Tissue Culture and High-efficiency Plant Regeneration of Arctium lappa Research Advances in Lily Tissue Culture and Genetic Transformation Tissue Structure and Near-infrared Reflectivity and Their Affecting Factors of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves Factors Affecting Embryoid Induction and Formation of Cabbage Anthers in Culture Morphological and Physiological Disorders of Cotton Resulting from Potassium Deficiency Tisssue culture and plant regeneration of rare plant Gymnocarpos przewalskii Studies on tissue culture technique of Rheum tanguticum Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration of Scabiosa tschiliensis Histology and Development Analysis of Meristematic Nodules from Cultured Pulsatilla koreana Frequency of Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration Among Eight Genotypes in Miscanthus sinensis Species Tissue Culture of the Medicinal Plant Gardenia jasminoides Validation of Reference Genes for Quantitative RT-PCR Analysis in Soybean Root Tissue under Salt Stress In vitro-cultured Morphological Changes in Huperzia serrata and Accumulation of Huperzine A Effect of LED in Different Light Qualities on Growth of Phalaenopsis Plantlets Rice tissue-specific promoters and condition-dependent promoters for effective translational application The Protein Body in Dedifferentiating Cels of Tobacco Leaf Explants Abnormal Development of Regenerated Bark in Eucommia ulmoides Corn Starch Gel and Plant Tissue Culture I. Effects of Corn Starch Gel Medium on Differentiation and Growth of Malus Zumi and M26 Environmental regulation of plant tissue culture The ecological construction and the selection of major agro-industry in developmenting northwest China A preliminary study on the technology for storage of tissue-cultured plantlets in low temperature condition Technology of tissue cultural propagation of Malus zumi The subacute toxicity of dibutyl phthalate (DBP) stress on Portunus trituberculatus Studies on Anatomical Structures of Leaves and Their Drought Tolerance Features of Sedum aizoon L. and Sedum spectabilis Boreau The Rapid Propagation Technology of Sorbus pohuashanensis by Axillary Bud Regeneration Way Induction differentiation and plant regeneration of Elaeagnus angustifolia Tissue culture of Dioscorea opposita “foshou” Influence of several plant growth substance on propagation of GGB of Cymbidium grandiflorum FERTILE PLANT REGENERATION FROM TISSUE CULTURE IN ALLIUM MONGOLICUM REGEL THE TISSUE CULTURE OF DRUG PLANT-CHINESE MAGNOLIAVINE TISSUE CULTURE AND ANTIHEPATITIS CONSTITUENT IN CALLI OF SWERTIA FRANCHETIANA H. SMITH STUDY ON CHANGES OF CARBOHYDRATES CONTENT AND ACTIVITIES OF AMYLASE AND SUCRASE IN MORP HOGENESIS OF CULTURED FRITILLARIAE PALLIDIFLORAE EMBRYOGENESIS IN TISSUE DERIVED FROM YOUNG LEAF OF AVENA NUDA ANATOMICAL OBSERVATION OF ASSIMILATINE BRANCHES OF SOME SPECIES IN YANCHI COUNTY, NINGXIA STUDIES ON TECHNIQUEs OF CLONAL PYOPAGATION IN VINE 草莓离体无性繁殖的研究——Ⅱ.试管苗移栽和田间表现 STUDIES ON THE TISSUE CULTURE OF PHYSALIS PERUVIAM L. RESEARCH ON THE MORPHYLOGY,CYTOLOGY OF ABNORMAL CONDUCTING TISSUE AND MICROSPORANGIUM OF MALE-STERILE PLANTIN CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA CALLUS INDUCTION AND PLANT REGENERATION FROM LEAVES AND STEM SEGMENTS OF IN VITRO SHOOTS OF ACTINIDIA ARGUTA Ultrastructure of Tissues Accumulating Gypenosides in Vegetative Organs of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Tissue culture of chinese wild grape Tissue culture and plant regeneration