FTIR and XPS Analysis of the Process of Electroless Nickel Plating Birch Veneer Study on antidiabetic constituents of Tibetan Medicine Meiduoluomi 于春季在槟榔根区施一次呋喃丹颗粒剂与复合肥,可以有效地控制花期和幼果期约4个月红脉穗螟等虫害,并可增产50%左右。呋喃丹在果中最终残留量为0.01~0.1ppm以下或检不出。果中总生物碱含量有增无减。 Effect of EGCG on apoptos is andmutation of human skin fibroblasts damaged from long-term ultraviolet radiation Comparison research on FTIR fingerprint of Salvia priontis based on fourier transform infrared spectroscopy combined with multistatistical analysis Optimization of salt stir-baking technology for Cuscutae Semen by uniform design Antirheumatic substance and meridian tropism of Loranthus parasiticus based on “syndrome-efficacy-analysis of biological samples” Isolation and Cultural Behavior of Pollen Tube Subprotoplasts in ,Antirrhinum majus L. Physiological response of Medicago sativa L. to copper stress by FTIR spectroscopy Isolation and Identification of Viable Embryo Sacs in Several Angiosperm Species Discriminating processed betel nut‘s degree of stir-frying and quantizing empirical index based on color difference meter and electronic nose fingerprint analyzer Chemical Compound Characteristic Analysis of Wood forming Tissue from Reaction Wood of Pinus koraiensis Contrast analysis of FTIR fingerprints of Radix Paeoniae Rubra from dif ferent areas Evaluation of Eco-environment and Ways for Vegetative Rehabilitation of the Southern Slopes of Mountainous Areas in the Scenis Districts of Chengde Studies on the Laws of Evapotranspiration in a Chinese Fir Plantation and Discuss on Rapid Current Spread Method Multiresolution and periodicity analysis of hydrological and meteorological factors in upper reaches of Minjiang River The research achievements on mechanism of floral formation in plants A New Dwarf Apricot Cultivar ‘Jin Ai‘ Apricot A New Dwarf Apricot Cultivar ‘Jin Ai‘ Apricot FTIR identification between Amomum villosum hybrid offspring and female parent Processing technique of Phytolaccae Radix stir-baked with vinegar Processing technique of Phytolaccae Radix stir-baked with vinegar Clustering on safflower principal component analysis based on FTIR Antilipid Peroxidation and Antiradiative Action of Glycosides in Herba Cistanches The Landscape Structure and Heterogeneity of the West Part of Ecotone Between Agriculture and Animal Husbandry A New Antirrhinum Cultivar‘Xingyue’ NUMERICAL ANALYSES OF ISOZYME VARIATION WITHIN AND AMONG THE POPULATIONS OF DEUTZIA MULTIRADIATA Study on spaceflight mutagenesis Platycodon grandiflorum via FTIR Studies on triterpenoid constituents in leaf of Ilex pernyi Influence of stir-baked with sand on active ingredients, diarrhea and hepatoprotection of Herpetospermum caudigerum Advances in studies on tirucallane type triterpenoids Clustering on safflower principal component analysis based on FTIR FTIR identification between Amomum villosum hybrid offspring and female parent Isolation and Identification of Integumentary Tapetal Wall Sac in Antirrhinum majus L. Carbon sequestration effect following retirement of degraded croplands into alfalfa forage land in the middle of Hexi Corridor region, northwest China UV Irradiation Increased the Content of Vitamin D2 in Agaricus bisporus sporocarp Study on decomposition of organic fertilizers by FTIR FTIR fingerprint spectrograms of traditional Chinese medicine Marsdenia tenacissima Material flow analysis of Xiamen City’s eco-economic system Progress on Food Volatile Compounds Extraction Techniques FTIR characteristic of rapeseed straw decomposition under anaerobic and aerobic conditions Effect of continuous wheat and maize straw incorporation on soil nitrogen and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic (FTIR) characterization of soil organic matter Evaluation of the quality of soil fertility using entire-array-polygon indicator method Cluster Analysis for Photosynthetic Characters of Inbred Lines of Maize in China Chemical constituents from Euphorbia tirucalli Chemical constituents from Dysoxylum lenticellatum Attenuation by stir baking with vinegar on effect of ethyl acetate fraction from Kansui Radix on mice gastrointestinal permeability Antianaphylaxis effect of alcohol extract of stir-baked Fructus Perillae on anaphylaxis model mice and its mechanism Evaluation and management for eco-city construction indicator system in Yantai The porameter system of measuring and evaluating the entironment air-quality Study on FTIR,1H and 13C NMR Characterization of Poplar I 214 Heartwood and Sapwood Lignins Comparative Analysis of Spectroscopy Features of Early-Stage Wood Forming Tissue in Common Tree Species in Northeast, China Activator of Urea-Formaldehyde Resin Adhesive with Expediting Setting and Low-Formaldehyde-Emission Cloning and Expression of PeAFB Genes in Populus Study on the Tissue Culture of Gentiana rigescens Franch. ex Hemsl. by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Optimization of stir-baking with vinegar technology for Curcumae Radix by orthogonal test Multi-centered,randomized controlled clinical study on Chinese medicine formula particles for hyperlipidaemia associated with highly active antiretroviral therapy Study on reducing mechanism of hepatotoxicity induced by ethyl acetate fractions of Kansui Radix stir-baked with vinegar in mice Comparison on the Lignin Structures of Normal and Compression Wood of Masson Pine Surface Performance of Eucalyptus Lumber after Vacuum-Heat Treatment Analysis and Characterization of Dimensional Stability and Crystallinity of Heat-Treated Larix spp. Genetic variation of cranoglanis bouderius multiradiatus population in Nandujiang River base on mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences Establishment of the Self-incompatibility (S) Locus-directed Transposon Tagging System in Antirrhinum Adsorption ability of cell wall (CW) components in roots of Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis L.) to Pb and FTIR spectra of their functional groups EFFECTS OF CU STRESS ON MAIZE SEEDLINGS USING X-RAY ENERGY SPECTRUM AND FTIR SPECTRA METHODS Analysis on Composition of Pollen Exine and Pollen Morphology in Five Species of Gymnosperm A New Antirrhinum Cultivar‘Xingyue’ Effects of different processing methods on content of flavonoids from Sophorae Fructus Processing technology of Zingiberis Rhizoma Praeparata based on UPLC fingerprints and quantitative determination of index components Optimization of stir-baking technology for Mori Cortex with honey by orthogonal test Comprehensive Evaluation And Practical Confirmation on Processing Technology of Daphne genkwa Sieb. et Zucc. Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Multiradiate Fleabane (Erigeron multiradiatus) Effects of using plastic film as mulch combined with bunch planting on soil temperature, moisture and yield of spring wheat in a semi-arid area in drylands of Gansu, China Physiological Response of Mirabilis jalapa Linn. to Lead Stress by FTIR Spectroscopy An Analysis on Number Growth and Decline of Populations and the Interaction of Lolium Perenne and Trifolium Repens in Middle Mountain Mixture Pasture in Subtropical Region of China Development of Diagnostic Microscopic and Chemical Markers of Some Euphorbia Latexes Subcellular Localization of the S Locus F-box Protein AhSLF-S2 in Pollen and Pollen Tubes of Self-Incompatible Antirrhinum Anatomy and Morphology of Pinnatiramosus, a New Plant from the Middle Silurian (Wenlockian) of China N2O emission from trees under different light irradiances The Variation of Style Auto-fluorescence after Self-and Cross-pollination inserotina Rehd.

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