Cloning and Characterization of a Differentially Expressed Phenylalanine Ammonialyase Gene (IiPAL) After Genome Duplication from Tetraploid Isatis indigotica Fort. Supplemental Cytogeographical Studies on the Scilla sinensis (Louriro) Merrill Complex in China Genomic evolutionary changes in Aegilops allopolyploids revealed by ISSR markers RAPD analysis on the genome evolution of polyploids in Brassica Karyotypes of 4 species in Allium sect. Haplostemon Boiss. from China The formation and evolution of polyploid genomes in plants A study on cytotaxonomy of Sect. Anguinum of Allium A Preliminary Study on the Polyploid Series and Cytogeography of Najas graminea Rapid propagation in vitro and polyploid induction of Astragalus complanatus Polyploid induction and identification of Oncidium Induction of Polyploid from Colchicine-Treated Fritillaria cirrhosa D.Don Callus Applications of Wide Hybridization and Allopolyploidization in Rice Breeding The Review and Prospect of Plant Polyploid Research The Chromosome Variation of Barnardia japonica Polyploid Complex Uncovered by Giemsa-C Banding Analysis on Leaf Morphology and Photosynthesis Physiology of Polyploidized Populus yunnanensis Seedlings Studies on Polyploid Induction in Anthurium andraeanum Using Oryzalin,Trifluralin and Colchicine POLYPLOID OF Dendranthema lavandulifolium INDUCED BY COLCHICINES Primary Study on Polyploid of Dendrobium Hybrid Induced by Colchicines Studies on the Chinese Woodsiaceae (3)—Phylogeny and Speciation Observations of Chromosomes of Malus Species in China Fruit Characters and Principal Component Analysis of Different Ploidy of Kiwifruit Cultivars(Actinidia Chinensis Planch) Effect of Polyploidization of Pear(Pyrus communis L.)on Shoot Regeneration Ability from in vitro Leaf Explants The genomic imprinting in ployploid plants Phylogenetic analysis of Ranunculus cantoniensis complex based on low-copy nuclear gene GBBSI Influence of colchicine on radicle growth of Vicia faba and the polyploid inductive effect Study on the polyploid in complex of Ranunculus cantoniensis and its allied species Cytological studies on the 19 taxa of Hedychium in China Analysis of DNA Methylation Patterns in Resynthesized Brassica napus and Diploid Parents Studies on the Induction of 2n Gamete in Chinese Cabbage and the Production of Tetraploid by Sexual Polyploidization Studies on the Induction of 2n Gamete in Chinese Cabbage and the Production of Tetraploid by Sexual Polyploidization Polyploid Induction in Pear in vitro Treatment With Gamma-rays The Establishment of Mutant Pool Using Anther Culture of Autotetrapolyploid Rice Studies on Polyploid Breeding of Achyranthea bidentata Bl. Historical retrospect and the perplexity on the studies of the Oryza polyploids Karyotype in fifteen populations belonging to thirteen species of Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) in China Karyotype studies on twenty-one populations of eight species in Allium section Rhiziridium A New Strategy of Rice Breeding in the 21st Century Ⅱ.Searching a New Pathway of Rice Breeding by Utilization of Double Heterosis of Wide Cross and Polyploidization Induction and Identification of Tetraploids in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. Genome Dosage Effect on Three Kinds of Isozyme Expression Patterns in Cucumis Regeneration of Hexaploid Plants of Cherry Dwarf Rootstock ‘Gisela 6‘ from in vitro Leave Treated with Colchicine Colchicines Chemical Induction During Propagaion of Protocorm-like Bodiesof Oncidium in Liquid Culture Polyploid Induction of Nobile-type Dendrobium Colchicines Induced Polyploid Plants and Their Identification in Three Species of Lagerstroemia indica The Gnetales: Recent insights on their morphology, reproductive biology, chromosome numbers, biogeography, and divergence times Chromosome changes after polyploidization in Triticeae Polyploidy and new chromosome counts in Anaphalis (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China Biosystematics and evolutionary relationships of perennial Triticeae species revealed by genomic analyses STUDY ON THE DOUBLING EFFECT OF COLCHICINE ON LEAVES in vitro OF APPLE SEEDLINGS Cytological Observation on Different Ploidy Plants of Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) Morphological, karyological and molecular delimitation of two gentians: Gentiana crassicaulis versus G. tibetica Morphology, distribution and chromosome counts of two varieties of Hedychium villosum (Zingiberaceae) DNA Methylation of polyploid complex of Pinellia ternata by MSAP analysis Tissue culture andpolyploidy induction of Morinda officinalis Breeding for triploids of Salvia miltiorrhiza and its sustainable utilization Comparison of 7 Genetic Similarity Coefficients Based on Microsatellite Markers in Rose Variety Studies on Polyploid Induction of Chinese Jujube with Colchicine Breeding of Erigeron breviscapus triploid and observation of biological properties Progress in research on inducing the polyploid of medicinal plants Optimization and preliminary study on the PCR-RFLP parameter of polyploidy Siraitia grosvenorii Dynamic change rules in fruit growth and mogrol glycoside content of Siraitia grosvenorii with different ploidies Breeding of Erigeron breviscapus triploid and observation of biological properties Research Progresses in Chromosome Doublings of Medicinal Plants Morphological and Physiological Characteristics in Cucumis Allopolyploids with Different Ploidy Level Clone and Sequence Analysis of rDNA ITS of Clintonia udensis Genetic Evolution of Clintonia udensis Trautv. Et Mey. Based on cpDNA Sequencing Studies of Karyotypes of Ranunculus cantoniensis Polyploid Complex and Its Allied Species Studies on polyploid induction of Phellodendron chinense Study on induction of polyploidy in Salvia bowleyana by colchicine treatment Studies on cytogeography of Pinellia ternata poliploid complex Induction of Polyploids on Mulberry in Tissue Culture POLYPLOID INDUCTION OF Populus HYBRID THROUGH ZYGOTIC CHROMOSOME DOUBLING WITH HIGH-TEMPERATURE TREATMENT POLYPLOID INDUCED OF Pinellia ternata BASED ON SUSPENDED CELL CULTURE: Ⅱ. INDUCTION OF POLYPLOID CELL BASED ON SINGLE-CELLED LEVEL VIA COLO AND REGENERATION OF POLYPLOID PLANTS Preliminarily Study on Formation and Cytological Mechanism of Unreduced Male Gametes in Different Ploidy Phalaenopsis Preliminarily Study on Formation and Cytological Mechanism of Unreduced Male Gametes in Different Ploidy Phalaenopsis Studies on Polyploid Induction in Anthurium andraeanum Using Oryzalin,Trifluralin and Colchicine ISSR Analysis of Genetic Background of Polyploidy Seedless Siraitia grosvenorii and Their Parents Changes of Gene Expression Pattern in Polyploid Plants PROGRESS OF APOMIXIS IN POACEAE Differences in Salt Tolerance Between the Diploid and Autotetraploid ‘Hanfu’Apple Study on polyploid induction of Lilium lancifolium in vitro with colchicine treatment