Morphological Characters and the Composition of Essential Oil from Regeneration Plant of Pogostemon cablin Rapid Propagation and Germplasm Conservation in vitro of Artemisia annua L. Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Musella lasiocarpa, a Rare Chinese Medicinal and Ornamental Herb The Induction and Proliferation of Calli in Gerbera jamesonii Bolus Identification of Medicinal Gualou(Fruid-rind of Trichosanthes) and Its Confused Fruits in Sichuan A Study on Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration of Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. Studies on Tissue Culture of Dendrobium chrysotoxum Lindl in Vitro Studies on Callus Induced from Leaves and Plantlets Regeneration of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Chrysanthemum morifolium Study on Plant Tissue Culture of Cornus officinalis Comparison of Three Non-tissue Culture Plant Transformation Approaches Differentiation of Leaf Primordium in Maize Regulated by Exogenous Cytokinin Cloning and Tissue Expression of β-actin in the Mud Crab(Scylla paramamosain) and Its Utility as an Endogenous Control Comparison of Metallothionein-3 Gene Expression Levels in Different Brain Parts of Tibetan-sheep Between Different Altitudes Areas Establishment of Genetic Transformation System on Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Cultivar ‘Xinluzao 33’ and Transformation of AtPGIP1 Gene Research on Tissue Culture for Rapid Propagation and in vitro Bulbils Regeneration System of Dioscorea opposita Thunb RAPID PROPAGATION OF THE GRAPEVINE KUNYU BY TISSUE CULTURE Global and Local Issues in (Agro) Biodiversity Cloning and Expression Characterization of a Lysine-rich Protein cDNA(Cflr ) from Pepper Variation of Different Forms Calcium Contents and Their CorrelationDuring Growth Stage of Prunus humilis Tissues A Study on Micropropagation and Germplasm Preservation in Tube of Rhododendron chrysanthum Pall. A Study on Micropropagation and Germplasm Preservation in Tube of Rhododendron chrysanthum Pall. Studies on tissue culture and rapid propagation of hybrid hazelnut Factors Affecting Shoot Regenera tion from Leaf and Hypocotyl Explants ofPlatanus acerifolia Willd. Studies on tissue culture and rapid propagation of hybrid hazelnut Factors Affecting Shoot Regenera tion from Leaf and Hypocotyl Explants ofPlatanus acerifolia Willd. Expression analysis of NTMADS1 gene in Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis and study on its transformation in Arabidopsis thaliana Expression analysis of NTMADS1 gene in Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis and study on its transformation in Arabidopsis thaliana Tissue culture of stem segment and plantlet regeneration of Dendrobium nobile Tissue culture of Gynura segetum Effect of plant growth regulators on several characteristics during in vitro bud regeneration of Polygonatum cyrtonema Tissue culture and rapid proliferation of Stephania kwangsiensis Correlation research between in vivo tissue distribution in rats and channel tropism of active constituents in dried ginger In vivo pharmacokinetic and targeting study on silybin solid lipid nanoparticles modified by folic acid Study on Stem-tip Tissue Culture of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Chrysanthemum morifolium Distribution laws of 5 compounds in rhizome and root of Polygonum cuspidate Study on origin and authentication of medicinal materials of Dalbergiae Lignum in crude drug‘s market Quantitative determination of seven major absorbed volatile constituents in mice brain, liver and blood after intragastric administration of Asari Radix et Rhizoma suspension by headspace-solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry Growth dynamic and standard degree of Dendrobium loddigesii test-tube seedling Pharmacokinetics of gastrodigenin in brain tissue of mice after intragastric administration of gastrodin Studies on the Micropropagation and Rejuvenation of the Hyperhydric Plantlets of Paeonia lactiflora ‘Zhong Sheng Fen’ Study on Grafted Tissue Rejuvenation Technology and Rapid Propagation of Paulownia fortunei Superior Trees Effects of D ifferen t Rhizobia Inocula ted on Acacia c rassica rpaTissue2Cultured Plantlets Preliminary Study on Hairy RootOccurrence ofPeony Induced by Agrobac trium rhizogenes Establishment of Tissue-Culture Regeneration System in the Hybrid Poplar 110 Establishment of tissue culture and rapid propagation system of Typhonium flagelliforme Rapid propagation of Schisandra chinensis Seed germination and plant regeneration of Datura stramonium Seed germination and plant regeneration of Datura stramonium Effect of oxymatrine on cytokines of myocardial tissue in rats with septic shock Rapid propagation system for tissue culture of Asparagus cochinchinensis Establishment of rapid propagation system of Aconitum pendulum Establishment of rapid propagation system of Blumea aromatica Induction and identification of Fritillaria ussuriensis tetraploid Effects of different physicochemical factors on growth of tissue culture seedlings and accumulation of total flavonoids in Saussurea involucrata Study on inhibition of Shexiang Baoxin Pills on myocardial remodeling in rats with hepatic cirrhosis and its mechanism Research progress in active components in Chinese materia medica with modulating effects on expression of tissue factor in thrombosis Research progress on browning phenomenon in tissue culture of medicinal plants Tissue Specificity Expression Analysis of Theanine Metabolism Pathway Related Genes in Camellia Sinensis Callus Induction and Inhibition Effect of Citric Acid on Browning of Kentucky Bluegrass Callus Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Prunus campanulata Tissue culture of Lilium wardlii Effects of Fluoride on the Activity of Immune-related Enzymes and IL-1 Protein Expression in Gill of Carp (Cyprinus carpio) EMBRYONIC CALLUS INDUCTION AND PLANT REGENERATION OF Lilium longiflorum CONSTITUTIVE EXPRESSION OF RaWUS GENE IN Rosa canina ON MORPHOLOGICAL ALTERATION OF TRANSGENIC TOBACCO LEAVES OPTIMUM TECHNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS FOR REGENERATION SYSTEM OF ENDOSPERM OF Actindia chinese CV. ‘JINTAO’ COMPARISON OF TISSUE CULTURE ABILITY FROM MATURE EMBRYO BETWEEN GLUTINOUS AND SEMI-GLUTINOUS RICE CULTIVARS Research progress on Oncidium in tissue culture and transgenes Research on tissue culture and medium of Nitraria tangutorum Tissue culture and plantlet regeneration from vegetative organs of two clones of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) Isolation of protoplast from the Astragalus membranaceus Simultaneous determination of six endogenous cytokinins components and auxin in plant tissue by high performance liquid chromatography Study on pathways of Ca2+ movement in young fruit tissue of apple and its regulation by hormones A STUDY ON CHANGE OF STRUCTURE OF COLLAPSED POPULUS DAVIDIANA SMALL-DIAMETER TIMBER AND MECHANISM OF COLLAPSE STUDY ON TISSUE CULTURE OF LARIX OLGENSIS THE MECHANISM OF EMPTY BUNDLE FORMATION IN CHINESE CHESTNUT Effect of NAA and IBA on Rooting of Tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia in vitro and Anatomical Observation on Adventitious Root Development Study on technique of inducing microrhizome in Zingiber officinale Plant Regeneration from Different Explants of Perilla frutescens L.Britton PROGRESS IN STUDIES OF THE EFFECTS OF DEFOLIATIONON REGROWTH AND PRODUCTION IN GRASS PASTURE Effects of Cutting on the Lamina Tissue Turnover for Perennial Ryegrass