Studies on Polyploid Breeding of Isatis indigotica Fort. Dodecaploid Plantlets Regenerated from Endosperm Culture of ‘Luotiantianshi’Persimmon Advances in Ploidy Breeding of Fruit Trees Review of the Research Associated with Heterosis and Polyploidization in Plants Isolation and Expression Analysis of DNA Methyltransferase Fragments in Populus×euramericana Chloroplast DNA variation within prairie cordgrass (Spartina pectinata Link) populations in the U.S. Phylogeny and molecular evolution of the DMC1 gene in the polyploid genus Leymus (Triticeae: Poaceae) and its diploid relatives Molecular and morphological evidence for a new grass genus, Dupontiopsis (Poaceae tribe Poeae subtribe Poinae s.l.), endemic to alpine Japan, and implications for the reticulate origin of Dupontia and Arctophila within Poinae s.l. Phylogenomics of polyploid Fothergilla (Hamamelidaceae) by RAD-tag based GBS—insights into species origin and effects of software pipelines The evolutionary fate of Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase 1 (P5CS1) genes in allotetraploid Brassica napus Phylogenetic relationships in Leymus (Triticeae; Poaceae): Evidence from chloroplast trnH-psbA and mitochondrial coxII intron sequences Geographical distribution of cytotypes in the Chrysanthemum indicum complex as evidenced by ploidy level and genome-size variation Spontaneous Generation and SSR Characterization of Polyploids from Ten Citrus Cultivars ISSR Analysis of Genetic Background of Polyploidy Seedless Siraitia grosvenorii and Their Parents ADVANCES ON STUDIES OF THE ORIGIN AND MOLECULAR EVOLUTION OF POLYPLOID PLANTS Polypioid breeding of medicinal plant Systematic Position and Polyploid Origin of the Fern Asplenium kiangsuense (Aspleniaceae) Cytology of Thirteen Taxa in the Genus Isodon (Lamiaceae: Nepetoideae) from China Progress on Gene Regulatory Mechanisms by Small RNAs during Plant Polyploidization Evolution of Internal Transcribed Spacer Region of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA in Allopolyploids of Aegilops Karyotype and cytogeography of the genus Heracleum (Apiaceae) in the Hengduan Mountains Glycosmis longipetala F. J. Mou & D. X. Zhang, a new species of Rutaceae from China Studies on Chromosomes of Eight Species of Allium from China Preliminary studies on sequence elimination of reciprocal allotetraploids from Cucumis hystrix and C. sativus IN VITRO INDUCTION OF POLYPLOID PLANTS FROM COLCHICINE-TREATED SINNINGIA SPECIOSA Detection of the DNA Methylation Difference Between the Triploid and Diploid Poplar Trees Analysis of Karyotypes of Prunus triloba and Four Related Species Analysis of Gene Expression Variation by cDNA-SCoT Technique at the Early Period of Arachis Artificial Allopolypoidy Evolution Molecular Mechanism for Phenotypic Mutation Arisen from Polyploidization in Plant Karyotype analysis and polyploidy in Palaua and a comparison with its sister group Fuertesimalva (Malvaceae) Phylogenetic and cytogenetic studies reveal hybrid speciation in Saxifraga subsect. Triplinervium (Saxifragaceae) Polyploid Mutant Seedlings Induction and Ploidy Identification of Chinese Fir Karyotype studies of Allium prattii among 4 populations in Southern Qinghai Effects of Different Mutagenic Treatments on the Polyploid Induction of Miscanthus sinensis Induction and biological significance of polyploidy in medicinal plants Polyploidy of Foeniculum vulgare induced by colchicine Studies on chromosome numbers of Salvia miltiorrhiza, S.flava and S.evansiana Obtaining of Ponkan (Citrus reticulata Blanco ) Tetraploid by Culturing Embryos of Mature Seeds Molecular-cytological