The ecological adaptability of Aphis gossypii collected from different climate zones to temperature and photoperiod THE EFFECTS OF LIGHT AND TEMPERATURE ON THE POPULATION DYNAMICS OF ASPARAGUS APHID THE INDUCEMENT OF TEMPERATURE AND PHOTOPERIOD TO PRODUCE SEXUALES OF APHIS GOSSYPII GLOVER Regulatory Effects of Photoperiod on High Nitrogen Tolerance in Ensilage Corn THE CHANGE OF THE CATIONIC PEROXIDASE IN THE LEAVES AT THE FERTILE TRANSFORMATION PERIOD IN HPGMR NONGKEN 58s A EXPLORATION OF THE PHOTOPERIODIC INDUCTION OF LEMNA MINOR L.──TEST OF COMPARISON WITH LEMNA PAUGIGOSTATA 6746 A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE ESTERASE ISOENZYMES AND SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS IN MILLET(SETARIA ITALICA BEAUV.)UNDER DIFFERENT PHOTOPERIOD TREATMENTS EFFECTS OF PHOTOPERIOD AND TEMPERATURE ON THE ESTERASE, α-AMYLASE ISOZYMES IN WHEAT (TRITICUM EASTIVUM L.) Changes in the Carbohydrate Content in the Leaves of HPGMR during the Course of Induction and Transformation of Fertility Identification of and Study on Wide Compatibility in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Variability of Anther Culture and the Technology Strategies for Developing Pract ical Photoperiod Sensitive Male Sterile Rice Biological characteristics and nutrients of the photoperiod-sensitive Sorghum×Sudangrass varieties in the arid land of east Gansu Genotyping the Heading Date of Male-Sterile Rice Line II-32A Genotypes of Heading Date of Middle Indica Rice in the Mid-lower Region of the Yangtze River Occurrence of the transition of apical architecture and expression patterns of related genes during conversion of apical meristem identity in G2 pea The Genetic Architecture of Flowering Time and Photoperiod Sensitivity in Maize as Revealed by QTL Review and Meta Analysis Energy and Activated Oxygen Metabolisms in Anthers of Hubei Photoperiod-Sensitive Genic Male-Sterile Rice Specific Proteins in Chloroplasts of Photoperiod-Sensitive Genic Male-Sterile Rice Ecophysiological mechanism of photoperiod affecting phenological period and spike differentiation in oat (Avena nuda L.) Effects of temperature and photoperiod on the development and reproduction of Coccophagus ceroplastae Effects of Different Photoperiods on Flower Bud Differentiation and Photosynthesis in Iris germanica 'Royal touch' GENETIC OBSERVATION ON THE STERILITY OFSHORT PHOTOPERIOD AND LOW TEMPERATURE- INDUCED MALE STERILE RICE STUDY ON CHANGES OF PROTEIN IN ANTHERS OF PHOTOPERIOD-SENSITIVE GENIC MALE-STERILE RICE DURING PHOTOPERIODIC INDUCTION FERTILITY EXPRESSION OF PHOTOPERIODTEMPERATURE-SENSITIVE GENIC MALE-STERILERICE IN GUANGZHOU AND THEIR RESPONSE TOPHOTOPERIOD AND TEMPERATURE TREATMENTS SEM Observations on Flower Bud differentiation of Super Prematurity Cultivated Strawberry THE MALE-STERILITY OF RICE AND ACCUMULATION OF LIPOFUSCIN-LIKE PIGMENTS IN ANTHERS QTL Analysis of the Photoperiod Sensitivity-Related Traits at Different Developmental Stages in Maize(Zea mays L.) Detection of Quantitative Trait Loci for Plant Height in Different Photoperiod Environments Using an Immortalized F2 Population in Maize Effect of Short-Day Photoperiod on Adzuki Bean (Phase-out angularis) Seedlings at Different Leaf Ages Distribution of Allelic Variation for Genes of Vernalization and Photoperiod among Wheat Cultivars from 23 Countries Cloning and Functional Analysis of GmNF-YC2 Gene in Soybean (Glycine max) Effect of Photoperiodic Induction on the Protein Synthesis of Cotyledons and the Morphology of Apical Meristem of Pharbitis nil Plant Effect of photoperiod on population parameters of two color morphs of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum Effects of Photoperiod on Floral Buds Differentiation and Polyamine Contents in Buds and Leaves of Chrysanthemum Effects of light on maca callus growth, shoot induction and its survival rate Cloning and Expression Analysis of Maize LFY-like Gene Preliminary Studies on Heredity of Fertility for Low Temperature Induced Genic Male Sterile Line and Photoperiod (thermo)-Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Line in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Clone and Quantitative Analysis by Real-Time RT-PCR of Photoperiod Sensitive Gene Hd6-Like in Maize Changes of Ca2+-ATPase in Photosensitive