Terpenoid Indole Alkaloids Biosynthesis and Metabolic Engineering in Catharanthus roseus Effects of oxalate on acid phosphatase adsorption and its activity on soil colloids and minerals Dynamics of indole alkaloids in wheat varieties with various resistance to wheat aphid Sitobion avenae Effect of acetic acid on adsorption of acid phosphatase by some soil colloids and clay minerals Effect of low molecular weight organic acids on Pb2+ adsorption and desorption by constant charge soil colloids Grain yield and water use efficiency of diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheats Effects of different water conditions on life cycle forms and physiological metabolisms of Catharanthus roseus A NEW SPECIES OF ARCYRIA MYXOMYCETES A COMPARISON STUDY BETWEEN MEDICINAL PLANT UNCARIA RHYNCHOPHYLLA(MIQ.) MIQ. EX HAVIL. AND UNCARIA RHYNCHOPHYLLOIDES HOW CHENGIOPANAX-A NEW GENUS OF ARALIACEAE Study on Factors Affecting Embryo Rescue of Seedless Grape Isoenzyme Analyses of Progenies of the Crosses of Cucumis Species with Different Ploidities Male Gametophyte Development in Autotetraploid Radish Population Survival Status and Chemical Characterization of Wild Phellodendron amurense Rupr. in China Fertility Spontaneously Restoring of Inflorescence and Chromosome Doubling by C hemical Treatment in Maize Haploid The Breeding and Identification of Haploid Inducer with High Frequ-ency Parthenogenesis in Maize Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of the Leaf Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cytological Observation on Different Ploidy Plants of Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) Study on the Genetics Characters of Hu18, a Haploid Indica Rice Progeny Subcultured for 11 Years A New Trisomic in Soybean Selection of Semigamy Material VSg-1 in Cotton and Its Application in Breeding Research Studies on the Effect of Bleeding Sap of Towel Gourd(Luffa Cylindrica Roem)on Rice Anther Culture Structure and Fertilization of Embryo Sac in Intersubspecific Hybrids of Autotetraploid Rice BIOLOGICAL AND PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF LOW PHYTIC ACID MAIZE INBRED LINE MUTANT POLYPLOID OF Dendranthema lavandulifolium INDUCED BY COLCHICINES TETRAPLOID INDUCTION BY COLCHICINE AND IDENTIFICATION IN Cymbidium INTERSPECIFIC HYBRIDS Inducement of Tetraploid of Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim BY Colchicine Primary Study on Polyploid of Dendrobium Hybrid Induced by Colchicines Variation and Vitality of Seed Embryos from Tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia TETRAPLOID INDUCTION OF Lilium davidii var.unicolor THROUGH COLCHICINE TREATMENT Establishment of High Efficiency System in Wheat Haploid from Wheat×Maize STUDY ON COLCHIPLOID OF P.Tricuspidata INDUCED BY COLCHICINES THE DETERMINATION OF MULTIPLOIDY OF ARTIFICIALLY INDUCED AUTOTETRAPLOID Muscate humbury Effect of cucumber stock on growth and propagation of Meloidogyneincognita and its relation with root exudates Effects of curing methods on conversion rate of nicotine and TSNAs contents of tobacco Polymorphism of Glu-1 locus in hexaploid triticale germplasm resources Effect of different organic materials on specific surface areaand charge property of black soil colloid EFFECTS OF CULTURE CONDITIONS ON THE ALKALOID YIELD OF Fritllarla ussurensis MAXIM FROM BULB in vitro PRODUCTION OF WHEAT HAPLOIDS USING ANTHER CULTURE AND WHEAT×MAIZE HYBRIDIZATION TECHNIQUE PLANT REGENERATION FROM PROTOPLASTS OF HAPLOID INDUCED BY IRRADIATION IN APPLE TECHNIQUES OF RADIATION INDUCED HAPLOID BREEDING OF WHEAT STUDY ON THE DOUBLING EFFECT OF COLCHICINE ON LEAVES in vitro OF APPLE SEEDLINGS Study on the Effect of Killing Snail with Pachysandra terminalis Changes of Gene Expression Pattern in Polyploid Plants Study on the Resources of Medicinal Macrofungi in the Dabie Mountain of Henan The Karyptype Analysis of Triploid Poplar The Effects of Dark and Light on Growth and Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics in Cell Culture of Catharanthus roseus (L.)G.Don Genetic Dissection of Vascular Bundle Systems in Peduncle and Panicle Characters in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) by Means of RFLP Markers Genetic Analysis of Grain Plumpness of Rice Using a DH Population Derived from an Indica/Japonica Cross Synthesis and Preliminary Characterization of A New Species (Amphidiploid) in Cucumis Graft Compatibility among Actinidia Species and Screening Rootstocks Resistant to Root-Knot Nematodes PROGRESS OF APOMIXIS IN POACEAE PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF CULTURED FRITILLARIA PUQIENSIS DURING BULB ORGANOGENESIS STUDIES ON THE MORPHOLOGICAL AND CYTOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PONKAN (CITRUS RETICULATA BLANCO)MIXOPLOID PROGRESS AND PROSPECT OF GAMETO-SOMATIC HYBRIDIZATION IN ANGIOSPERM Plant Regeneration from Allotriploid (O.sativa×O.minuta) Hybrid Protoplast Studies on the Relationship between the Range of Seeding Dates and the Yield Stability of Some New Octoploid Triticale cultivars Photoautotrophic Growth of Tube-plantlets Derived from Elite Autotetraploid Rice Individuals of Hybrid Progenies under Open Condition Cytogenetic Study on the Formation of Amphiploids in the F_1 Hybrids of Triticurn carthlicum Nevskivar and Aegilops tauschii Cosson APPLICATION OF FAB-MS / MS TECHNIQUE IN STRUCTURAL DETERMINATION OF SARCORUCININE A AND A1 THE MEDICINAL PLANT RESOURCES OF CHINESE ACONITUM AND DELPHINIUM Study on the effect of continuous cropping on the growth of eggplant seedlings Currentprogress 0f studies on Cistanche tubulosa Root biomass distribution of triploid Populus tomentosa under wide- and narrow-row spacing planting schemes and its responses to soil nutrients Factors affecting activation and transference of soil colloidal phosphorus and related analysis technologies. Source identification and potential ecological hazards assessment of trace metalloid/heavy metals in the soil of Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, China. Photosynthetic activity of Gloiopeltis furcata (intertidal red macroalga) in response to desiccation. Effects of irrigation with paper mill effluent on growth and nutrient status of Populus tomentosa seedlings Chemical Constituents of Near Ripe Fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa var. bodinieri The Characters of Pollen Grains and Stomatal Apparatus in Hibiscus L. in Relation to the Ploidy A Comparision among Natural Variations of Dioscorea zingiberensis APORPHINE ALKALOIDS OF LITSEA ROTUNDIFOLIA AND L. ROTUNDIFOLIA VAR. OBLONGIFOLIA ALLOZYME DIVERSITY IN POLYPLOID COMPLEX OF ARRHENATHERUM ELATIUS Domestication and Exploiting Perspective of Hibiscus hamabo Studies on Interspedcific Relationship between Two Chalcid flies on Bamboo Mocecular Marker-assisted Selection for Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum Race 1 in Tetraploid Watermelon Mocecular Marker-assisted Selection for Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum Race 1 in Tetraploid Watermelon A New Broccoli Cultivar‘Hailü’ A New Broccoli Cultivar‘Hailü’ Spontaneous Generation and SSR Characterization of Polyploids from Ten Citrus Cultivars