Content and evolution characteristics of organic carbon associated with particle-size fractions of grey desert soil under long-term fertilization. Effects of heavy metals pollution on paddy soil aggregates composition and heavy metals distribution Chlorophyll-a concentration and phytoplankton size-fractionated composition in Jiaozhou Bay Profile distribution of sediment particle sizes at a check dam in a small watershed of Loess Plateau Structure and dynamics of Picea mongolica population on sand dune Effect of Suining Tributary ecoremediation to all size-fractionated chlorophyll-a contents Effects of food concentration on population growth, body size, and egg size of the freshwater rotifer Brachionus angularis Vertical structure of lianas in a tropical montane rain forest in Bawangling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island, China The advances in the aquatic particle /biomass size spectra study Nest predation of Great Tit inside nest boxes Population size and sex ratio of wapiti (Cervus elephus xanthopygus) as revealed by fecal DNA Starch granule size distribution and starch component content in wheat grain in relation to shading stress after anthesis A Preliminary Study on 13C Enrichment of in Cunninghamia lanceolata Using Pulse Labeling Technique On Large-size Timber Plan ta tion Forestry of Va luable HardwoodSpec ies inWarm Sub-tropical Areas of China Physical Property of Different Golf Green Rootzone Soil Mixtures and Its Effect on Turfgrass Growth Spatial Pattern Analysis of Abies faxoniana Population in Sub-Alpine Area in Western Sichuan Characteristics of Soil Particle Size Distribution in Different Land-Use Types of Oasis Rim Biological Characteristics and Oleoresin Production of Sindora glabra in Hainan Island Effects of Interpolation and Window Sizes in Phyllostachys edulis forest for Parameter Estimation on Calculation of CO2 Flux Species Composition and Community Structure of a Taxus cuspidata Forest in Muling Nature Reserve of Heilongjiang Province, China The Study of Suitable Family Sizes and Plot Sizes in Progeny Testing of Pinus elliottii Effects of Gap Size on Root Growth of Seedlings and Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Pinus tabulaeformis Plantation in the Huanglong Forest Population Structure and Dynamics of Pinus tabulaeformis in Lingkong Mountain of Shanxi Province Studies on Population Dynamics and Prediction of Phodopus sungorus Variation of genome size and the ribosomal DNA ITS region of Alternanthera philoxeroides (Amaranthaceae) in Argentina, the USA, and China Phylogenetic and cytogenetic studies reveal hybrid speciation in Saxifraga subsect. Triplinervium (Saxifragaceae) Analysis of community spatial patterns of Leontopodium nanum patches in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Landscape dynamics of medium- and small-sized cities in eastern and western China: a comparative study of pattern and driving forces Ecological footprint depth and size: new indicators for a 3D model Individual spatial pattern and spatial association of Stipa krylovii population in Alpine Degraded Grassland Genetic differentiation in resting-egg bank of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus population in Xihai Pond, Beijing Identification of effective pollinators of Primula merrilliana and effects of flower density and population size on pollination efficiency
Paphiopedilum spicerianum, a new record of Orchidaceae from China Soil particle size fractionation with centrifugation method Patch size distribution pattern and its hierarchical effect of main landscape types in the Wuyishan scenery district Effect of water regime on starch granule size distribution in superior and inferior grains of wheat Biomass size spectrum of net plankton in the adjacent area near the Yangtze River Estuary in spring Spatial points pattern analysis using random square-quadrats method Differentiation Characteristics of a 50-year-established Metasequoia glyptostroboides Plantation The Influence of Forest Gap on Seedling Regeneration of Schima superba after Heavy Snowstorm Mapping of QTLs for Pod Size Related Traits in Cultivated Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Analysis of Association of puroindoline b-2 Alleles with Yield-Related Traits in Bread Wheat QTL Analysis of 100-Kernel Weight Based on Chromosome Single Segment Substitution Lines in Maize AFLP and MSAP Analysis on Genetic Variation in Early Generations of Artificially Synthesized Brassica napus Genetic Basics of Seed Traits in Soybean with Bayes Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model Method Differences of Starch Granules in Grains from Different Spikelet Positions and Their Correlation with Grain Weight in Winter Wheat The Determination of Nuclear DNA Content (2Cvalue) on Some Representative Genus and Species of Magnoliaceae Genome survey in Cinnamomum camphora(L.) Presl Determination of high molecular weight substance in ginkgo diterpene lactone extraction by HPSEC-RI Preparation and study in vitro of long-circulating nanoliposomes of curcumin Research Progresses on Genes Involved in Regulation of Plant Organ Size The distribution of chlorophyll a in the Southwestern Indian Ocean in summer Impacts of grid sizes on urban heat island pattern analysis Soil particle size distribution and its relationship with soil organic carbons under different land uses in the middle of Heihe river Study on an Improved Method of Realgar Processing Water ecology and fractal characteristics of soil particle size distribution of three typical vegetations in Shell Island Herbaceous Plant Species Diversity and Regeneration in Shrub Gaps in Huoshan Mountain of Shanxi Province Viewing Leaf Shape and Size Variation in Tobacco Plants under Different Temperatures from a Hydraulic Perspective Effects of host size and parasitism sequences on the parasitism strategies of Spalangia endius Biocontrol efficacy of apple tree valsa canker by endophytic actinomycetes Geographical distribution of cytotypes in the Chrysanthemum indicum complex as evidenced by ploidy level and genome-size variation Size-symmetric competition in a shade-tolerant invasive plant A phylogenetic subclade analysis of range sizes of endemic woody seed plant species of China: Trait conservatism, diversification rates and evolutionary models Production of male flowers does not decrease with plant size in insect-pollinated Sagittaria trifolia, contrary to predictions of size-dependent sex allocation Effects of seed characteristics and germination on invasiveness of Ageratina adenophora PTFE IRRADIATION CLEAVING AND HYPER\|FINE POWDER PROCESS Spatial variability of soil nutrients in paddy field and their appropriate sampling sizes Study on the seed weight and seed seize variation pattern and their biological sinificance in Podophylloideae (Berberidaceae) Development of a Size Measurement System for Pear Fruit Based on Image Processing Technology The Epidermal Characteristics of Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd and Their Significance Population Structure and Dynamics of Pinus tabulaeformis in Huoshan Mountain of Shanxi Province Quantitative Microcomputorization on Grading of Rare and Endangered Plants in China A Study on Size Hierachies of Individuals OF Elymus nutans Population under Different Densities Preparation process of apigenin particles by supercritical CO2 anti-solvent method Dynamic distribution of moistening agent in preparation of Andrographis paniculata granule by high shear wet granulation Optimization of self-microemulsifying drug delivery system of naringeninby Box-Behnken design and response surface method Preparation and study in vitro of 20 (S)-protopanaxadiol pharmacosomes Sample size calculation in clinical post-marketing evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine Study on preparation and tissue distribution of hydroxycamptothecin liposomes Reproductive allocation of three sympatric Comastoma(Gentianaceae)species