GGE-Biplot Analysis on Gene Expression of Seven Key Genes Mediating Biosynthesis of Steroidal Glycoalkaloid in Potato Studies on Dynamic Change of Alkaloids Contents and Expression of the Associated Biosynthetic Genes in Catharathus roseus Leaves Effects of three compounds on the growth, development and pathogenic ability of Meloidogyne incognita A STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT WITH DROUGHT RESISTANCE OF WHEAT VARIETY THROUGH CROSSES BETWEEN OCTOPLOID TRITIELYTRIGIA TYPES AND TRITICUM AESTIVUM STUDY ON SECONDARYMETABOLITES IN THE TISSUECULTURE OF FRITILLARIA PALLIDIFLORAE SCHRENK Creation of new resistanceamphidiploid betweenT.carthlicum and Ae.tauschii. Phytohormoneinduced haploid and tetraploid cells ofcallus culture in the tissue culture of Vicia faba Studies on yellow rust resistance of T.aestivum Th.intermedium alien disomic addition lines RESEARCH ON SYNTHESIS,DISEASE RESISTANCE AND CYTOGENETICS OF AMPHIDIPLOID WITH A PAIR OF DISATILLITE CHROMOSOMES FROM TRITICUM DURUM-HAYNALDIA VILLOSA Development of immunochromatographic colloid gold strip for rapid detection of cucumber angular leaf spot USE OF FLOW COTOMETRY FOR IDENTIFICATION OF PLOIDY IN APPLE COMPARISON OF DROUGHT RESISTANT PHYSIOLOGICAL INDEX FOR WINTER WHEAT 12057 MONOSOMICS AND ITS EUPLOID STUDIES OF THE CHROMOSOME NUMBERS AND POLYPLOIDY FOR SOME PLANT IN THE NORTH-EAST QINGHAI-XIZANC PLATEAU A STUDY ON THE CROSS-BREEDING BETWEEN OCTOPLOID TRITIELYTRIGIA TYPES AND TRITICUM AESTIVUM THE RELATION BETWEEN MORE SPIKELET AND HIGE MOLECULAR WEIGHT SUBUNIT COMPOSITIONS IN HEXAPLOID WHEAT STUDY ON CYTOGENETICS AND CHARACTERS OF F_1 HYBRIDS BY CROSSING OCTOPLOID TRITICALE AND WHEAT Karyotypes of 15 Introduced Bramble Cultivars (Rubus) Variation of Mature Phenotype and Anlage Differentiation of Floret for Tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia Change of Endogenous Plant Hormones of Vitrificated Plants of Hybrid Aspen by Tissue Culture A Method for Direct Determination of Ploidy Level of Somatic Cells in Different Layers of Cytochimeral Tissue of Pelargonium zonale Embryo Rescue of Interspecific Hybrids between Wild Diploid Dendranthema Species and Dendranthema morifolium Transformation and Expression of Two Insect-Resistant Genes to Hybrid Triploid of Chinese White Poplar Studies on Watermelon Ploidy Revertant Studies on Watermelon Ploidy Revertant Resistance Evaluation of Tomato Rootstocks and Cultivars ( Lycopersiconesculentum ) to Southern Root-knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita ) Study on Differences of Photosynthetic Characteristics in Diploid and Tetraploid of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage Breeding of the New Chinese Cabbage ‘Duowei 462’ Study on Differences of Photosynthetic Characteristics in Diploid and Tetraploid of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage Breeding of the New Chinese Cabbage ‘Duowei 462’ Two New Vavieties of Lilium oriental L. ‘Hongyun 3’and‘Hongyun 5’ A Linkage Map Construction for Chinese Cabbage Based on AFLP, SSR, RAPD and Isozyme Markers Using DH Population Ameliorative effect of exogenous Ca2+and GA3 on Peganum harmala alkaloid inhibition in germinating cucumber seeds The Gnetales: Recent insights on their morphology, reproductive biology, chromosome numbers, biogeography, and divergence times Developing DNA barcodes for species identification in Podophylloideae (Berberidaceae) Chromosome changes after polyploidization in Triticeae Polyploidy and new chromosome counts in Anaphalis (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China Biosystematics and evolutionary relationships of perennial Triticeae species revealed by genomic analyses Study of transpiration and water consumption of triploid Populus tomentosa at individual tree and stand scales by using thermal dissipation technology Factors that affected nitrogen fixation by the addition of phosphorus, iron, and colloids in the surface water of the Beibu