Regulation of Meristem Size by Cytokinin Signaling A Study on Comparative Morphology of Normal and Hyperhydric Stems and leaves from Sophora japonica Plantlets Cultured in Vitro Rooting and Transplanting Method of Populus davidiana×P.bolleana Tissue Culture Seedlings Tissue Culture and Industrialized Seedling Production of Cinnamomum camphora Trees with High Content of Borneo Camphor Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Rare Plant in Codariocalyx motorius(Houtt.) Establishment of the High Efficiency System of Oncidium Shoot Propagation Occurrence and Control of Abnormal Somatic Embroys in Saposhnikovia divaricata Tissue Culture Tissue Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Gentiana macrophylla Embryogenic callus induction and plant regeneration from "CCRI 24" Studies on regeneration system of tissue culture in Granny Smith apple Tissue culture and plantlet regeneration of Rehmannia glutinosa Charactreristic of tissue structures of stem and leaf in K-type hybrid wheat and its parents after anthesis Steedman‘‘‘‘s wax,a low melting point embedding medium for DAPI staining Advances in tissue culture of Arnebia euchroma Study on dynamic accumulation of secondary metabolites in callus of Eucommia ulmoides Studies on vitrification characteristics of in vitro cultured Chinese onion(Allium fistulosum) HOST PLANT CHARACTERISTICS ASSOCIATED WITH THE DISTRIBUTION PATTERN OF THE PINE SAWFLY, NEODIPRION XIANGYUNICUS STUDY ON VARIATION IN BAMBOO WOOD PROPERTIES OF PHYLLOSYACHYS HETEROCYCLA VAR.PUBESCENS Study on the Tissue Culture of Gentiana rigescens Franch. ex Hemsl. by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Effects of Different Concentrations of Organic Affixture on the Growth and Secondary Metabolites Contents in Adventitious Roots of Tripterygium wilfordii Expression Pattern of FMOGS-OX4, a Biosynthetic Gene Involved in Aliphatic Glucosinolate Side-chain Modification Effects of Browning Inhibitors on Callus Growth and Secondary Metabolites Production in Tripterygium wilfordii Hook f. Tissue Culture of Male and Female Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim Studies on Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation Technique of Limnophila sessiliflora BI. Growing Season Distribution of Tissue Fructan in Wheat ROOTING AND TRANSPLANTING OF TISSUE CULTURED SHOOTS OF TOONA SINENSIS Relationship Between the Leaf Tissue Characteristic and Drought Resistance of Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis(Fisch.) Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Acanthopanax senticosus Tissue Distribution of 6 Kinds of Transport Heavy Metal Pollutants in Platanus hispanica Leaves and Annual Branches Tissue Culture of Gunnera manlcata L. SIMULATION OF AUTOTOXICITY OF STRAWBERRY ROOT EXUDATES UNDER CONTINUOUS CROPPING Toxicological effect of Agave sisalana Perrine extract on golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck) The key issues on plant phenology under global change Technique of Tissue Culture of Acacia cincinnata Study on Rapid Propagation Technology of Dendrocalamus minor var. amoenus In vitro Regeneration of Betula luminifera Production of Herbicide-resistant Plants Transformed by Bar Gene and Their Basta-tolerance Activity Express Variation of CCR Gene in Different Tissues of Cucurbita pepo THE ANATOMICAL OBSERVATION ON THE UNITING PROCESS OF WALNUT GRAFTING BRANCH THE SALINE TOLERANT INDUCEMENT OF POPLAR CALLUS LINES STUDIES ON THE RELATION BETWEEN SYNTHESIS OF LACQUER AND SUBMICROSTRUCTURE OF THE TISSUE WHERE LATICIFEROUS CANAL LIES IN TOXICODENDRON VERNICIFLUM Studies on Optimizing Production of Wasabi Plantlet Cracking Mechanism of Prunus salicina and Related Preventions In Vitro Culture of Unfertilized Ovules in Phalaenopsis Studies on Optimizing Production of Wasabi Plantlet Studies on Regenerating Bulblets from Tissue Culture of Tulip Studies on Regenerating Bulblets from Tissue Culture of Tulip Estabilishnent of Embryo Culture Technical System of Chinese Jujube ( Zizyphus jujuba Mill. ) Progress on Orchid Breeding Study Tissue Culture and High Frequency Propagation of Callistemon rigidus R. Br Estabilishnent of Embryo Culture Technical System of Chinese Jujube ( Zizyphus jujuba Mill. ) Progress on Orchid Breeding Study Tissue Culture and High Frequency Propagation of Callistemon rigidus R. Br Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Rosa hybrida ‘Samantha’ Tissue Culture of Altemanthera ficoidea ‘Ruliginosa’Leaf Explants and ItsPlantlet Regeneration Studies of Antibrowning in the Tissue Culture of Phalaenopsis Plant Tissue Culture for 8 Pagoda Tree Var ieties of Papilionoideae and Effects of Genotypes on Regeneration Ability Cloning and Expression Analysis of Banana ACC Oxidase Gene (MAO3) FOREST FERTILIZATION AND NUTRIENT DIAGNOSIS STUDY ON STEM SECTION CULTURE CONDITIONS IN VITRO IN GINKGO BILOBA Tissue Culture of Some Ornamental Bamboos The Technical System of the Mass Propagation of Dendrocalamus latiflorus Study on Fiber Forms and Tissue Measurements of Bambusa wenchouensis Wood Study on Fast Propagation of Fine Clones of Sequioa sempervirens Tissue Culture of Stem Segments and Plantlet Regenation of Liquidambar styraciflua Study on the Sa lt Tolerance of Genetica llyMod if ied Tr iplo idChineseWhite Poplar Studies of tissue culture techniques of Hippophae L. Tissue culture and plantlet regeneration of endangered rare plant Prunus mongolica In vitro micropropagation of insect-resistant transgenic Populus euramericana Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Reynoutria japonica Study on in vitro fast-propagation and industrialization breeding techniques of triploid Chinese white poplar Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Lonicera japonica Study on the tissue culture of Notholirion bulbuliferum Reproduction Diversity of Enteromorpha prolifera Why are Nitrogen Concentrations in Plant Tissues Lower under Elevated CO2? A Critical Examination of the Hypotheses Decomposition regularity of organic materials in Sanjiang Plain region Advances in Tissue Culture Techniques of Trees and the Problems Existed Studies on Anti-Browning During Tissue Culture of Musella lasiocarpa Sterilization of the Explant and Callus Induction of Feijoa sallowiana Berg. in vitro Culture Cytological Studies on Pollen Sterile Hybrid F1 and Its Parent Taichung 65 (Oryza sativa L.) during the Anther Culture