Species diversity and temporal niche of entomopathogenic fungi in the extensively managed tea plantation soil. Community structure and diversity of entophytic bacteria in Tricholoma matsutake in Sichuan Province, Southwest China. Research advances in ecological stoichiometry of marine plankton. Altitudinal patterns of species richness and species range size of vascular plants in Xiaolongshan Reserve of Qinling Mountain: A test of Rapoport’s rule. Effects of bamboo charcoal on the growth of Trifolium repens and soil bacterial community structure. NO3-/NO2-  inhibits sulfatereducing activity of the enrichment culture of sulfatereducing prokaryotes from an offshore oil reservoir at Bohai Bay, China. Stoichiometric characteristics of plant and soil C, N and P in different forest types in depressions between karst hills, southwest China. Accuracy of predicting in vitro ruminal methane production in goats using  volatile fatty acids stoichiometric models. Inducement of Tetraploid of Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim BY Colchicine SCREENING OF RESISTANT Trichoderma STRAINS AND THE Co-INTERACTION WITH CARBENDAZIM DETECTION METHOD OF COMPLEMENT ANALOGUES OF COELOMIC FLUID IN Apostichopus japonicus BY CHEMILUMINESCENT IMMUNOASSAY BIOLOGICAL EFFECT OF ~ 60 Co γ IRRADIATION ON Trichoderma A Study on the Morphology of Foliar Trichomes of Evergreen Oaks (Quercus) in China and Its Implication in Taxonomy A Study on Karyotypes of Eight Species and Geographical Distribution of Angelica (Umbelliferae) in Sichuan Six new species of Impatiens L. from China A new section of the fern genus Polystichum Roth—Sect. Neopolystichum Ching Leaf epidermis of Quercus subgen. Cyclobalanopsis (Oerst.) Schneid. (Fagaceae) A New Species of Asparagus L. from Gansu New Plants of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi of China (Cont. I) A New Species of Polystichum (Aspidiaceae) from Xizang (Tibet) A Taxonomical Study of the Genus Polystichum Roth Section Haplopolystichum Tagawa from Yunnan Three new synonymies in the genus Rhododendron Floral syndrome and insect pollination of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau endemic Swertia przewalskii(Gentianaceae) A Taxonomic Study on the Fern Genus Polystichum Roth Sect. Metapolystichum Tagawa from China (I) (To be continued) Morphological Studies on Anastomoses and Blind Veins in Dichotomous Venation of the Leaf in Kingdonia uniflora Materials for Chinese Magnoliaceae A New Species of Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) from Taiwan, China Pollination ecology of Aconitum gymnandrum (Ranunculaceae) at two sites with different altitudes Notes on the genus Clematis (Ranunculaceae) (VI) Taxonomical Revision of Some Species of Lunathyrium Koidzumi in N. E. Asia Materials for Chinese Viscoideae Notes on the Apocynales from Xizang A primary study on chemical bound forms of copper and zinc in wheat and rape Niche breadth of Gymnosporangium haraeanum Mixing of Cunninghamia lanceolata with Michelia macclurei and restoration of self sustaining mechanism in G. lanceolata plantation Height niche of some tree species in the Korean pine broad leaved forest on Changbai Mountain Niche characteristics of plant populations in deciduous broad leaved forest in Baotianman Trophic niche of flea in the southern slope of the Himalaya Mountains Degradation process of red soil and its niche Ecological characteristics of Veronica hederifolia in China Phytotoxicity of metabolites of Trichoderma viride Species diversity during desertification on Kerqin Sandy Land Simulation of individual tree growth of Mongolian pine forest in sandy land Ecological distribution of Trichoderma propagules in main vegetation soils of Yunnan Effect of amino acids in root exudates from Eichhornia crassipes on degradation of phenol by its rhizospheric Enterobacter sp. F2 Degradation of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-TCB) in soil Translocation characteristics of trichloroethylene in saturated clays Co-metabolic and synergic phenol-degradation mechanisms of Eichhornia crassipes and its rhizospheric microorganisms Profile characteristics or near-surface layer in farmland windbreak network region Mathematical methods in niche theory study Interaction between Eichhornia crassipes and its rhizospheric bacteria Spatial differentiation characteristics of forest vegetation carbon stock in Sichuan Province Effect of global warming on abundance variation of Parathemisto gaudichardi (Amphipoda) in the Changjiang Estuary A Preliminary Study on the Fokienia hodginsii Forests in Sichuan Province The Effect of the Maceration Extract of Dicranopteris dichotoma on the Growth of Several Plant Species Analyses of Niche Breadths and Overlaps of Several Plant Species in Three Kobresia Communities of an Alpine Meadow Physio-ecological Study on the Seed Germination and Seeding Growth in Four Legume Tree Species under Elevated CO2 Concentration Main Woody Species Niche of Plant Community in Daqinggou Study on The Species Diversity Of Elaeagnus mollis Community in Shanxi Effects of CO2 Enrichment on CH4 Emission From Rice Paddies Species Abundance Patterns in Some Broad-leaved Deciduous Forests in New York, USA Niche separation among coexisting species in a wetland Vegetation Weed Species Niche in Wheat Fields in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province The Distribution of Fagaceae in China and its Relationship with Climatic and Geographic Characters Analysis on the Community Species Diversity of Forest Vegetation in Mian Mountains, Shanxi The Niche Breaths and Niche Overlaps of Main Plant Populations in Leymus chinensis Grassland for Grazing Interspecific Association of Trees In Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaved Forest in Lushan Mountain Nonlinear Ordination of the Permanent Plots of Evergreen broad-Leaved Forests in Simian Mountain of Sichuan Province The Implications of Niche Separation and its Measure Niche Research of Scrub Dominant Population in Huairou Mountainous Region of Beijing Area Study on the Quantitative Dynamics of the Neosinocalamus Affinis The Characteristics and Classification of Oak Durisilvae in the Himalayan Region of China A Preliminary Study of the Species Diversity of Part of the Forest Communities in Guizhou Studies on the structure and improving techniques of the masson pine community in Longdong River Valley Biochemical genetics of paralichthys olivaceus population-I.A study on tissue-specific patterns of allozymes Analysis of microbial agriculture The study on the effect of different conditions on inducement of hairy roots of Trichosanthes bracteata Voigt Niche Analysis of Main Populations of Plants Communities in the Restoring Succession Process of the Grassland in Huangpuchuan Watershed Production of Monoclonal Antibodies Against Edwardsiella tarda,and Establishment of Double-antibody Sandwich ELISA Method Identification of a New Anthracnose Pathogen Colletotrichum camelliae and Its Pathogenicity Test on Camellia oleifera