Gulf in spring, 2007 The survival and escape of Agrobacterium tumefaciens in triploid hybird lines of Chinese white poplar transformed with two insect-resistant genes The effects of harvest on transformation of plant life cycle forms of Catharanthus roseus Effects of colloids with different origin and size on the growth of photosynthetic bacteria Development of Specific Monoclonal Antibodies and Colloidal Gold Test Strips for Zeranol Analysis of the Level and Pattern of Genomic DNA and Methylation in Diploid and Autotetraploid of Atractylodes lancea (Thunb.) DC. by MSAP Study on Tetraploids Induction by Different Mutagens in Garlic Reactive Oxygen Metabolism and Response to Meloidogyne incognita Infection in Tomato ‘Ls-89’ and ‘Banzhen 2’ Rootstock Seedlings Applications of Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH/GISH) to Study the Origin and Evolution of Plant Polyploids Research Advances on Systematics of Avena (Pooideae, Poaceae) Cytotoxic Components from the Roots of Atalantia buxifolia (Poir.) Oliv. Phytoactivity and Antifungal Activity of Total Alkaloids from Stem of Cyperus iria Cytological Identification and Breeding Course of Hevea ‘Yunyan 77-2’ and ‘Yunyan 77-4’ The Response of Enzymatic Active Oxygen Scavenging System in Leaves of Buchloe dactyloides to Differences Photoperiod Preliminarily Study on Aloina Kindb.and Pterygoneurum Jur.(Pottiaceae,Bryophyta) in Hebei Province,China Karyotype Analysis of Rosa laxa,Modern Rose and Their Interspecific Hybrids Cloning of a novel chitinase gene TlChi46 from Trichoderma longibrachiatum parasitizing on Meloidogyne incognita eggs Biocontrol potential of chitinase-producing nematophagous fungus Acremonium implicatum against Meloidogyne incognita Physiological effect of signal substances in tomato plants induced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Mass Losses and Nitrogen and Phosphorous Dynamics during the Decomposition of Different Organic Residues of Triploid Populus tomentosa Comparison of 7 Genetic Similarity Coefficients Based on Microsatellite Markers in Rose Variety Creation of Triploid Citrus Plants by Crossing Elite Allotetraploid SomaticHybrid Pollen Parents with Diploid Cultivars An AFLP-based Genetic Linkage Map of Chinese Cabbage Using DoubleHaploid (DH) Population A Linkage Map Construction for Chinese Cabbage Based on AFLP, SSR, RAPD and Isozyme Markers Using DH Population Self-hybridized Triploids Derived from 2n Gametes Induced by Colchicine inPummelo Establishment of the Exogenous Gene Expression System Based on Atropabelladonna Hairy Roots Resistance Evaluation of Tomato Rootstocks and Cultivars ( Lycopersiconesculentum ) to Southern Root-knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita ) STUDIES ON THE POLLEN CULTURE OF ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS L. AND PLANT REGENERATION CYTOLOGICAL OBSERVATION OF MICROSPOROGENESIS AND POLLEN DEVELOPMENT IN OCTOPLOID A GROTRITlCUM, T. TURGIDUM AND THEIR HYBRID APPROACH TO GROWTH AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS IN OCTAPLOID PANICUM MILIACEUM L. Karyotypes of six populations of Lycoris radiata and discovery of the tetraploid Genomic evolutionary changes in Aegilops allopolyploids revealed by ISSR markers Chromosome numbers of some Populus taxa from China Meiosis observation and chromosome configuration analysis of Magnolia denudata RAPD analysis on the genome evolution of polyploids in Brassica Phylogenetic relationships among diploid species of Oryza officinalis complex revealed by multiple gene sequences Karyotypes of 4 species in Allium sect. Haplostemon Boiss. from China The formation and evolution of polyploid genomes in plants The discovery of triploid Lycoris sprengeri Comes ex Baker from Anhui, China A study on cytotaxonomy of Sect. Anguinum of Allium Relationship Between Occurrence of Bulbils and Chromosome Number and Ploidy in Pinellia (Araceae) The Discovery of Diploid Lycoris radiata (L′Her.) Herb. from Anhui