A Comparative Study on Photosynthetic Abilities of Puccinellia tenuiflora of Different Grown Years Photo-Ecological Characteristics of Six Broad-Leaved Species Including Heptacodium miconioides in the Tiantai Mountains in Zhejiang Province Changes of Leaf Photosynthetic Parameters in Leaves of Woonyoungia septentrionaLis and Tsoongiodendron lotungensis Under Different Growth-Irradiation Efect of foliage top-dressing of potassium on the photosynthetic rate of apple trees RESPONSE OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATE AND STOMATAL CONDUCTANCE OF RICE TO LIGHT INTENSITY AND CO2 CONCENTRATION IN NORTHERN CHINA CO2 DIFFUSIONAL AND STOMATAL LIMITATIONS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN AMOMUM VILLOSUM Effect of Elevated CO2 on Legume Plants With Nitrogen Fixation Effects of Natural High Temperature and Irradiation on Photosynthesis and Related Parameters in Three Arid Sandy Shrub Species Effects of Supplementary Uv-B Radiation on Net Photosynthetic Rate in the Alpine Plant Gentiana Straminea Photosynthetic characteristics of Prinsepia uniflora Batal. Study on the effect of photosynthetic bacteria liquid on the growth of sweet pepper The changes of photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate of maize seedling under soil progressive drought Comparative study on photosynthesis of medicinal plant Saposhnikovia divaricata in different periods Experiment with effects of increased surface ozone concentration upon winter wheat photosynthesis Photosynthetically and ecophysiological characteristics of Calligonum roborowasikii in different altitudes on the northern slope of Kunlun Mountain Photosynthetic Characteristics of Brassica juncea on Pb Polluted Soil with Different Fertilizations Leaf Senescence of Different Mung Bean Varieties during Their Late Growth Diurnal Variation of Eco-physiological and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Reynoutria japonica Photosynthetic Properties of Transgenic Wheat with Leaf Senescence-inhibition Gene PSAG12-IPT Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics of Planted Allium mongolicum Diurnal Photosynthetic Changes of Phragmites communis in the Wetland Lying in Beigushan Mountain of Zhengjian Prefecture Photosynthetic and Transpiration Characteristics and Their Affecting Factors of Houttuynia cordata Comparative Study of Photosynthetic and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Populus euphratica and P. pruinosa Photosynthetic and Transpiration Characteristics and Their Affecting Factors of Ephemeral Plant in the Desert Area of the Junggar Basin Effects of UV-B Radiation of Different Intensity on the Photosynthesis and the Dark Respiration of Alpine Plant Gentiana straminea EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON THE PHOTOSYNTHETIC PHYSIO-ECOLOGY OF 18-YEAR-OLD CHINESE FIR(CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA(LAMB.)HOOK.) A STUDY ON LIGHT UTILIZATION OF POPLAR-CROP INTERCROPPING SYSTEM THE EFFECT OF RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS ON PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OFROBINIA PSEUDOAEACIO SEEDLINGS CHARACTERISTICS AND MECHANISM OF DROUGHT TOLERANCE Of PLATlYCLADUS 0RJENTALJlS PROVENANCES Effects of Eleva ted CO2 Concentration on Photosynthetic Rate, Growth andDevelopment in Anthurium andraeanum Lind. Leaves Effects of Light quality on Growth and Light Utilization Characteristics in Ginger Study on leaf transpiration and stomatal structure of medicinal plant Tetrastigma hemsleyanum THE EFFECT OF LIGHT INTENSITY AND PINCHING OFF INFLORESCENCES ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATE AND DISTRIBUTION OF ASSIMILATES OF AMERICAN GINSENG Ecological and Biological Characteristics and Cutting Propagation of Hydrocotyle nepalensis Hook Responses of Net Photosynthetic Rate to Light Intensity and CO2 Concentration in Leaves of Wild and Cultivar Artemisia annua Comparative Studies on Relationships Between Proline Accumulation and Photosynthesis, Respiration and Chlorophyll Content of Some Plant Species in the Middle Part of the Desert Zone in China Effect of Chilling on Photosynthesis in Flag Leaves at Primary Heading Stage of F1 Hybrid Rice Cultivars and Their Parental Lines (Three Lines) Effects of simulated acid rain and its acidified soil on soluble sugar and nitrogen contents of wheat seedlings Effects of cinnamic acid on physiological characteristics of Cucumis sativus seedling Responses of larch seedling‘s photosynthetic characteristics to nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency