Influence of Seasonal and Daily Changes of Spatial Niche of Spiders in Paddy Field and Two Insecticides to Spatial Niche and Predatory Function A comparative researches on seed germination of 15 plant species from alpine meadow Current distribution, population attributes and biological characters of Trigonobalanus doichangensis in relation to its conservation Studies on root biomass and productivity in dominant plantation populations in the mountainous land in western Scihuan Predicting potential ecological distribution of Bactrocera dorsalis in China using GARP ecological niche modeling Effects of different combinations of temperature,soil humidity, and photoperiod on the development of Haptoncus luteolus (Erichson) A simulation of growth duration in FACE rice Physiological reaction of wheat seedling to 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene stress Ecological stoichiometry characteristics of ecosystem carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus elements A NEW SPECIES OF TRICHOSANTHES A SEM STUDY ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF SURFACE OF SEABUCKTHORN AND ELAEAGNUS AND THEIR IMPLICATION ON TAXONOMY Ⅱ.THE MORPHOLOGY OF FOLIA SURFACE OF SEABUCKTHORN AND THEIR IMPLICASURF ATION ON TAXONOMY A NEW VARIETY OF PLANTAGO STUDY ON THE MEASURMENT METHOD OF THE ECOLOGICAL NICHE OF KOREAN PINE AND LARCH POPULATION IN ARTIFICIAL FOREST COMMUNITY TWO NEW SPECIES OF ROEGNERIA C. KOCH FROM QINGHAI THE HABITAT AND ANALYSIS ON THE EXTERNAL ENDANGERED FACTORS OF ADENOPHORA LOBOPHYLLA (CAMPANULACEAE), AN ENDANGERED SPECIES INVESTIGATION ON THE DISTRIBUTION AREA AND CHARACTERISTICS OF BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF ADENOPHORA LOBOPHYLLA (CAMPANULACEAE),AN ENDANGERED SPECIES THE STUDY ON ECOLOGICAL NICHE OVERLAP RELATIONS OF SEVERAL POPULATIONS ON LEYMUS COMMUNITY IN NORTHEAST PLAIN A NEW SPECIES OF HELICTOTRICHON FROM EASTERN PART OF HEILONGJIANG, CHINA A NEW SPECIES OF SCUTELLARIA(LABIATAE) NEW TAXA FROM YUNNAN PROVINCE A primary anatomical study on the wood of Vatica astrotricha plantation Study on the Niche of the Main Populations in Abies chensiens Community Comparative Morphology of the Tepal Epidermis in Illiciales Biosorption and Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals Copper,Lead and Zinc by a Submerged Aquatic Plant Potamogeton crispus L. at Low Temperature Phylogenetic Analysis of Trichosanthes Based on the nrDNA ITS Region Two New Species of the Genus Michelia(Magnoliaceae) from Hainan Island Effects of Trichoderma asperellum on the Physical and Chemical Properties and Nutrient Components of the Pot Coil Culturing Tissue-cultured Populus davidiana×P.bolleana Seedlings Detection of Trichoderma asperellum colonization in soils by real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR Identification and biological characteristics of the pathogen from Camellia oleifera anthracnose in Guangxi The systematic relationship of the tribe Magnolieae and Michelieae --based on matK sequence analysis Study on niche of population of Ulmus lamellosa in the south area of Shanxi province Studies on niche of dominant species in Larix chinensis communities Preliminary study of the effects of fairy ring of grassland on the growth of herbage ON MECHANISMS OF SPECIES COEXISTENCE IN PLANT COMMUNITIES Gene Expression Analysis of a Proline-rich Protein from Bean Under Biotic and Abiotic Stress Orientation of Pigments in the Isolated Photosystem ¢ò Sub-core Reaction Center CP47/D1/D2/Cyt b-559 Complexes: A Linear Dichrosism Study Isolation and Characterization of β-1,4- Endoxylanase from Trichoderma pseudokonigi Expression of 10 kD Sulfur-Rice Prolamin Gene of Rice in Potato Structural Study of Dichlorotriptetraolide Isolated from Tripterygium wilfordii Pathotoxin Determination of Lophodermium on Pines in Sichuan Province and Their Differences in Pathogenicity Weed communities and eco-niches in wheat fields of the Yellow River irrigation zone of Lanzhou Content and seasonal change in soil labile organic carbon under different forest covers Effect of Trichoderma aureoviride 1010 on chilly stress-resistance of tomato in solar-greenhouse conditions Correlation