Genic Male-Sterile Rice Nongken 58S during Pollen Aborting Impact of photoperiod-temperature conditions on male-sterile gene expression of photoperiod-temperature sensitive genic male-sterile wheat line ES-8 Determination of the Critical Period of Floral Induction for Hybrid Plants Between Lilium × formolongi and Oriental Hybrid Lily Determination of the Critical Period of Floral Induction for Hybrid Plants Between Lilium × formolongi and Oriental Hybrid Lily Function Analysis of Carrot SOC1 Homologues Responding to Photoperiod Studies on the Characteristics of the Growth and Development of Petuniahybrida ‘Fantasy Pink’under Two Kinds of Photoper iod Molecular Mechanism of Controlling Flower Formation by PhotoperiodInducement in Plants Effects of Photoperiod Under Red LED on Growth and Quality of Sunflower Sprouts Expression Analysis of FLC Homologues Responding to Low Temperature and Photoperiod in Carrot Floral Bud Differentiation and Photoperiodic Characteristics of Pelargonium hortorum‘Horizon’ Simulation of Oilseed Flax Development Duration Based on APSIM Allelic Variation at Vernalization and Photoperiod Genes in Heilongjiang Spring Wheat Cultivars and Effect on Agricultural Traits Responses of marine microalgae Tetraselmis tetrathele to the changes of photoperiods Effects of photoperiods on adult diapause of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) Influence of the Photoper iod and Tempera ture on Larva l Developmenta lPer iods of the Grea t Mormon Butterfly Papilio m em non L innaeus Effect of Different Light Supplement Time and Method on Bulbing Enlargement and Nutritional Quality of Greenhouse-grown Garlic The Correlation Between Endogenous ZT and IAA Contents with the Growth of Cucumber and Tomato Seedlings Under Different Photoperiod Floral Bud Differentiation and Photoperiodic Characteristics of Pelargonium hortorum‘Horizon’ The Correlation Between Endogenous ZT and IAA Contents with the Growth of Cucumber and Tomato Seedlings Under Different Photoperiod Studies on Juvenility and Limited Inductive Photoperiod of Petunia hybrida‘Fanta sy’ Clone and Expression Analysis of FLOWERING LOCUS T in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. Molecular Mechanism of Controlling Flower Formation by PhotoperiodInducement in Plants STUDIES ON PHOTOPERIODICAL RESPONSE OF WILD RICES Vertical distribution of algae in semi-desert soil of Shapotou area,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Effects of different combinations of temperature,soil humidity, and photoperiod on the development of Haptoncus luteolus (Erichson) The Sensitivity of Dendrolimus Light Intensity and Spectrum in Photoperiodic Reaction Clone and Expression Analysis of FLOWERING LOCUS T in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. The Effects of the Photoperiods on the Bulblet Formation and Sugar Metabolism Change of Wild Lilium lancifolium in Vitro Effect of Different Light Supplement Time and Method on Bulbing Enlargement and Nutritional Quality of Greenhouse-grown Garlic Studies on the Response of Photoperiod Sensitive Genic Male Sterile(PGMS) Rice to Photoperiod and Temperature Relationship between Effect of Thermo-photoperiod and Leaf Number of Main Stem in Wheat Analysis on Amino-Terminal Sequence and Purification of a 61 kD Protein from Photoperiod-Sensitive Genic Male-Sterile Rice Development model and photoperiod sensitive parameters in barley Effects of photoperiod on body mass, organ masses and energy STUDY OF THE NUMBER AND ALLELISM OF RESTORING GENES IN PHOTOPERIOD SENSITIVE GENIC MALE STERILE RICE Chromosomal Localization of Photoperiod Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Genes Using Rice Primary Trisomics Effects of Photoperiod and Temperature on phyA and phyB mRNA Expression of Alfalfa Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cryptochrome Gene PsCRY2#br# in Tree Peony Effect of Photoperiod on Microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis Molecular Basis of Flowering Time Regulation in Arabidopsis Effects of photoperiod on photosynthesis and PSⅡ performance in peach during dormancy induction. Different photoperiodic responses in two geographic populations of a subtropical cockroach, Periplaneta japanna Asahina

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