Studies on sampling strategies of sweet potato core germplasm based on morphological traits Construction of Core Collection of Melon Landraces in Xinjiang Constructing Core Collection of Erianthus arundianceus Based on Phenotype and Molecular Markers Radiation Sensitivity Analysis of Wheat Mini Core Collections based on γ-rays irradiation Constructing pre-core collection of Cynodon dactylon based on phenotypic data Genetic Diversity Analysis and Construction of Seed Watermelon Core Germplasm Resources by SSR Combining Agronomic Traits and Molecular Marker Data for Constructing Malus sieversii Core Collection Combining Agronomic Traits and Molecular Marker Data for Constructing Malus sieversii Core Collection Cold Tolerance Identification at Germination Stage of Cucumber Core Germplasm Establishment of Peanut Core Collection in China Analysis of Adaptability of Soybean Mini Core Collections in Huang-Huai Region Association Analysis of Agronomic Traits and Resistance to Aspergillus flavus in the ICRISAT Peanut Mini-Core Collection Genetic Diversity Analysis of Germplasm Resources and Construction of Mini-core Collections for Vicia faba L. at Home and Abroad Representative Test for Primary Core Collection of Summer Sowing Soybeans in Huanghuai Region of China Identification of Gly m Bd 28K and Gly m Bd 30K Lacking Soybean by Using Random Sampling of Core Collection in Soybean AFLP Analysis of Genetic Diversity and a Construction of the core Collection of Partial Ancient Ginkgo Trees in China Preliminary Construction of Core Collection of Betula platyphylla Germplasm A Preliminary Study on Construction of High-Quality Core Collection of Populus nigra An Efficient Method of Sampling Core Collection from Crop Germpl-asm Methods of Constructing Core Collection of Crop Germplasm by Comparing Different Genetic Distances, Cluster Methods and Sampling Strategies Adaptability and Phenotypic Variation of Agronomic Traits in Mungbean Core Collection under Different Environments in China Studies on Sampling Schemes of Core Collection of Canarium album L. in Eastern Guangdong, China Establishment and Analyses of a genetic diversity fixed core collection of cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.) Identification of Glyphosate-tolerance in Soybean Mini-core Collection Construction of Primary Core Collection of Grape Genetic Resources Evaluating on the core collection of sugarcane hybrids based on important agronomic traits and analyzing their genetic relationships Genotyping MybA Genes in Primary Core Collection of Grape Genetic Resources Construction of Primary Core Collection of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Based on Agronomic Traits in Shanxi Province Review of the studies on core collection for horticultural crops Genetic diversity analysis and a core collection construction in Chinese rice bean(Vigna umbellata) Establishment of China’s Miscanthus sinensis Primary Core Collection Diversity characterization and association analysis of agronomic traits in a Chinese peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) mini-core collection Representativeness of Northeast China spring soybeans and their genetic diversity at SSR loci Characteristics of Yunnan Province rice landrace core collections under phosphorus deficiency A Method for Establishing Core Collection of Pleurotus ostreatus Cultivated in China Based on SSR Markers Establishment of Peach Primary Core Collection Based on Accessions Conserved in National Fruit Germplasm Repository of Nanjing Characterstics of nitrogen and phosphorus efficiency of core collection for rice landraces in Yunnan,China Establishment of Candidate Core Collection in Chinese Mungbean Germplasm Resources Establishment, Representative Testing and Research Progress of Soybean Core Collection and Mini Core Collection Strategy of Sampling for Pre-Core Collection of Sugarcane Hybrid Development of the study on germplasm resources of medicinal plants: construction of core collection Phenotypic Diversity Evaluations of Foxtail Millet Core Collections Elemental Content in Brown Rice by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Reveals the Evolution of Asian Cultivated Rice Development of a Core Set from a Large Rice Collection using a Modified Heuristic Algorithm to Retain Maximum Diversity Simple Sequence Repeat Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Primary Core Collection of Peach (Prunus persica) Genetic Diversity of Soybean and the Establishment of a Core Collection Focused on Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Phenotypic Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa) Core Collection and Its Comprehensive Assessment Method of Establishing Ramie Core Collection Identification of Molecular Markers Associated with Seed Dormancy in Mini Core Collections of Chinese Wheat and Landraces Comparison of Genetic Diversity between Peanut Mini Core Collections from China and ICRISAT by SSR Markers
Development and Evaluation of Peanut Germplasm with Resistance to Aspergillus flavus from Core Collection
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Black Sesame(Sesamum indicum DC) Core Collection of China Using SRAP Markers Establishment of canditate core collection of Artemisia annua from China Development of a Core Collection of Processing Tomato Germplasms and Analysis of Genetic Background AFLP Analysis of Genetic Diversity and a Construction of the core Collection of Partial Ancient Ginkgo Trees in China Genetic Diversity Analysis and Primary Core Collection Construction in Yam (Dioscorea opposita Thunb.) by ISSR Marker Studies on the Methods of Establishing Cucumber Core Collection Based on RAPD Analysis A Core Collection of Chinese Traditional Carrot Germplasm Advances in Research of the Malus sieversii (Lebed.)Roem. Advances in Research of the Malus sieversii (Lebed.)Roem. Construction of Sugarcane Hybrids Core Collection by Using Stepwise Clustering Sampling Approach with Molecular Marker Data Establishment of Saccharum spontaneum L. Core Collections Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Germplasm Resources of Anticancer Plant Rabdosia rubescens (Labiatae) Development of Core Collection of Osmanthus fragrans Lour.Cultivars Based on AFLP Molecular Markers Construction of core collection and genetic diversity of landrace rice resources (Oryza sativa) in Guangxi Sampling Strategy for an Applied Core Collection of Gaozhou Wild Rice(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)in Guangdong Province of China A Method for Establishing Core Collection of Pleurotus ostreatus Cultivated in China Based on SSR Markers Studies on the Methods of Establishing Cucumber Core Collection Based on RAPD Analysis Wheat Leaf Rust Resistance in 28 Chinese Wheat Mini-Core Collections

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