Relationship Between the Types of Flower-bud D ifferentiationand Forcing Successive Secondary Flowering of Tree Peonies Changes of Endogenous Hormones During the Process of Flower Bud Differentiation of Welsh Onion
Effects of GhMADS3 Gene Constitutive Expression on Flower Shape and Color of Petunia
Effects of Photoperiod on Floral Bud Differentiation and Flowering ofChrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. ‘J inba’ On the Classifica tion System of Prunus mume Cultivars Flower Bud Differentiation and Changes of Carbohydrate in New Shoots inAverrhoa carambola Cloning and Expression Analysis of Vernalization-related Gene BcFLC in Brassica campestris Obtaining and Identification of the Allotetraploid from 4x Flowering Chinese Cabbage × 4x Kailan Flower Bud Differentiation and Changes of Carbohydrate in New Shoots inAverrhoa carambola Expression Analysis of Ovule Identity Gene homads1 During in Vitro Flowering of Hyacinthus orientalis L. A New Early-maturity Cauliflower Hybrid ‘Jingyan 60’ Studies on the Senescence Process and Membrane-lipid Peroxidation of Cut Peony Flowers During the Vase-holding Morphological Differentiation of Flower Bud of Osmanthus fragrans ‘Zao Yingui‘ and ‘Xiaoye Sugui‘ Morphological Differentiation of Flower Bud of Osmanthus fragrans ‘Zao Yingui‘ and ‘Xiaoye Sugui‘ Effect of GSH Pretreatmen t on the Tolerance to Water Deficit Stress in Cut Rose ‘Samantha’and Related to Enhancement of GR Activity Combining Ability and Genetic Analysis of Yield Characters for Fragrant-flowered Garlic Inheritance of the Node for First Flower in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. ) In itia tion and Development of Flower Buds in Forsythia suspensa Effects of N-lauroylethanolamine Treatments on Vase-life and Membrane Permeability of Cut Carnation‘Red Barbara’Flowers Effects of Ultrasonic Wave on Water Condition and Membrane Stability of Cut Nymphaea caerulea Flower during Wet Storage Effects of Magnesium Def ic iency on Photosynthesis Characteristic of Flowering Chinese Cabbage Identification and Genetic Analysis of Photoperiod Insensitive Materials in Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) Cloning and Expression Analysis of GbMFT1 Gene in Gossypium barbadense L. Research Progresses on Photoperiodic Flowering and Maturity Genes in Soybean (Glycine max Merr.) Floral organogenesis in Hydrangea aspera (Hydrangeaceae) Schmeissneria: An angiosperm from the Early Jurassic Evolutionary pattern of the regulatory network for flower development: Insights gained from a comparison of two Arabidopsis species Studies on the Relativity Between Chi Pear (Pyrus bretschneideri) Embryo Development and Its Flowering, Fruiting Cloning of the Homeotic Gene fbp2 from Petunia hybrida and Its Effects in Tobacco Flower Comparison of Classical Models for Evaluating the Heat Requirements of Olive (Olea europeae L.) in Portugal Identification of Soybean Genes Involved in Circadian Clock Mechanism and Photoperiodic Control of Flowering Time by In Silico Analyses A Role for Auxin in Flower Development Determination of Anthocyanins and Exploration of Relationship between Their Composition and Petal Coloration in Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia hybrid) Instantaneous expression aFGF-GFP fusion gene in safflower Simultaneous determination of acteoside, oleanolic acid and ursolic acid in flower of Campsis grandiflora by HPLC Studies of floral biology, breeding characters of Lamium barbatum Floral dynamic and pollination habit of Fritillaria cirrhosa Development of Flower Organs in Sweet Cherry in Shanghai Area Efects of Plant Growth Regulators on Preservation of Nymphaea stellata Cut Flower Heredity and Expression of Foreign Genes in