of Peganum harmala Studies on the induction of embryoid from unpollinated ovaries of Nicotiana tabacum L. Vascular development in the segment grafts of Cucurbita in Vitro In vitro selection of salt and PEG tolerant flaxi lines from the progeny of flown seeds STUDIES ON TISSUE AND RAPID PROPAGATION PTERIDIUM AQUILINUM VAR. LATIUSCULUM STUDIES ON THE TISSUE AND CELL CULTURE OF SOPHORA JAPONICA L. EFFECT OF CPPU ON FRUIT TISSUE DEVELOPMENT AND ENDOCYTOKININ CONTENT OF KIWIFRUIT THE STUDIES ON TISSUE CULTURE AND THE PROCEDUE OF RAPID PROPAGATIONOF INDUSTRIALIZATION IN STRELITZIA REGINAE STUDIES ON TECHNIQUES OF MINIATURE PROPAGATION IN WILD JUJUBE Review on Taxus chinensis var.mairei tissue culture research Study on the tissue anatomy on the pericarp of Juglans Regia L Preparation of Recombinant Human Plasminogen Activator in Rabbit Mammary Gland and Detection of Expressed Products Cloning and Tissue Expression of Full-length cDNA in Gene Encoding Δ6-desaturase Fatty Acyl of Portunus trituberculatus Research Progress of Cultivation Technology of Taxus and Its Distribution in China Isolation,Culture and Characterization of Derived Cells from Neonatal Porcine Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Cloning and Tissue Expression Analysis of C-type Lectin Gene from Humphead Snapper(Lutjanus sanguineus Cloning,Sequence and Tissue Expression Pattern Analysis of HOXC10 Gene in Multi-costa Properties Yaks of Jinchuan Advances in Studies on Propagation Technology of Cardiocrinum(Endl.)Lindl. Polymorphisms and Expression of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor Gene from Channel Catfish,Ictalurus punctatus Advance on Virus-free Plant Tissue Culture and its Application on Crocus sativus L. Cloning ,Tissue Expression Pattern and Bioinformatics Analysis of HOXA6 Gene in Maiwa Yak The Effect of Sample Pretreatment on Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Ratios of Bar-headed Goose Tissues Effects of Diethyl Phthalate Exposure on Biochemical Indexes and Tissue Structure of Kidney and Gill in Carps Effects of Podosphaera xanthii Infection on Expression of PAL Gene in Different Resistant Varieties of Cucurbita pepo Plant Regeneration of Rosa chinensis‘Vendela‘ for Scale-up Production via Direct Qrganogenesis THE SILICIFICATION OF YOUNG TISSUES OF RICE AND RELATIONSHIP WITH ITS RESISTANCE TO BLAST OF RICE Effects of basic media and culture conditions on growth of calluses and production of secondary metabolites of Eucommia ulmoides Studies on tissue culture of Tibetan Rhodiola rosea Tissue culture and rapid propagation of peashrub Studies on tissue culture techniques of Nitraria tangutorum Tissue Culture and in Vitro Seedling and Protocorm-like Body Examination of Dendrobium candidum Studies on Tissue Culture and Regeneration System of Festuca arundinacea and Transient Expression of GUS Gene Tissue Structures of Dioscorea Rhizomes and Authentication of Rhizoma Dioscoreae Hypoglaueae Medicinal Materials Progress in Tissue Culture and Genetic Transformation of Roses Correlation Study between Bud Length and Gametophyte Development Stage in Daylily (Hemerocallis hybridus cv. ‘‘‘‘Stella de oro‘‘‘‘) Tissue Specificity Express Analysis of Methyltransferase Gene COMT and CCoAOMT in Cotton APD ANALYSIS OF GENETIC RELATIONSHIP OF STRAWBERRY CULTIVARS  AND ITS DIFFERENT SUBCULTURED PLANTLETS IN VITRO Primary Study on Polyploid of Dendrobium Hybrid Induced by Colchicines SCREENING OF RESISTANT MUTANT INDUCED BY γ-RAYS IRRADIATION TO RICE BLAST