Studies on the Resistance of Transgenic Arabidopsis Overexpressing PcRS to Colletotrichum higginsianum Advances of Heterogeneous Expression of Antimicrobial Peptides in Bacteria Research Progress on Expression Vector Stability in E. coli System Chromosomes of Six Fabaceous Species from Baoxing County, Sichuan Province N and P accumulation status and their leaching potential in vegetable fields in Fujian Province Safe utilization of chicken manure from intensive poultry farms in vegetable Prelimilary Study on the Lichen Genus Psora in Xinjiang, China Pollen Morphology of 16 Species of the Genus Michelia in Magnoliaceae Isolation and identification of endophytes infecting Stipa purpurea, a dominant grass in meadows of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Effect of different levels of N supply on P accumulation characteristics of a ‘mining ecotype’ of Pilea sinofasciata STUDY ON THE UTILIZATION OF TRICHOG RAMMA DENDROLIMI TO CONTROL THE MASSON PINE MOTH DENDROLIMUS PUNCTATUS AT LONGSHAN FOREST FARM Modeling the Cysteine Rich Domain of Plant Metallothionein-like Protein Localization of Two GFP-tagged Tobacco Plastid Division Protein NtFtsZs in Escherichia coli The Observation of Hydroxyproline-Rich Glycoprotein in Plant Cell Wall Under Tem Biflavones of Taxus wallichiana Zucc Bioremediation of heavy metal pollution by edible fungi: A review. Effects of snow pack removal on the dynamics of winter-time soil temperature, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in alpine forests of west Sichuan. Effect of thinning intensity on the growth or Cunninghumis lanceolata and Michelia maclurei mixed forests Effect of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on soil microbes and related factors Cu and Pb contents in Dichondra repens leaf and their effects on its physiological indexes Age structure and growth pattern of Polytrichum juniperum populations in a mire of Changbai Mountains Niche of the mosses on floor in Shanghai city Ecological stoichiometry of surface soil nutrient and its influencing factors in the wild fruit forest in Yili region, Xinjiang, China. Variations in leaf C, N, P stoichiometry of Quercus acutissima provenance forests. Ecological stoichiometry of soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus within soil aggregates in tea plantations with different ages. Concept and connotation development of niche and its ecological orientation. Display of Functionally Active Lipases on the Escherichia coli Cell Surface Cloning,Expression of Thermostable β-mannanase and the Preparation of Mannooligosaccharide Secretory Expression in Pichia pastoris and Characterization Study of Xylanase from Thermophilic Saccharomonospora viridis Optimizing the Addition of Amino Acids in the Production of Glutathione by Recombinant Escherichia coli Functional Complement Between General Nitrogen Regulator GlnG in Escherichia coli and General Nitrogen Regulator NtrC in Pseudomonas Identification and Expression Analysis of emx1 from Paralichthys olivaceus Pathways for Epidermal Cell Differentiation via the Homeobox Gene GLABRA2: Update on the Roles of the Classic Regulator Responses of invasive Chromolaena odorata and native Eupatorium heterophyllum to atmospheric CO2 enrichment Successional dynamics of community structure and species diversity after clear-cutting of faxon fir (Abies faxoniana) forest stands ANALYSIS OF NICHE FITNESS OF ARTEMISIA HALONDENDRON POPULATION ON HORQIN SANDY LAND Research Progress on the Mechanism of Petal Conical Epidermal Cells Formation and Attraction to Pollinating Insects Effect of Weichang‘an pill on intestinal digestive ferment and the AQP4 concentration in proximal colon in IBS-D rats Pollination biology of Michelia maudiae The ghost of the Cretaceous terrestrial revolution in the evolution of fern–sawfly associations Estimating paleoenvironments using ecological niche models of nearest living relatives: A case study of Eocene Aesculus L. Functional and evolutionary analyses of Primulina heterotricha CYC1C gene in tobacco and Arabidopsis transformation systems Phylogenetic beta diversity in tropical forests: Implications for the roles of geographical and environmental distance More than multiple introductions: Multiple taxa contribute to the genesis of the invasive California’s wild artichoke thistle