Relation between Cytoplasmic Male Sterility and Reactive Oxygen Species Metabolism in Pepper NaCl stress aggravates photoinhibition of photosystem II and photosystem I in Capsicum annuum leaves under high irradiance stress Study on the effect of photosynthetic bacteria liquid on the growth of sweet pepper PRELIMINARY STUDY ON PEROXIDASE ISOENZYME DETECTION AND RAPD MOLECULAR VERIFICATION FOR SWEET PEPPER 87 2 CARRIED BY A RECOVERABLE SATELLITE TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION OF INDUCED BREEDING OF SPACE AND SELECTION OF NEW VARIETY ON PEPPER EDITING SITES IN TRANSCRIPT OF MITOCHONDRIAL GENE IN HOT PEPPER Effects of dazomet on Phytophthora capsici and microbial communities in the field trials Effects of four pepper varieties on development and fecundity of Helicoverpa assulta (Guenée) Control efficacy of biocontrol strain B-3 against pepper wilt and its identification Inducible Expression of Rs-AFP2 Gene under the Control of prp1-1 Promoter to Enhance Pepper Disease Resistance to Phytophthora capsici Pathogenicity differentiation of isolates of Phytophthora capsici to pepper Grey Relational Analyses between Biochemical Matter Contents and Agronomic Characters of Hybrids in Pepper A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON MAKING PLANT CHROMOSOMAL SPECIMENS USING PEPPERMINT OIL COMPOUND AS PRETREATMENT AGENT Effect of Heat Stress on Calcium Distribution in Pepper Style Efect of Diferent Nitrogen Applied on the Distribution of Carbon and Nitrogenin Sweet Pepper ‘Jiyan 8’- A Pepper Hybrid Produced by Male Sterile Lines Accumulation of Pathogenesis-related Proteins and Their Activities of Pepper Plants Induced by β-aminonbutyric Acid Effect of Intercropping on Disease Management and Yield of Chilli Pepper and Maize Effect of Intercropping on Disease Management and Yield of Chilli Pepper and Maize Analysis of Early Expression Genes Resistance to Root Knot Nema tode in NGene Pepper by SSH Hayman Genetic Ana lysis of Y ield and Qua lity Characters in Pepper ( Capsi2cum annuum L. ) Cloning, Characterization and Expression of a Putative Galactinol Synthase Gene from Cold Stressed Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Cloning and Expression Characterization of a Lysine-rich Protein cDNA(Cflr ) from Pepper A New Hot Pepper Hybrid‘Sujiao 15’ A New Hot Pepper Cultivar‘Tianjiao 7’ A New Dry-hot Pepper Cultivar‘Anshu Sanyingjiao’ A New Hot Pepper Cultivar‘Maoqing 5’ A New Hot Pepper Cultivar‘Maojiao 4’ A New Hot Pepper Hybrid‘Sujiao 16’ A New Hot Pepper Cultivar‘Maojiao 4’ A New Hot Pepper Hybrid‘Sujiao 16’ Genetic Analysis on the Restoration of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility with
Mixed Model of Major Gene Plus Polygene in Pepper
Construction and Analysis of an Interspecific Linkage Map of Capsicum annuum × C. frutescens A New Linear Hot Pepper Cultivar‘Shanjiao 2012’ Pepper Cultivar‘Huangguan’ Preparation and characterization of peppermint oil-β-cyclodextrin polymer microsphere inclusion compound Preparation and characterization of peppermint oil-β-cyclodextrin polymer microsphere inclusion compound Screening SSR Core Primers for Pepper Germplasm Hybrid Purity Identification Antiatherogenic effect of piperlonguminine on experimental atherosclerosis in rabbits MOLECULAR DETECTION OF GENOMIC DNA VARIATION INDUCED BY
