Relationship Between Species Richness and Productivity in an Alpine Meadow Plant Community Effects of a-NAA and UV-B Radiation on the Growth and Transpiration of Trichosanthes kirilowii Seedling Preliminary Study on the Lichen Community Structure in Forest Ecosystem of Western Tianshan Mountains Comparative Study on Microclimate of Vegetation over Different Successional Stages of Castanopsis Platyacantha-Schima sinensis Formation in the Central Subtropical Zone in Sichuan Province Flexistyly and Its Evolutionary Ecological Significance Modeling the Large - Scale Distribution of Plant Diversity:a Possibility Inferred from Climate and Productivity(in English) The Effects of Grazing on Age Structure in Clonal Populations of Agropyron michnoi Spatial Distribution and Niche Analysis of Dominant Species at the Oryza rufipogon Reserve in Chaling, Hunan Leaf Stomatal Densities and Distribution in Triticum Aestivum Under Drought and CO2 Enrichment Uptake and Translocation of Heavy Metals in Dominant Plants of Soil Seed Banks INTRODUCED TO A LEAD / ZINC MINE TAILINGS POND Investigating Realized Niches as a Mechanism of Species Diversity Maintenance in a Species-Rich Grassland Community Shrub and Undershrub Niches in Vegetation of the Fukang Desert RAPD analysis of genetic differentiation in the different hosts and geographic populations of Drosicha corpulenta Soil stoichiometry characteristics at different elevation gradients of a mountain in an area with high frequency debris flow: a case study in Xiaojiang Watershed, Yunnan Influence of initial bid number and sample size on the double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation method Distribution and population of Rhinopithecus roxellana in Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, China Stoichiometric characteristics of live fresh leaves and leaf litter from typical plant communities in a karst region of northwestern Guangxi, China Leaf litter and soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stoichiometry of dominant plant species in the Poyang Lake wetland Effects of a simulated increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration on cladoceran zooplankton collected from Lake Taihu Effects of CO2 Enrichment on Photosynthesis, Lipid Peroxidation and Activities of Antioxidative Enzymes of Platymonas subcordiformis Subjected to UV-B Radiation Stress Desiccation Sensitivity of Trichilia dregeana Axes and Antioxidant Role of Ascorbic Acid The Mediation of Defense Responses of Ginseng Cells to an Elicitor from Cell Walls of Colletotrichum lagerarium by Plasma Membrane NAD(P)H Oxidases Responses of phytoplankton growth on nutrient enrichments in the northern South China Sea Effect of soil water change on photosynthetic characteristics of Taxodium distichum seedlings in the hydro-fluctuation belt of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area CO2 ENRICHMENT AND ALLELOPATHY THE NICHE ECOSTATE-ECOROLE THEORY AND EXPANSION HYPOTHESIS PLANT COMMUNITY DIVERSITY IN ONGLING MOUNTAIN,BEIJING,CHINA:Ⅱ.SPECIES RICHNESS,EVENNESS AND SPECIES DIVERSITIES Effects of Soil Se Levels and Se Application on Se Content, Antioxidative Responses and Biomass Accumulation of Rice Advances in Studying on Glabrous Rice and the Development of Trichomes Analysis on Morphology Characteristic of Heavy Metals in the Different Soil Types and Cultivation Modes Effects of NaCl Exerted to Kosteletzkya pentacarpos on Nitrogen, Phosphorus Nutritions, Sodium and Potassium Ion Contents and Their Stoichiometry Characteristics Deinococcus gobiensis Cold Shock Protein Improves Salt Stress Tolerance of Escherichia coli Iridoid Glycosides from Pedicularis dolichocymba Hand.-Mazz. Evidence of Dichogamy in Santalum album L. DELAYED FLOWERING, an Arabidopsis Gene That Acts in the Autonomous Flowering Promotion Pathway and Is Required for Normal Development Orthotrichum courtoisii (Bryophyte), a new synonym of O. consobrinum CLE Peptides in Plants: Proteolytic Processing, Structure-Activity Relationship, and Ligand-Receptor Interaction Changes of Photosystem Ⅱ and Respiratory Enzyme Activity in Transgenic Tobacco Enriched BADH Gene Distribution of Rare Earth Elements and Structure Characterization of Chlorophyll-Lanthanum in a Natural Plant Fern Dicranopteris dichotoma On the Pollen Morphology and Systematic Position of Trigonobalanus doichangensis A New Species of Richelia of Blue-Green Algae A New Species and A New Hybrid of Athyriurn from Yunnan A New Species of Trichosanthes from Guizhou New Materials of Palmae from China Characteristic study on village landscape patterns in Sichuan Basin hilly region based on high resolution IKONOS remote sensing Understory vegetation composition and main woody population niche of artificial masson pine forest in south subtropical area Effects of Colletotrichum higginsianum infection on endogenous hormones in Brassica parachinensis leaves under different nitrogen nutrition Resources utilization of main tree populations in Pinus armandii mixed forest after controlled burning and aerial-sowing afforestation Niches of several mangrove species in Dongzhai Harbor of Hainan Island. Characteristics,dynamics and niche of insect community in plum orchard Application of microsatellite DNA in molecular ecology and strategies for loci isolation Species diversity of pasture community at different altitude levels in Qilian Mountains Niches of dominant grub populations in different athletic areas of golf course Response of rice grain quality traits to free-air CO2 enrichment Niche characteristics of plant populations in Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata stands in Qinling Mountains Distribution of lichens biomass and its affecting factors during restoration process of Inner Mongolia steppe Principle of “multiple ecological niche of one-species (variety)" and its application in high yield cotton cultivation Review of taxonomy researches on Chinese Orthotrichaceae Delphinium furcatocornutum,A New Species of Ranunculceae from Sichuan Ranunculus laohegouensis,a New Species of Ranunculaceae from Sichuan The studies of morphological variations and karyotype on three Iris dichotoma with different flower colors Research progress on stress response and conservation of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberous L.) germplasm Study on the Taxonomy, Distribution, Development and Utilization of Corylus kweichowensis Hu Variation of heavy metal enrichment efficiency in roadside trees of Sophora japonica L. with different diameters at breast height Impact of climate change on bioclimatic types in a mountain area-a case from Sichuan Province, China Effects of decomposing Eucalyptus grandis root on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Cichorium intybus Prediction of bacterial species richness in the South China Sea slope sediments Cu and nutrient deficiency on different effects of growth, tolerance and mineral elements accumulation between two Elsholtzia haichouensis populations Soil ecological stoichiometry under different vegetation area on loess hilly-gully region Seasonal dynamics of food web energy pathways at the community-level Effect of enhanced CO2 level on the physiology and ecology of phytoplankton Litter characteristics of nutrient and stoichiometry for Phyllostachys praecox over soil-surface mulching Water holding capacity of ground covers and soils in different land uses and land covers in subalpine region of Western Sichuan, China Modeling potential habitat for alien species of Dreissena polymorpha in the continental USA Leaf architecture of subtribe Micheliinae (Magnoliaceae) from China and its taxonomic significance Paris polyphylla var. emeiensis H. X. Yin, H. Zhang & D. Xue, a new variety of Trilliaceae from Sichuan, China Paris xichouensis, a new combination of Trilliaceae from China Arenaria dawuensis,a new species of the Caryophyllaceae from Sichuan,China The identity of Alpinia jianganfeng T.L.Wu(Zingiberaceae) Pollen morphology of Najadaceae and Zannichelliaceae