFORMANCE OF AMMOPIPTANTHUS MONGOLICUS Protective Effect of Panax quinquefolium 20s-proto-panaxdiolsaponins on Acute Myocardial Infarction in Dogs Isolation and PC12 cell proliferative protein fraction from pilose antler and its activity Size Structure, Ecological Significance and Population Origin of Quercus wutaishanica Forest in Beijing Mountainous Area Population Structure and Regeneration of Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata in Shennongjia Relationship Between Individual Size and Density of Elymus nutans Population Comparative studies on individual growth and development of three Brachionus angularis strains Fractal characteristics of particle size distributions of mangroves soils in Yingluo Bay Analysis on leaf forms in Quercus mongolica community Population structure and dynamics of Larix chinenesis in Qinling Mountain Effect of forest patch size and isolation on reproductive success of Great Tit in fragmented secondary-forests ESTIMATION OF POPULATION SIZE OF ARGALI SHEEP IN TIBET BY LINE TRANSECT SAMPLING Patch dynamics and scale transition analysis of grassland in restoration succession Genome Size and Variation Analysis of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Germplasms in Yunnan by Flow Cytometry A New Largest-type Variety of Asian Pear ‘Qingxiang’ A New Largest-type Variety of Asian Pear ‘Qingxiang’ Changes in Molecular Structure of Solubile Pectic and Hemicellulose During Storage of Pear Fruits Variation of Seed Sizes and Genetic Analysis on Woody Species of Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest in Jinyun Mountain Effects of Sample Sizes on Accuracy and Stability of Maximum Entropy Model in Predicting Species Distribution Distribution Characteristics of Patch Sizes in the Vegetation Landscape in Beijing Genetic analysis and fine mapping of two genes for grain shape and weight in rice MYB56 Encoding a R2R3 MYB Transcription Factor Regulates Seed Size in Arabidopsis thaliana Forest soil organic matter δ13C along a |altitudinal transect on northern slope of Changbai Mountains under effects of simulated warming. Assessment of monitoring methods for population abundance of Amur tiger in Northeast China The combined effects of elevated CO2 and elevated temperature on proliferation of cyanophage PP Effects of sand burial and seed size on seed germination, seedling emergence and growth of Caragana korshinskii Kom. (Fabaceae) Research progress on the relationship of pollutants between road-deposited sediments and its washoff Prey biomass of the Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) in the eastern Wanda Mountains of Heilongjiang Province, China Effects of body size and salinity on oxygen consumption rate and ammonia excretion rate of Mactra chinensis Philippi The patch characteristics of wetland remnants in the Sanjiang Plain and its influence on plant species richness The distribution of size-fractionated chlorophyll a in the Indian Ocean South Equatorial Current Control effect of joint application of biofungicides and synthesized fungicides on tomato diseases Gliadin Genetic Diversity in Artificially Synthesized Hexaploid Wheat Influence of Altitude on Reproductive Traits and Resource Allocation of Species of Ranunculaceae at East Qinghai Tibetan Plateu Size-Class Structure and Distribution Pattern of Emmenopterys henryi in Different Habitats Study of Antimicrobial Surface Decorated Wood-Based Panels A New Small-size Seedless Watermelon ‘Xuefeng Xiaoyuhong’ Studies on Endogenous Hormones in the Pericarp of ‘Feizixiao’Litchi in Relation to Different Fruit Sizes from Early and Late Bloom HMW-GS Accumulation and GMP Size Distribution in Grains of SN12 Grown in Different Soil Conditions Relationship between SDS-Unextractable Glutenin Polymeric Protein and Mixograph Parameters Starch Granule Size Distribution in Grains of Strong and Weak Gluten Wheat Cultivars Effects of Removing Partial Spikelets and Daubing Naphthyleneacetic Acid on the Incision on the Distribution of Assimilate and Phosphorus in Wheat Soil microbial biomass and activity under desert shrub canopies Effects of different land-use types on larger-size soil animal communities in the northern region of Qinghai Lake Effect of potassium fertilizer and plastic film mulching on growth and size inequality in Lilium davidii var. unicolor Effects of altitude on seed size on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau