Tissue Differentiation of the Regeneration Rind in Jerusalem artichoke Stem Studies on Factors in Cryopreservation of Sugarcane Calluses Culture of Explants from Immature Inflorescence of Octoploid Triticale Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration From Stem Segments in Pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus ‘Zihonglong’) Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Jacaranda mimosifolia Research Progress on Phalaenopsis in vitro Culture and Related Biotechnology Studies on Regeneration System from Petiole of Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ‘Sunanda’ in vitro Selection of in vitro Buds of Two Rattan Species for Elongation and Rooting Selection of Appropriate Explants for Multiplication,Shoot and Root Induction in Tissue Culture of Daemonorops margaritae Studies on the Tissue Cultue of Pinus taeda, P.elliottii and P.serotina Fibre Morphology and Main Physical and Chemical Properties of Some Bamboo Wood of Phyllostachys Influence of K-deficiency Stress on Plant Growth of Strawberry and Soil-borne Disease Under Continuous Cultivation Influence of K-deficiency Stress on Plant Growth of Strawberry and Soil-borne Disease Under Continuous Cultivation Assessment of Freezing Tolerance of Juglans Germplasms by Using Annual Dormant Branches The Effect of UV-C Irradiation on Spatial and Temporal Accumulation of Flavanols and the Activity,Tissue Localization of LAR in Grape Berry Establishment of the Regeneration System and Genetic Transformation of BrDFR Gene in Chrysanthemum Cultivar Establishment of the Regeneration System and Genetic Transformation of BrDFR Gene in Chrysanthemum Cultivar Research on the Microtuber Induction System of Dioscorea alata in Vitro Research on the Microtuber Induction System of Dioscorea alata in Vitro Cloning and Expression Analysis of Banana ACC Oxidase Gene (MAO3) Tissue Culture of Altemanthera ficoidea ‘Ruliginosa’Leaf Explants and ItsPlantlet Regeneration Studies of Antibrowning in the Tissue Culture of Phalaenopsis Review of Research on the Plant Tissue Culture of Phalaenopsis hybrid In Vitro Culture of Unfertilized Ovules in Phalaenopsis Cracking Mechanism of Prunus salicina and Related Preventions Floral Organ in Vitro Culture of Clivia miniata Regei In Vitro Ovary Culture of Cardiocrinum giganteum Studies on Crucial Technology of Rapid Asexual Propagation and CommercialProduction of Phalaenopsis In Vitro Culture and Plant Regeneration of Juglans regia L. Isolation and Tissue-specific Expression of Chalcone Synthase Gene Ps-CHS1 in Tree Peony Identification, Cloning, and Potential Application of Genes Related to Somatic Embryogenesis in Plant Tissue Culture Selection and Characterization of Maize Variants Resistant to S-(2-Aminoethyl)-L-Cysteine and 5-Methyltryptophan A Simple Method for Searching Intracellular Space Structures in Plant Tissues Studies on Isolation and Characteristics of a Sugarcane Cell Line Resistant to Hydroxyproline (HYP) Selection of Lysine Plus Threonine-Resistant Mutant of Maize Effect of perennial drought environments on Citrus tangerina Hort. cv. "Chuanju" growth, nutrient absorption and physiology Key issues in restoration on earthquake-damaged ecosystem at the ecotone between dry valley and montane forest of the Minjiang River INDUCTION OF SOMATIC EMBRYOS AND PLANTREGENERATION OF MELISSITUS RUTHENICA L. THE GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION OF CALLUS CULTURES OF STERIA REBAUDIANA IN RELATION TO THE STEVIOSIDE ACCUMULATION TISSUE CULTURE AND RAPID PROPAGATION OF DIEFFENBACHIA EFFECTS OF MEDIA, GROWTH REGULATORS ANDDIVIDING ON THE GROWTH OF CYMBIDIUM SINENSEPROTOCORMS CULTURED IN VITRO TISSUE CULTURE AND RAPID PROPAGATION OF MICHELLA MAUDLAE Preliminary Study on Tissue Culture Technique in Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis var. utilis Research on the Shoot Growth and Bud Propagation In Vitro Culture Tissue Culture Technique of Acacia mangium Elite Trees Characteristics of Temporal and Spatial Tissue Development During the Rapidly Growing Stage of Moso Bamboo Culms Study on PAL, PPO, SOD Activities of Tissue Cultured Plantlets of Slash Pine Treated with Lecanosticta acicola Floral Organs Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation Technology of Lilium longiflorum×L.asiatic Hybrid ‘Eyeliner’ Development of an in vitro Micrografting Method for the Enhancement of Growth of Isolated Shoots and Buds in Jatropha curcas L. Comparison of the Accumulation Ability of Photosynthetic Product between Two Types of Bearing Shoots of Southern China Fresh-Eat Jujube Isolation and Expression Analysis of PwWDS1 in Picea wilsonii Molecular Characteristics and Primary Functional Analysis of DlKNOX1 Gene from Dendrocalamus latiflorus Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Chalcone Isomerase Gene from Mulberry (Morus alba) In Vitro Micropropagation of Gerbera Leaf In Vitro Plant Regeneration from Callus Induced from Hypocotyl of Lettuce(Lactuca sativa) In Vitro Micropropagation of Gerbera Leaf In Vitro Plant Regeneration from Callus Induced from Hypocotyl of Lettuce(Lactuca sativa) Somatic Embryogenesis from Leaves of Begonia ×Elatior Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Acacia dealbata Somatic Embryogenesis from Leaves of Begonia ×Elatior Regeneration of Peach Plantlet from Callus Derived from Explant Tissue Culture and High Frequency Propagation of Opuntia milpa altaHaw. Research on Outer Bottle Rooting Technique of Fruit Seedling in Vitro with Filter-paper Bridge Regeneration of Peach Plantlet from Callus Derived from Explant Tissue Culture and High Frequency Propagation of Opuntia milpa altaHaw. Application of Orthogonal Design in Tissue Culture of Nematanthus glabra The Effect of NH4+-N on Anatomical Structure of Alfalfa Conducting Tissue Candidate Reference Gene Selection for Quantitative RT-PCR Normalization in Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) Root Tissue Correlation between Rice Plant Aerenchyma System and Methane Emission from Paddy Field Improving of in vitro Plant Regeneration Frequency of Rosa canina ( Rosaceae) Inermis Study on the Difference in Expression Profiles of microRNA Among Leaf Organs of Triploid and Diploid Populus×euramericana cl.‘Zhonglin46’ Cloning and Functional Analysis of a Vascular Tissue-specific Promoter from Populus tomentosa Structures, Components and Functions of Secretory Tissues in Houttuynia cordata Variation of B Chromosome Associated with Tissue Culture in Wheat-rye Cross Heat Injary and Changes in Electrical Resistance of Leaf Tissue Callus Induction and Plantlet Regeneration in Grapevines Transmitting Tissae and Pollen Tube Growth in Sweet Pepper Structure Characteristics Associated with Salt Tolerance of Populus euphratica The Commelina Yellow Mottle Virus Promoter Is a Strong Promoter in Vascular Tissue of Transgenic Gossypium hirsutum Plants Study on Tissue Cultures of Legume Plants