High Efficient and Extensive Production of Triploid Citrus Plants by Crossing Polyembryonic Diploids with Tetraploids A New Seedless Watermelon Cultivar‘Golden Orchid’ A New Seedless Watermelon Cultivar‘Golden Orchid’ CYTOLOGICAL IDENTIFICATIONS ON THE PROBLEMS ON EXPLOITATION AND PROTECTION OF SUBTROPICAL NATURAL FOREST OF CHINA ON THE KARYOTYPES IN SIX SPECIES OF CROTALARIA L. IN YUNNAN KARYOTYPE STUDIES OF NARCISSUS TAZETTA VAR CHINENSIS CYTOLOGICAL OBSERVATION ON HYBRID-EMBRYO-DERIVED CALLI AND REGENERATED PLANTS OF HORDEUM VULGARE×TRITICUM AESTIVUM KARYOTYPE STUDIES AND OBSERVATION ON PLOID VARIATION IN FOUR CUCUMBER CULTIVARS(CUCUMIS SATIVUS L.) DISCOVERY OF SPONTANEOUS TRIPLOID OF ALLIUM TUBEROSUM PRELIMINARY STUDY ON GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS AND SOME ECONOMIC CHARACTERS OF ARTIFICIALLY INDUCED TRIPLOID LOTUS PLANT RESOURCES AND ITS EXPLOITATION, UTILIZATION OF THE GENUS MISCANTHUS IN ANHUI PROVINCE Antifeedant Effects of Alkaloids from Sophora alopecuroids on the Feeding Behavior of Plagiodera versicolora Phenotypic Observation and Analysis of Inflorescence Variation of Autotetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia Fingerprints of SSR Markers and Ploidy Detection for New Populus Varieties Detection of the Molecular Marker and Chromosomal Segment linked to Unreduced Gamete Gene in Common Wheat THE ALKALOIDS OF RAUWOLFIA YUNNANENSIS TSIANG THE REGENERATI0N OF PLANTLETS FR0M Y0UNG HAPL0ID RICE S0MATIC EXPLANT AND THE REGULATI0N OF PLANT H0RMONE ALKALOIDS OF CORYDALIS DELAVAYI FRANCH Types of Deserts in China and Their Economic Exploitation STUDY ON THE APPLICATION OF ESTERASE PHENOTYPES IN THE TAXONOMY OF MELOIDOGYNE SPP. Pollen Morphology of Morus atropurpurea with Different Ploidies A Comparative on the Plant Endogenous Hormones of Transgenic and Non-Transgenic Hybrid Aspen Tissue-Cultured Plantlets Identification and Variation of Tetraploid Camellia oleifera Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) Affecting Yield and Fiber Properties in Chromosome 16 in Cotton Using Substitution Line Establishment of in Vitro Regeneration System of Triploid Chinese White Poplar Breeding of the new wheat variety,Zaoyou 504,suitable for interplant and multiple cropping Correlative Analysis of the Relationship of the Comprehensive Exploitation the Rural Energy Resources and the Development of the Rural Economy in Huabei Plain Studies on the resources exploitation and sustainable development in the poor areas of China The exploitation and utilization of wild vegetable resources in Henan Province Controlling technique of Spartina alterniflora Loisel in mangrove-spartina ecotones Ecotourism exploitation model in Bita Lake Natural Reserve of Yunnan Convergent adaptation of desert plants to their arid habitats Geographic Distrbution and Botanical Characters of3 Armeniaca Plant in China Effects of Water Stress on Biomass and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Tetraploid Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) Clones Annua l Change of So il Nutr ients in Tr iplo id Popu lus tom en tosaPlan ta tion and Its Correla tion with Tree Growth Effect of nitrogen on growth and total alkaloids of Sophora flavescens Rapid propagation in vitro and polyploid induction of Astragalus complanatus Polyploid induction and identification of Oncidium Spatial variation of ergot alkaloids in drunken horse grass infected by Neotyphodium gansuense Cytological Effect of 60Coγ Ray Irradiation on Buchloe dactyloides Dry Seeds Crossbreeding of Melilotoides