Primary Vasculature of the Root—Stem Transitional Zone in Robinia pseudoacacia L. Seedlings Synthesis and Accumulation of Hypericin in Hypericum perforatum L. A Two-step Method for the Efficient Micropropagation of Lilium longiflorum Inhibitory Effects of Ganoderma lucidum Extraction Tissue Culture of Common Banana Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration from Endosperm of Averrhoa carambola In vitro Propagation of Senecio cineraria cv. Silver Dust TISSUE CULTURE AND ESTABLISHMENT OF REGENERATION SYSTEM OF DELPHINIUM GRANDIFLORUM AXILLARY BUD CULTURE AND PLANTLET REGENERATION OF ACACIA AURICULIFORMIS AND A. MANGIUM HISTO-CYTOLOGICAL STUDY ON SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS FROM THE LEAF OF CAMELLIA SINENSIS KUNTZE Study on root regeneration from adventitious buds in Pinus ponderosa Callus inducing and plantlet regeneration from leaf,petiole and stem of different Anthurrium adraeanum varieties Studies on tissue culture and micropropogation of Bougainvillea glabra Study of tissue culture techniques on depoison test-tube-plantlet of Elaeagnus mollis Effect of salicylic acid on several physiological and biochemical indications in tissue culture seedling of red date Advances on studies of plant promoters Effect of PP_(333) and CCC on growth multiplications and rooting of Toona sinensis in tissue culture The somatic embryogenesis and its histological characteristics of Zizyphus jujuba Mill. The advances of biotechnique research in Lycium barbarum Studies on the abnormal embryoid and hypeahydric shoot in tissue culture Molecular Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of the Gene Encoding HMG-CoA Reductase from Eucalyptus urophylla×E.grandis Isolation, Expression and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) Analysis ofGA20Ox Gene in Populus simonii Study on the Tissue Culture of Horqin Peashrub Study on the Technique of Plant Microula Bench A Study on the Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration of Perennial Ryegrass Study on Excised Leaf Tissue Inoculation of Common Leaf Spot in Alfalfa Studies on Tissue Culture of Stylosanthes Guianensis Reyan Ⅱ A Study on Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration of Psathyrostachys perennis Keng Effects of Cutting on Leaves Net Growth and Net Herbage Accumulation in Festulolium Researching the Mechanism in Plant in vitro Culture via “Communication” Experiment and to Establish the Methods Widely Used for Tissue Culture of Wheat Effect of Silicon on the Growth of Test-tube Potato Plantlets and the Cell Wall Formation Low Temperature Injury and Peroxidation of Membrans Lipids in Rice Seedlings The Effects of Naphthalene Acetic Acid, Kinetin and Wound on the Callus Formation with Relation to the Biosyntheses of Tryptophan and Indole Acetic Acid in the Cotyledon of Mung Bean Expression of Ferric Chelate Reductase Gene in Citrus junos and Poncirus trifoliata Tissues Contamination Control of Underground Buds in Peony Tissue Culture Comparison of leaf tissue turnover for Leymus chinensis and Phragmites communis after grazing Cloning of gene encoding G-protein beta subunit and tissue distribution in the English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae A Study on the Tissue Culture of Tara (Caesalpinia spinosa Kuntze) Effectiveness of in vitro Mycorrhizal Inoculation of Tissue Cultured Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla in Field Trials Key Technology Study on Oncidium Industrial Propagation by Tissue Culture Comparative Analysis of Spectroscopy Features of Early-Stage Wood Forming Tissue in Common Tree Species in Northeast, China Establishment of High Frequently Regeneration System from Leaves of‘Xueqing’Pear Leaf Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Pears with Different Genotypes Embryo Abortion and Young Embryo Culture of Chinese Jujube Studies Oil Tissue Culture of Oncidium Studies on System of Plant Regeneration from Leaf Explant of Cherry Rootstocks Mericlone Production Technical of Phalaenopsis Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Veronicastrum sibricum Pennel Change of the Leaf Tissue Structure of Evergreen Broad-leaf Plants duringOverwintering The Studies of the Tissue Culture of Anigozanthos ( Kangaroo paws) Effect of Plant Growth Regulators and Heat Shock on Shoot-tip Culture inBrassica campestris L.ssp. chinensis var. utilis Tsen et Lee. Embryogenic Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Zoysia japonica Advances on 0rchid Tissue Clllture and M olecular Bi Preliminary Study on Tissue Culture of Bermudagrass and Its DwarfSonmclonal riant Propagation of Bublets in Lium ‘Casa Blanca’ Using Bioreactor Advances on 0rchid Tissue Clllture and M olecular Bi Preliminary Study on Tissue Culture of Bermudagrass and Its DwarfSonmclonal riant Propagation of Bublets in Lium ‘Casa Blanca’ Using Bioreactor Efficient Plant Regeneration Via Root Tip Culture of Allium tuberosum Rottl.ex Spreng. Efficient Plant Regeneration Via Root Tip Culture of Allium tuberosum Rottl.ex Spreng. Seed and Shoot2tip Tissue Culture and Morphogenesis of Protocorms in Cymbi-dium eburneum var. parishii ( Rchb. f . ) Hook. f . Seed and Shoot2tip Tissue Culture and Morphogenesis of Protocorms in Cymbi-dium eburneum var. parishii ( Rchb. f . ) Hook. f . Effects of La3+ on Tissue Culture of Gerbera jasmesonil ‘Sunbird’ Function and Expression Specificity Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Gene AT2G14260 Preface Agrodliversity,agrobiodiversity and the papers in this special issue of Acta Bowtanica Yunnanica Hormonal Regualtion of Vascular Tissue Differentiation in Graft Unions Establishment of callus culture system of Tribulus terrestris and determination of total flavonoid glycosides Extraction, isolation, and purification of polysaccharides from leaves of Acanthopanax gracilistylus and property of their moisture retention Comparison on different extraction processes of total flavonoids in Chrysanthemum indicum and its anti-oxidant effect Screening Studies on Anti-inflammatory Function of Traditional Chinese Herb Gardenia jasminoides Ellis and Its Possibility in Treating Soft Tissue Injuries in Animals Comparative Studies on Histology of Rhizoma Arisaematis and Pinelliae Some Changes in Chemical Components and Tissue Structure of Radix Sanguisorbae by Charcoal-Processing Cryo-sectioning Conditions and Histochemistry Comparison with Paraffin Sectioning A Preliminary Study on Direct Regeneration of Flower Buds from Peduncle Calli in Dracaena fragrans cv. massangeana Change in the Concentration and Tissuelocalization of Endogenous IAA During the Regeneration of Vascular Tissues After Xylem Removal in Broussonetia papyrifera Genetic Mechanism of the Occurrence of Salt-tolerant Variant of Octoploid Triticale Under Tissue and Cell Culture Somatic Embryogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration in Mature Zygotic Embryos of Picea meyeri Factors Affecting pH Changes of in Vitro Media Plasmalemma Invaginations in Cultured Callus of Stevia rebaudiana: Ultrastructure and Ultracytochemical Localization of Acid Phosphatase Isolation and Characterization of a Chinese Aneurolepidium Cell Line Resistant to Hydroxyproline Effects of sub-low temperature and drought stress on root morphology and leaf structure of tomato seedlings.