ISOLATION OF mtDNA FRAGMENTS ASSOCIATED TO CMS IN HOT PEPPER BY AFLP TECHNIQUE EFFECTS OF BOARDING RETURN SATELLITE ON ANTIOXIDANT ENZYME ACTIVITIES DURING GERMINATION OF HOT PEPPER SEED ABSORPTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF DIFFERENT FORM OF NITROGEN IN SWEET PEPPER Genetic Study on Genic Male Sterility of Pepper and Its Application in Hybrid Breeding Acute toxicity of fermentation broth produced from Pythium oligandrum and its influence on the growth and control of pepper seedling anthrax Relationships between several secondary substances in pepper varieties and the resistance to broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) A New Hot Pepper Cultivar for Greenhouse and Plastic House ‘Xinxiang Lajiao 4’ Vinegar Residue Substrate as Component of Mixed Substrate for Pepper Seedling Growth A New Large Fruit Sweet Pepper Cultivar‘Jiyan 13’Produced by Male Sterile Lines A New Large Fruit Sweet Pepper Cultivar‘Jiyan 13’Produced by Male Sterile Lines Expression of Chilli veinal mottle virus Coat Protein and Preparation of a Virus-specific Antiserum Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Flowering-related MADS-box Gene in Pepper Expression of Chilli veinal mottle virus Coat Protein and Preparation of a Virus-specific Antiserum Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Flowering-related MADS-box Gene in Pepper A New Hot Pepper Cultivar‘Ganfenglaxian 101’for Both Dry and Fresh Fruit Production A New Hot Pepper Hybrid‘Sujiao 15’ Effects of Low Temperature and Weak Light on Anti-oxidative Enzyme Activities and Plasm- membrane Permeability of Pepper Seedlings Effects of water supply condition in media on C、N metabolic products of sweet pepper potting seedlings and the relationship with development Effect of Chilli Pepper Intercropping System on Nutrient Utilization,Main Diseases and Pests and Yield of Chilli Pepper CHARACTERS OF TOMATO AND PEPPER BRED BY SPACE MUTATION IN GLASSHOUSE THE EFFECT OF SPACE MUTATION TREATMENT ON SEED GERMINATING ABILITY AND THE BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF SP_1 HOT PEPPERS Roles of microtubules in the nonhost interaction of pepper-Colletotrichum orbiculare Pathogen identification of a new anthracnose of pepper in Zhijiang, Hunan A New Dry-hot Pepper Cultivar‘Anshu Sanyingjiao’ Genetic and Molecular Marker Analysis of Resistance to Phythophtora capsici in Sweet Pepper Relationship Between Osmoregulation and Bacterial Wilt Resistance of Grafted Pepper Fine Mapping of the Root-knot Nematode Resistance Gene Me3 in Pepper A New Hot Pepper Culitvar‘Huajiao 5’ Molecular Cloning,Expression and Sequence Analysis of CaCOI1 from Chili Pepper Cloning and Inducible Expression of Ethylene Response Factor CaJERF1 in Hot Pepper Genetic Analysis on the Restoration of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility with
Mixed Model of Major Gene Plus Polygene in Pepper
A New Hot Pepper Cultivar‘Biluo 6’ Physiological and Biochemical Mechanisms of Nitric Oxide and Abscisic Acid on Alleviation to Autotoxicity in Pepper Seedlings Effects of Grafted on Photosynthetic Characteristics,Yield and Quality of
Progress on Genetics and Breeding of Resistance to Anthracnose
Colletotrichum spp.)in Pepper
Physiological and Biochemical Mechanisms of Nitric Oxide and Abscisic Acid on Alleviation to Autotoxicity in Pepper Seedlings Effects of Grafted on Photosynthetic Characteristics,Yield and Quality of
A Early Maturing Sweet Pepper Cultivar‘Jiyan 15’ STUDY ON SPECIES LAW OF LIFE AND INTEGRATED CONTROL OF CRICKETS IN PEPPER FIELDS The occurrence and pathogen identification of bacterial leaf spot of processing pepper in Xinjiang

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