ruthenicus and Medicago sativa Genomic Variation in F1 Hybrid and Amphidiploid between Aegilops tauschii and Secale cereale Doubling Efficiency of Maize Haploids Treated by Different Herbicides Microsatellite Variation in Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat Effect of Soil Water Deficit and High Temperature on Leaf Cuticular Waxes and Physiological Indices in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Leaf Identification of a High-Yield Introgression Locus from Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat in Chuanmai 42 Changes in the Pattern of Organization of Microtubules during Meiosis in Pollen Mother Cell (PMC) of Autotetraploid Rice
FISH Analysis of Resynthesized Allotetraploid Arabidopsis
THE EFFECT OF GAMETOCIDAL CHROMOSOME 2C DERIVED FROM AEGILOPS CYLINDRYCA ON MEIOSIS AND MITOSIS OF POLLEN GRAINS OF TRITICALE MEDICINAL PLANT RESOURCES OF FOREST REGION IN HEILONGJIANG PROVINCE AND THEIR DISTRICTING Cloning and Expression of cDNA Encoding Key Enzymes (DXR,SLS,G10H and STR) in Terpene Indole Alkaloids Biosynthesis Pathway from Catharanthus roseus Preliminary Study on Anther Culture of Erigeron breviscapus Profiles of Purine Metabolism and Purine Alkaloid Biosynthesis in Schima and Eurya Plants Dynamic changes of alkaloid content in aerial part of Sophora alopecuroides at different phenological phases Effect of naphthalencacetic acid and 2, 4-dicholorophenoxyacetic acid on callus cell ploidy and secondary metabolites of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Charcoal Analysis and Fire Changes at Dongganchi of Fangshan in Beijing Since 15000 Years B.P Study of Sesquiterpene Alkaloids from Tripterygium wilfordii (IV) Anatomy, Histochemistry and Phytochemistry of Leaves inAloe vera var. chinensis Revealing the F-actin Networks in Interphase Nuclei of Garlic Clove Cells by Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy Research Advances on Steroidal Glycoalkaloids Cloning and Expression Analysis of Actin Gene in Cinnamomum camphora Landscape assessment on wetland degradation during thirty years in Jiansanjiang region of Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China Leaf nutrient diagnosis of triploid Populus tomentosa with DRIS Controlling tomato root-knot nematode disease by incorporating winter wheat straw to soil Growing dynamic root system of Aquilaria malaccensis and Aquilaria sinensis seedlings in response to different fertilizing methods Property of root distribution of triploid Populus tomentosa and its relation to root water uptake under the wide-and-narrow row spacing scheme STUDIES ON THE FREQUENCY OF HAPLOID WHEAT INDUCED BY. Ae.kotschyi CYTOPLASM 1B/1R TRANSLOCATION LINES POLLEN MORPHOLOGY AND VIABILITY OF CROCUS SATIVUS L. Studieson transfer germplasm from Thinopyrum bessarabicumand Thinopyrum elongatum into common wheat Karyotype studies of Allium prattii among 4 populations in Southern Qinghai Analysis and contents mensurate of alkaloid in liquorice Ovule Abortion and Its Mechanism for Tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia Advances in Studies on Water-Level-Fluctuation Zone Studies on the Hexaploid Interspecific Hybrid and Its Backcross with Cultivarsin Strawberry A New Kiwifruit Variety‘Jinxia’ A New Pear Cultivar—— ‘Huagai rang’
Observation and Comparison on Pollen Morphology of Different Ploidy Watermelon Regeneration of Dodecapioid Plants from in Vitro Leave of ‘Luotian Tianshi‘ Persimmon Treated with Colchicine Immunity Coloidal Gold Localization of Calmodulin in Cucumber Young LeafCells