pinⅡ Transgenic FloweringChinese Cabbage Obtained by Vacuum Infiltration Studies on Metabolism of Active Oxygen during Senescence of Cut Gerbera Neck2bending Phenomena in Cut Gerbera Flower Heredity of Several Flower Characters in Dendranthema grandiflora witll SmallInflorescences Efect of Water Deficit Stress on Endopeptidase Activity in Petals of Cut Rose‘Belami’ Researches on Flower Bud Morphodiferentiation of Daphne odora var. narginata Efect of Two Flower Thinners on Pollination and Fertilization of Apple Efects of Laminarin on Preservation in Cut Carnation Flowers Genetic Transformation of Flowering Stalk、vith Snowdrop Lectin Gene(GNA) Identification of RAPD and SCAR Markers Linked to the Single2double FlowerGene in Japanese Apricot ( Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc. ) A Study on Morphological Differentiation of Flower Bud of Osmanthus fragrans‘Houban Jingui’ Studies on the Changes of DNA Methylation Level, GA Content and Protein inNon-heading Chinese Cabbage during Vernalization ‘Qintai 1’—New Flowering Chinese Cabbage Variety by Male Sterile Line Effect of Shade on Nitrogen Metabolism and Its Mechanism in Cotton Plant at Flowering and Boll-forming Stage QTL Mapping of Agronomic and Quality Traits in Soybean under Different Post-Flowering Photoperiods Evaluation of Drought Tolerance and Fertility Traits for Rice Maintainer Lines Extensively Used in China Characterization of the Tomato Prosystemin Promoter: Organ-Specific Expression, Hormone Specificity and Methyl Jasmonate Responsiveness by Deletion Analysis in Transgenic Tobacco Plants The wheat MYB-related transcription factor TaMYB72 promotes flowering in rice Male Flowers and Relationship between Plant Size and Sex Expression in Herbaria of Nomocharis Species (Liliaceae) Comparison of Floral Organ Morphological Development between Single and Double Flowers in Nelumbo nucifera Differences in Heat Requirements of Flower and Leaf Buds Make  Hysteranthous Trees Bloom before Leaf Unfolding The Influence of Temperature and Humidity on Stylar Curvature in Amomum tsaoko (Zingiberaceae) Effects of Soilapplied Paclobutrazol on the Vegetative and Reproductive Growth of Biofuel Plant Jatropha curcas Overexpression of WRKY25 Causes Early Flowering in Arabidopsis under Longday Conditions A Preliminary Study on Geographical Variations in Floral Traits of Halenia elliptica (Gentianaceae) Based on Herbaria A Study on Characters Variation of Different Flower Color Groups of Paeonia delavayi (Paeoniaceae) Isolation and identification of two sesquiterpenes from flowers of Carthamus tinctorius Chemical constituents from flowers of Rosa chinensis Simultaneous determination for contents of naringin, hesperidin, and neohesperidin in flower of Citrus changshan-huyou by RP-HPLC Comparison on the Chemical Constituents of Chuanhonghua I with Jianyang Honghua Studies on Chemical Constituents in Dried Buds of Lonicera similis Hemsl. Comparative studies on different germplasms of Platycodon grandiflorum -their intercross and new types and differentiation of flower and seed color ChemicaI constituents isolated from flowers of AIthaca rosea Contents of effective components in flowers of Eriobotrya japonica Researched on morphological differentiation of flower bud in early stage of red flesh navel orange BREEDING SYSTEM OF LAMIUM AMPLEXICAULE STUDIES ON FORMATION OF FLOWER BUD AND FLOWERING IN VITRO IN PHYSALIS PERUVIAM L. 小花草玉梅变态花的形态学研究——I.变态花的形态学观察 DEVELOPMENTAL ANATOMY OF THE FLOWER IN CORNUS OFFICINALIS Isolation and Expression of APETALA2 Transcription Factor Gene in Betula platyphylla Effect of multi-effects triazole(MET)on plant characters and photosynthetic efficiency of leguminous forage in initial flowering stage