Comparative study on daily change of photosynthesis rate of the rhizomatous grasses in milky ripe stage Effect of earthworms on the photosynthetic characteristics of wetland plants and their capacity to purify wastewater Responses of photosynthetic physiological characteristics of two transgenic cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) varieties to CO2 concentration Photosynthetic response of maize and soybean to the microclimatic in an agroforestry system Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Water Use Efficiency the Growth, Photosynthesis and in Tectona grandis Responses of Vegetative Growth and Photosynthesis to Temperature in the Invasive Species Alternanthera philoxeroides and Its Indigenous Congener A. sessilis Changes in Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Transpiration in Parakmeria omeiensis after Cutting Root and Branch in Different Seasons GAS EXCHANGE, CHLOROPHYLL AND NITROGEN CONTENTS IN LEAVES OF THREE COMMON TREES IN MIDDLE EUROPE UNDER TWO CONTRASTING LIGHT REGIMES STUDIES ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS IN RICE HYBRID PROGENIES AND THEIR PARENTS I. CHLOROPHYLL CONTENT, CHLOROPHYLL-PROTEIN COMPLEX AND CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE KINETICS INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT POTASSIUM LEVELS ON GROWTH,DEVELOPMENT AND PHYSIOLOGY IN CYMBIDIUM SINENSE FOLLOWING POTASSIUM STARVATI Research on Rewatering Post-Drought Growth Recovery Capacity and Physiological Characteristics of Different Maize Varieties Threshold Effect of Photosynthesis in Forsythia suspense to Soil Water and its Photosynthetic Productivity Grading in Spring and Summer Effect of N,P and K Fertilizers on Physiological Indicators and Yield Related to Wintering Period of Ryegrass Effect of Water Stress on Ultrastructures of Chloroplast and Mitochondria and Photosynthesis in Six Gramineous Grass Species Study on the Diurnal Variations of Photosynthetic Characteristics and Water Use Efficiency of Stipa bungeana Trin.Under Drought Stress Studies on Photosynthetic Carbon Assimilating Properties of Hybrid Wheats and Their Parents Effects of Molybdenum on Photosynthetic Characteristics in Winter Wheat under Low Temperature Stress The Photosynthetic Characteristics of Camellia euphlebia Photosynthetic Characteristics of Aegiceras comiculatum Seedlings under Fresh Water Adaptation Effects of Shading on the Photosynthesis Characteristics and Fruit Traits of Laiweili Raspberry Effects of Temperature on the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Dendrobium officinale (Orchidaceae) Photosynthetic Responses of Sch im a supe rba Grown in D ifferentL ight Reg imes of Subtropica l Evergreen Broadleaf Forest Study on Photosynthesis and Water Physiology of Cinnamomum septentrionale The Influence of Environment Factors on Photosynthetic and Transpiration Rate of Amorpha fruticosa in Maowusu Sandland Response of Linzhi Spruce‘ s Net Photosynthetic Rate to Environmental Factors in Tibet The Photosynthesis and Water Use Efficiency of Eight Garden Tree Species Effect of CO2 Concentration Doubling on Photosynthesis and Dry Matter Production in Different Growth Stages of Soybean Plant Study on the Relationship between 32P Absorption Vigour of Root Population and Canopy Apparent Photosynthetic Rate in Winter Wheat 青海高原植物生理生态学研究:Ⅱ.高寒草甸植物的光合作用 THE RESPONSE OF MIDDAY DEPRESSION OF DIURNAL VARIATION OF NET PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATE OF WHEAT LEAVES ON ECOLOGICAL FACTORS IN THE FIELD ENVIRONMENT OF QINGHAI PLATEAU A comparative study on chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence and diurnal course of leaf gas exchange of two ecotypes of banyan Physioecological characteristics of three species of pine Study on photosynthetic physio-ecological characteristics of five broad-leaf species Analysis of Primary Light Response Parameters of Machilus pauhoi from Different Provenances Photosynthetic Characteristics of Red-Leaf Tree Species in Amygdalus and Prunus Photosynthetic Characteristics of Three Cultivars of Almond(Amygdalus communis) Effect of Drought Hardening in Earlier Growing Stage on Water Utilization Efficiency of Millet Studies on the Dynamic Changes of the Photosynthetic Rates of the Leaves Duration the Course of the Growth and Development of Summer-Sown Corn(Zea Mays L.) Dynamic studies on photosynthetic and growth characteristics of Angecila dahurcia Effects of frequent uind-sand flow on photosynthesis and water metabolism of Pinus sylvestnis var. mongolica seedlings