Molecular cytogenetics studies in Reichardia tingetana: Physical mapping of heterochromatin, telomere repeats, and 5S and 45S rDNA by 4′, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole and fluorescence in situ hybridization Chromosome counts and karyotypes in Chaetoseris and Stenoseris (Asteraceae-Cichorieae) from the Hengduan Mountains of SW China Paeonia rotundiloba (D. Y. Hong) D. Y. Hong: A new status in tree peonies (Paeoniaceae) Cd uptake and accumulation of Brassica napus varieties with different seed glucosinolate characteristics Absorption of different sorghum accessions on heavy metals in polluted soil Effects of four fumigants on dissolved soil nitrogen transformation and microbial biomass Effects of sowing date and rate on grain filling characteristics of winter wheat under chilling injury Effects of fertilizer application regimes on soil N2O emissions in the croplands of purple soil in the Sichuan Basin during wheat season Effects of different governance patterns of small watershed on fractal features of soil micro-aggregates in the hilly areas of central Sichuan Basin Impact of free air ozone concentration enrichment on cooked rice (Wuyunjing 21) texture and palatability Determinating zinc accumulation, sub-cellular distribution and chemical forms of Thalia dealbata Fraser Spatial-temporal variability of land use with terrain gradient in Taihang Mountain, Hebei Province Impact of future climate change on climatic resources and potential productivity of maize in Sichuan Basin Effect of Brassica chinensis intercropping with Glycine max or Colocasia esculenta on Spodoptera litura and natural enemy predatory diversity in protected vegetable fields Effects of long-term fertilization on weed community characteristics andcarbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry during winter-springseason in yellow-clay paddy fields of South China Using hyper-spectral derivative indices to inverse Colletotrichumgloeosporioides disease indices Analysis and design methods of ecological farmer household based on energy flow: A case study of dog-breeding farmer household in northern Sichuan Influence of grazing disturbance on stoichiometric characteristics of alpine Rhododendron shrublands underground soil nutrient pool Ecological stoichiometric characteristics of oasis spring wheat fields under regulated deficit irrigation Coexistence mechanism of two sympatric horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus sinicus and Rhinolophus affinis) (Rhinolophidae) with similar morphology and echolocation calls Altitudinal pattern of species richness of tree and effect of natural fire disturbance in Kanas Tourism District, Xinjiang he niche of dominant species populations in Castanopsis eyrei forest in Gutian Mountain National Nature Reserve The effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on wheat straw decomposition and nitrogen distribution in paddy soil Metapopulation model of multispecies competitive coexistence given exotic species invasion Behavior of Meiotic Chromosomes in Pinus wallichiana Jacks, Pinus strobus L. and Their Hybrid and nrDNA Localization in Pollen Mother Cells of the Hybrid by Using FISH Seed Dynamics in Relation to Gaps in a Tropical Montane Rainforest of Hainan Island, South China: (II) Seed Bank Purification and Characterization of a New Heme-Binding Protein (HBP59) from the Mutant Strain DJ35 of Azotobacter vinelandii Cloning and Preliminary Characterization of Three Receptor-like Kinase Genes in Soybean Causes and Consequences of Changes in Nutrient Structure in the Jiaozhou Bay Proteins Related to the Biocontrol of Pythium Damping-off in Maize with Trichoderma harzianum Rifai A Circular Dichroism Spectroscopic Study Revealing the Cause of the Changes of Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Induction of Photosystem Ⅱ During Heat Treatment New Taxa of Orchidaceae from China (3) Production of Trichosanthin from the Hairy Roots of Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. Bio-control effect of trichoderma SPP. and its application Cultivating A.Polytricha with forage and biogas residues and the effect of fungi residues on soil improvement Study on biodiversity of Yi nationality’S homegarden in Yunnan Province—A case study from Yongzhao Village,Wuding County,Yunnan Province