Identification of Triploid Bermudagrass Chromosome Number Variation In Vitro Tetraploid Induction and Its Identif ication in Anthurium andraeanum Obtaining of Ponkan (Citrus reticulata Blanco ) Tetraploid by Culturing Embryos of Mature Seeds Effect of monocrotaline on induction of pancreatic cancer cell BxPC-3 into polyploid giant cells Breeding for triploids of Salvia miltiorrhiza and its sustainable utilization Genetic and Epigenetic Variation in the Cytotype Mixture Population of Actinidia chinensis Changes in Genome and Gene Expression During Plant Polyploidization igh Efficient Polyploid Induction of Cymbidium hybridium Effect of N+ Implantation on the Inducement of Polyploid Astragalus membranaceus(Fisch.) Bge. var. mongholicus(Bge.) Hsiao Effect of cold hardening on SOD,POD activities and on contents of MDA in different ploidy watermelon seedling Crossbreeding of Melilotoides ruthenicus and Medicago sativa Microsatellite Variation in Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat Research Progress on Stress Resistance in Polyploidy Plants Sequence Elimination and the Genomic Evolution of Allopolyploid Plants Chromosomal Study on Chinese Bupleurum L.(Apiaceae) The Progress of Polyploids Induced in vitro via Colchicine Selection And Breeding Of The New Mixoploid Lycium Chinense Miller Variety Tianjing 3 Applications of Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH/GISH) to Study the Origin and Evolution of Plant Polyploids Research Advances on Systematics of Avena (Pooideae, Poaceae) USE OF FLOW COTOMETRY FOR IDENTIFICATION OF PLOIDY IN APPLE STUDIES OF THE CHROMOSOME NUMBERS AND POLYPLOIDY FOR SOME PLANT IN THE NORTH-EAST QINGHAI-XIZANC PLATEAU The Morphological,Cytological and Molecular Identifications of Allopolyploids of Chinese Cabbage–Cauliflower Advances in Ploidy Breeding of Fruit Trees Establishment and Application of SCoT Molecular Marker System for Citrus Studies on Polyploid Induction of Caragana intermedia by Colchicine Studies on Polyploid Induction of Caragana intermedia by Colchicine ON THE KARYOTYPES IN SIX SPECIES OF CROTALARIA L. IN YUNNAN KARYOTYPE STUDIES AND OBSERVATION ON PLOID VARIATION IN FOUR CUCUMBER CULTIVARS(CUCUMIS SATIVUS L.) Observation on Morphology and Histology of Angelica dahurica (Fisch.ex Hoffm.) Hook.f.var. formosana (Boiss.)Shan et Yuan in the Process of in Vitro Cultivation and Polyploid Induction Study on Genomic Changes in Partial Amphiploids of Common Wheat Wheatgrass Systematic significance of cytology in Cyananthus (Campanulaceae) endemic to the Sino-Himalayan region In Vitro Tetraploid Induction and Its Identif ication in Anthurium andraeanum In Vitro Induction of Tetraploid from Mature Embryos of ‘Golden Delicious’ Apple Identification and Genetic Expressions of Lily Hybrids Obtained by Different Ploidy Cross Combinations Identification and Genetic Expressions of Lily Hybrids Obtained by Different Ploidy Cross Combinations Karyotypes of Five Leontopodium Species from the Southeastern QinghaiTibet Plateau, Southwest China Application of BSP Method to the Methylation Detection of BZIP17 Homologous Genes in Allotetraploid Raphanobrassica and Its Parents Spontaneous Generation and SSR Characterization of Polyploids from Ten Citrus Cultivars Differences in Salt Tolerance Between the Diploid and Autotetraploid ‘Hanfu’Apple ALLOZYME DIVERSITY IN POLYPLOID COMPLEX OF ARRHENATHERUM ELATIUS Polyploid Induction in Pear in vitro Treatment With Gamma-rays Preliminary Studies on Polyploidy Mutation of Cut Flower Gerbera jamesonii Bolus

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