between tobacco leaf chemical compositionsand latitude in Sichuan Tobacco Region #br# C:N:P stoichiometry characteristics of litter and soil of forests in Great Xing’an Mountains with different fire years. Gray correlation analysis of the impact of land use type on soil physical and chemical properties in the hilly area of central Sichuan, China. Feeding habitats and trophic levels of Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye in Liaodong Bay based on analyzing carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. Effects of ridge-cultivation and plastic film mulching on root distribution and yield of spring maize in hilly area of central Sichuan basin, China. Efficiency of Trichoderma longibrachiatum T6 in the control of Meloidogyne incognita and its rhizosphere colonization in cucumber. Species-abundance distribution patterns along succession series of Phyllostachys glauca forest in a limestone mountain. Ecological Stoichiometric Characteristics of Root and Leaf of Pinus massoniana in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Dynamics of age structures on Agropyron michnoi and Leymus chinensis in different communities The altitudinal pattern of insect species richness in the Three Gorge Reservoir Region of the Yangtze River: effects of land cover, climate and sampling effort Species composition and succession of swamp vegetation along grazing gradients in the Zoige Plateau, China Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus ecological stoichiometric ratios among live plant-litter-soil systems in estuarine wetland Soil seed bank and natural regeneration potential of shrubland in dry valleys of Minjiang River Species diversity and environmental interpretation in the process of community succession in the Ziwu Mountain of Shaanxi Province Effects of CO2 enrichment in greenhouse on root growth as well as root exudates and bleaching sap of cucumber seedlings RADIORESISTANT BACTERIUM Deinococcus radiodurans Rsr PROTEIN
Aseptic Germination and Rapid Propagation by Tissue Culture from Space Returned Seeds of Rehmannia glutinosa f. hueichingensis (Chan et Sehih) Hsiao SCREENING OF HYPO VIRULENCE OF Colletotrichum gloeosporioides AND ITS CONTROL EFFECT ON APPLE ANTHRACNOSE Species Composition and Population Niche of Natural Forests in Zhouzhi Laoxiancheng Natural Reserve of Shaanxi Cynanchum forrestii var.conduplicatum (Asclepiadaceae) A New Variety from Yunnan and Sichuan,China Three New Records of Crustose Lichens from Mainland China Ochrolechia upsaliensis (L.) A.Massal:a New Record of Lichen Genus Ochrolechia A.Massal.from China Morphological Characteristics and Geographical Distribution of Mielichhoferia mielichhoferiana(Bryaceae,Bryophyta) Cloning and Functional Analysis of GhPRP10 Related to Fiber Development in Gossypium hirsutum The structure of suspended particles and sedimentation in cultured ponds of sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus Composition of aquatic plants and their niche characteristics in wetlands of the Yellow River Delta The soil properties of the subalpine timberline ecotone and adjacent vegetations in Western Sichuan The response of SLA and photosynthesis of Medicago sativa and Cichorium intybus to different rates of super absorbent polymer The application of Ecological-Niche factor analysis in giant pandas (Ailuropoda
) habitat assessment
Effect of nitrogen accumulation in Puccinellia tenuiflora grassland on the succession of vegetation in Songnen alkaline grassland Patterns of ramet population of Iris japonica Thumb. and their effects on herb diversity in different micro-habitats on Jinyun Mountain Intra-specific competition of Emmenopterys henryi and its accompanying species in the Dapanshan National Nature Reserve of Zhejiang Province Genetic diversity of three populations of the black muntjac(Muntiacus crinifrons) Comparative study on the niches of Apis mellifera ligustica and Apis cerana cerana The sustaining development of resource-based industrial cluster: a perspective from organizational ecology TISSUE CULTURE AND RAPID PROPAGATION OF MICHELLA MAUDLAE Sagittaria lichuanensis — A Newly Recorded Species in Alismataceae from Guizhou Province