Establishment and Optimization of plant regeneration of Hybrid larch(L.gmelinii 10×L.kaempferi 13) Rapid Propagation and Regeneration System of Populus simonii×Populus nigra Tissue Culture System of Muscari botryoides Mill Leaf and Flower Organs Regeneration System for Axillary Bud of Juglans mandshurica Maxim. Relationship between Anatomical Structures of Populus euphratica and Ecoenvironment The nutrient situations in the major alfalfa producing areas of China Effects of potassium fertilization on leaf anatomical structures of different cotton genotypes Effects of nitrogen rate on nitrogen loss from rice plant tissue Effects of different sources and levels of zinc on growth performance and tissue zinc accumulation of the young Elco rabbit Establishment of High-frequency in Vitro Regeneration System of Onion A Review of the Development in Tissue Culture of Ornamental Ferns A Review of the Development in Tissue Culture of Ornamental Ferns In vitro Shoot Rooting and Plantlet Transplanting of Tree Peonies Studies on Histochemistry of the Developmental Epiphyllous Ovule in Ginkgo biloba var. epiphylla Studies on Histochemistry of the Developmental Epiphyllous Ovule in Ginkgo biloba var. epiphylla Studies Oil Tissue Culture of Oncidium The Effct of Gamma Irradiation on Shoot Regeneration from Leaf and BudGrowth of Pear and Apple in Vitro Studies on the Relation between Scale Treatment , Color Change and Lily Bullet Formation in Tissue Culture Establishment of High Frequently Regeneration System from Leaves of‘Xueqing’Pear Leaf Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Pears with Different Genotypes Cloning and Expression Characterization of a Lysine-rich Protein cDNA(Cflr ) from Pepper Studies on Adventitious Shoots Regeneration and Transformation System of Grape in Vitro Establishment of tissue culture and rapid propagation system of Typhonium flagelliforme Inhibition of berberine on tissue factor activity and venous thrombosis Tuber Formation in Tissue Culture of Corydalis yanhusuo W.T.Wang A Study on Inducing of Callus Tissue and Regenerating of Plant in Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit Advances in research of Dendrobium officinale Effects of puerarin on renal function and expressions of MMP-10 and TIMP-1 in kidney of diabetic rats Tissue culture of shoot-tip and plantlet regeneration of Camptotheca acumunata Tissue culture of stem apex and shoot rapid propagation of ginger AN ULTRASTRUCTURAL STUDY ON CELLS WITHIN MERISTEMATIC REGIONS IN CALLUS CULTURES OF STEVIA REBAUDIANA ON DIFFERENTIATING MEDIUM In vitro Shoot Rooting and Plantlet Transplanting of Tree Peonies Analysis on clivorine from alkaloid in aqueous extract of Ligularia hodgsonii and its hepatotoxicity in rats Regulations of berberine on gene expression of BMP4 transcriptional pathways to improve visceral white adipose tissues insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic hamsters Inhibitory effect on estrogen production and its influence on invasive abilityof human endometrial cells of endometriosis by medicated serum of SLW Tissue distribution of cinobufaginin vivo in rats TISSUE CULTURE AND PLANT REGENERATION OF Osbeckia opipara CALLUS INDUCTION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN Anthurium Andraeanum BY ORTHOGONAL DESIGN TISSUE CULTURE ADVANCES OF TREE PEONY AN EFFICIENT PLANT REGENERATION SYSTEM VIA DIRECT ADVENTITIOUS BUD FORMATION IN CHICORY EFFECTS OF KANAMYCIN ON THE GROWTH AND DETERMINATION OF POPLA AND BLACUST Study on Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Sophora flavescens Ait. Optimization of Shoot-tip Culture System for Raspberry Research Advances about Tissue Culture of Endangered Plants in China Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Pinellia ternata in Suspension Tissue Culture Tissue Cultures of Four Rhodiola Species Tissue Culture of Amelanchier alnifolia Direct Tissue Blot Immunoassay for Detection of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus Direct Tissue Blot Immunoassay for Detection of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus Tissue Culture of Echinocodon lobophyllus Hong Development of Abnormal Plantlets and Their Normalization During Cotton Tissue Culture Structural Analysis of Nodule-Like Tissue on Rice Roots Collected from Wenzhou District of Zhejiang Province Feeding Position of Wax Insect (Ericerus pela) on Ligustrum lucidum and the Influence of Parasitism on Host Tissue Study on in Vitro Regeneration of Style-Stigma-Like Structure in Crocus sativus L. Callus Formation from Protoplasts and Plant Regeneration from Tissue Culture of Silybum marianum Gaertn Cryopreservation of Sainfoin Tissue Cultures and Their Ultrastructural observation The Promntive Effects of Ginseng on Rapid C1onal In Vitro Propagation of African Violet (Saintapulia tonantha Wendl.) Tissue culture and plant regeneration of Sophora alopecuroides Effects of Shexiang Baoxin Pills on myocardial tissue immediate early gene and connective tissue growth factor in rats with hepatic cirrhosis Effects of Shexiang Baoxin Pills on myocardial tissue immediate early gene and connective tissue growth factor in rats with hepatic cirrhosis Rapid propagation system for tissue culture of Asparagus cochinchinensis Inhibition of extract from scorpion venom on experimental metastasis of Lewis and DU-145 tumor cells Inhibition of extract from scorpion venom on experimental metastasis of Lewis and DU-145 tumor cells Effect of oxymatrine on cytokines of myocardial tissue in rats with septic shock Studies on Chemical Constituents of Tissue Cultures of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge Studies on tissue culture for bud of stem in Aesculus wilsonii Studies on establishment of calli culture for rapid propagation of Spiraea japonica Tissue culture of stem segment and plantlet regeneration of resources plant-Apocynum venetum Studies on conditions of tissue culture and accumulation of alkaloids at different period in Fritillaria mellea Studies on tissue culture and rapid propagation technique of Iphigenia indica Research progress in Sinopodophyllum emodi Key issues for the development of a forest ecological compensation mechanism Study of nubbins growth on Porites lutea, Goniopora djiboutiensis and Galaxea fascicularis during pre-spawn and post-spawn Establishment of Alfalfa Tissue Culture System and Research on Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation System in Alfalfa Progress and Prospect of Azuki Bean Biotechnologies Research Quantitative relationship of wheat and rice respiration with tissue nitrogen, biomass and temperature Pollination Effects on the Structure of Tobacco’s (Nicotiana tabacum) Transmitting Tissue Relationship between Endogenous ZT,ABA and Age of Chinese Fir as well as It’s Rejevenation by Tissue Culture A Study on the Techniques for in Vitro Propagation of Jojoba (Simondsia chinensis) RESPONSE OF ADVENTITIOUS BUDS FORMATION AND CLONE SELECTION IN VITRO FOR POPUWS TOMENTOSA