Interspecific Hybridization between Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis andBrassica spinescens via Asymmetric Somatic Protoplast Fusion Studies of Somatic Embryo via Cotyledon Induction in Cucumis melon L.‘Hetao’ Morphological and Anatomical Analysis of Pineapple Somatic Embryogenesis Dynamic Changes of Starch Granules During Somatic Embryogenesis and Development in Cyclamen persicum Dynamic Changes of Starch Granules During Somatic Embryogenesis and Development in Cyclamen persicum Somatic Embryogenesis of Parthenocissus tricuspidata Function Analysis of miR396 in Somatic Embryos of Larix leptolepis ESTABLISHED EMBRYONIC SOMACLONES OF HORDEUM DISTICHUM 2n=24 Somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration in Saussurea medusa Maxim. The Current Status of Larix Somatic Embryogenesis Research Somatic Embryogenesis from Immature Embryos of Larix kaempferi Organogenesis and Somatic Embryogenesis from Mature Zygotic Embryos of Cunninghamia lanceolata Cytological Investigation of Somatic and Zygotic Embryogenesis of Fraxinus mandshurica THE CHANGES OF NUCLEIC ACIDS AND SOLUBLE PROTEIN DURING SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS IN WHEAT Induction Technique of Picea koraiensis Nakai Embryogenic Callus EFFECT OF 60Co γ-RAYS IRRADIATION ON SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS
OF Musa AAA CAVENDISH cv. ‘Baxijiao’
Stress-related Genes and Proteins of Somatic Embryogenesis Somatic Embryogenesis and Multiplicity of Chromosome Number in Embryogenic Cell Lines of Larix ssp. Interspecific Hybridization between Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis andBrassica spinescens via Asymmetric Somatic Protoplast Fusion Using Protoplast Electrofusion Technology to Obtain Interspecific SomaticFusion Hybrid of Eggplant Plantlet Regeneration by Isolated Microspore Culture of Somatic Hybrid ofEggplant Mesophyll Protoplast Fusion of Solanum tuberosum and Solanum chacoenseand Their Somatic Hybrid Analysis Production of Citrus Intergeneric Tetraploid Somatic Hybrids Plant from Elec􀀁tricity-mediated Protoplast Fusion Production of Citrus Intergeneric Tetraploid Somatic Hybrids Plant from Elec􀀁tricity-mediated Protoplast Fusion Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of CDC48, and Its Expression during Somatic Embryogenesis in Dimocarpus longan Lour. Establishment of Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration System of Symplocarpus nipponicus Makino Some physiological and biochemical charateristics of different developmental stages of somatic embryogenesis in Anthurium andraeanum Genetic Analysis of Triploid Progenies from Shatian Pummelo(2x)× Citrus Allotetraploid Somatic Hybrid NS(4x) Genetic Analysis of Triploid Progenies from Shatian Pummelo(2x)× Citrus Allotetraploid Somatic Hybrid NS(4x) Cloning of TPI Gene from Embryogenic Callus and Its Expression Analysis During Somatic Embryogenesis in Longan Cloning of the Genes of Remorin Family from Embryogenic Callus and Their Expression Analysis During Somatic Embryogenesis in Dimocarpus longan Morpho-histological Study of Somatic Embryo-like Structures and Somatic Embryos in Lily Cloning of the Full-length cDNA of the Wheat Involved in Salt Stress: Root Hair Defective 3 Gene (RHD3) Protoplasts Culture and Asymmetric Somatic Hybridization Between Medicago sativa and Lotus corniculatus Studies on Transgen ic Acceptor System of Ground-CoverChrysanthemum Via Indirect Soma tic Embryogenesis Acquirement of self-compatible somatic mutants induced by colchicine in Paspalum vaginatum Study and Application on Somatic Embeyogenesis in Arbor Tree Preliminary Study of Asymmetric Protoplast Fusion Between Celery (Apiumgraveolens L. ) and CMS Carrot (Daucus ca rota L. ) Pseudobulbils Induction,Somatic Embryogenesis and Shoot Regeneration in Rosa multiflora Thunb. Comparative Studies on Anatomical Structure of Roots in Three Citrus Seedling Rootstocks and Their Two Somatic Hybrids STUDIES ON HISTOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE ORGANGENESIS AND SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS OF POPULUS ALBA× (P.DAVIDIANA×P.SIMONIIP.TOMENTOSA IN VITRO Cloning of DlWUS from Embryogenic Callus and Its Expression Analysis during Somatic Embryogenesis in Dimocarpus longan Lour. Accumulation of main medicinal components in somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration of Aralia elata The application and influence of biotechnology in forestry A Preliminary Study of Somatic Embryogenesis of Phyllostachys violascens In Vitro Expression Analysis of Five MiRNAs and Their Precursors During Somatic Embryogenesis in Larch Cytology observation and formation conditions of somatic embryog-enesis in Vetiveria zizaniodes Preliminary Report on Somatic Embryogenesis from Stem of Quercus acutissima Carr. and Histological Observation Somatic Embryogenesis from Mature Zygotic Embryo Explants of Sorbus pohuashanensis Hedl Induction of Embryogenic callus and Somatic Embryogenesis of Juglans mandshurica Maxim. Factors Affecting Induction of embryogenic callus of Larix gmelinii Occurrence and Control of Abnormal Somatic Embroys in Saposhnikovia divaricata Tissue Culture Somatic Embryogenesis and Organogenesis Regeneration System of Winegrape‘Merlot Noir’ Genetic transformation of protoplasts from somatic cells of plants ABA stimulated direct formation of embryo-like structures at globular stage from hypocotyls of Physalis pubescens STUDY ON FREEZING RESISTANCE OF 5 CITRUS SOMATIC HYBRIDS AN OVERVIEW OF PROGRESS ON SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS AND TRANSFORMATION IN WALNUT STUDIES ON THE SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS OF TAXUS CHINENSIS AND TAXUS CHINENSIS VAR.MAIREI STUDIES ON EMBRYOGENIC CALLUS INDUCTION AND PLANT REGENERATION IN LOBLOLLY PINE ADVANCES IN GENETIC TRANSFORMATION AND GENOME TRANSFER OF FRUIT CROPS OBSERVATIONS ON SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS OF CNIDIUM MONNIERI CULTURED IN VITRO PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHANGES DURING SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS IN RICE (ORYZA SATIVA L.CV.PUWANYIHAO) SYNCHRONIZATION OF SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS IN COPTIS CHINENSIS F. STUDIES ON PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES DURING SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS OF DIGITARIA SANGUINALIS(L.) SCOP. PLANT REGENERATION AND SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS OF COPTIS CHINENSIS F. THE SPATIAL ARRANGEMENT OF CHROMOSOMES IN SOMATIC CELLS OF EUCARYOTE Studies on Specific Proteins of Somatic Embryogenesis in Oryz Sativa L. subsp. Indica Studies on Plant Regeneration form Somatic Cells and Transferring Technique of Plantlets in Upland Cotton Somatic Embryogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration from Immature Zygotic Embryos of Pinus thunbergii Somatic Embryogenesis of Platanus orientalis and Its Plantlet Regeneration Meristematic Nodule: a Valuable Developmental Pathway for Plant Regeneration High Frequency Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Elite Cotton Variety CCRI 19 Cloning of TPI Gene from Embryogenic Callus and Its Expression Analysis During Somatic Embryogenesis in Longan Somatic Embryogenesis of Picea asperata Induced from Immature Embryos Effects of Phytosulfokine on the Somatic Embryogenesis of Liriodendron hybrids(L. chinense×L. tulipifera) Role of Ethylene and Polyamines in Plant Somatic Embryogenesis Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Immature Zygotic Embryos of Black Locust(Robinia pseudoacacia) Interspecific Somatic Hybrids in Actinidia Somatic Embryogenesis in Cell Suspension Culture of Saposhnikovia divaricata Regeneration of Hybrid Plantlets Via Pollen-Hypocotyl Protoplast Fusion in Brassica spp.