Root Cluster Formation and Citrate Exudation of White Lupin (Lupinus albus L.) as Related to Phosphorus Availability Mixing of Cunninghamia lanceolata with Michelia macclurei and restoration of self sustaining mechanism in G. lanceolata plantation Distribution and transferring of carbon in kast soil system of peak forest depression in humid subtropical regon Modelings of terrestrial carbon cycling A disturbed ecosystem Ⅱ. Nitrogen cycling and its regulation in tussah-feeding oak plantation Dynamics of cycling regeneration of Gordonia acuminata population Network analysis of N, P and K flows in an agroforestry ecosystem Comparative study on internal and external nutrient cyclings or poplar tree under different fertilizations Ⅱ.Effect of fertilization on concentration and storage of major nutrients in poplar leaves before and after leaf fallen Comparative study on internal and external nutrient cyclings or poplar tree under different fertilizations Ⅰ.Effect of fertilization on biomass or poplar tree and its internal and external cypling of N before and after leaf fallen Residual effect of phosphorus fertilizer and phosphorus recycling in a farming system Ⅳ.A simple phosphorus recycling model in a farming system and its test A review of silicon cycling in forest ecosystem Carbon cycling of forest ecosystems in response to global nitrogen deposition:
a review
A review of the impacts of hurricanes and typhoons on forest ecosystems in coastal areas Biological cycling of nutrients in different ages classes of Acacia mangium plantation Effects of Nitrogen Addition on Nutrient Allocation and Nutrient Resorption Efficiency in Larix gmelinii Nutrient Internal Cycling in Cryptomeria fortunei Fine Root with Senescence Microelements Distribution and Biological Cycling of Acacia mangium plantation in Nanning,Guangxi The research advances and prospect of ecological stoichiometry Partitioning of vegetation biomass, nutrient storage and cycling of degraded ecosystems from moutainous Karst region, central Guizhou, China Feature and flux of nutrient cycling in rubber plantation Biocycle of nitrogen in a Cyclobalanopsis glauca dominated evergreen broad-leaved forest in East China Inhibitory effect of taurine in hypoxia-induced rat pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell proliferation and signal transduction mechanism Dissolved and particulate carbon fluxes in forest ecosystems Research advancements and perspectives on leaf and stem micro-interfaces in submerged macrophytes and its effect on water nitrogen cycling MSAP analysis of DNA methylation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) under Oxytetracycline Stress Isolation and distribution of oxytetracycline\|resistant entophytic bacteria in plant of wheat Cycling and balance of copper in farmland ecosystem of Jianghan plain in Hubei Province Effect of different fertilization system on soil nutrient budget Ecological effects of cover crops Effects of long-term cycling of organic nutrient on soil nitrogen supplying capacity in a red soil paddy ecosystem Nitrogen cycling and balance in agricultural ecosystem in piedmont plain of Taihang Mountains NUTRIENT ELEMENTS DISTRIBUTION AND CYCLING IN THE SECOND ROTATION CHINESE FIR PLANTATION AT FAST-GROWING STAGE DISTRIBUTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS ON BIOMASS AND NUTRIENT ELEMENTS OF PINE-OAK FOREST BELT IN MT.QINLING A STUDY ON THE NUTRIENT CYCLING OF PINUS MASSONIANA FOREST MIXED WITH BROADLEAVED TREES STUDIES ON NUTRIENT ELEMENTS CYLING AND DENSITY EFFECT IN SLASH PINE PLANTATIONS Accumulation and Biological Cycling of Nutrient Elements in Quercus aquifolioides Shrublands Evaluation of the development of agro-recycling economy in Hebei Province using integrated index system Nutrient recycling efficiency of a two-chamber septage treatment system Contribution of organic residue cycling to the soil organic matter in red paddy system Discussion on principles of circular economy Nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium cycling and balance in farmland ecosystem at the piedmont of Taihang The nutrient cycling and the efficiency of nutrient utilization of the Cajanus cajan 2-year old plantation in Dry-hot Region Study on the Nutrient Cycling of Ⅰ-69 Poplar Plantation Comparison of different straw cycling modes in farmland ecosystems in Chengdu Plain based on emergy theory Effects of winter cover crop straw recycling on soil organic carbon and soil carbon pool management index in paddy fields Characteristics of energy-nutrient flow of multiple cropping rotation systems in paddy field Contents and cycling of microelements in Karst urban poplar plantations Advances in methane-cycling microbial communities of permafrost and their response to global change Biological cycle and accumulation of lanthanum in the forage-mushroom-soil system SOFM-based nutrient cycling classification of forest ecosystems in the Loess Plateau Effect of ryegrass floating-bed on the nitrogen cycling bacteria and nitrogen removal in the synthetic municipal wastewater Effect of baohuoside on proliferation and cell cycle of human esophageal carcinoma cell Eca-109 Inhibitory mechanism of oridonin on G_2/M phase arrest in SGC-7901 cell growth Fine Root Mass and Internal Nutrient Cycling in a Broad Leaved-Korean Pine Forest Community of the Changbai Mountain Effects of cinnamyl aldehyde on cell cycle and relafeol proteinsexpression in NIH3T3 cells Biocycling of Nine Nutrient Elements in Winter Wheat on a Calcareous Alluvial Soil From Beijing Compartmental Model and Dynamic Simulating of Nutrient Cycling in an Apple Orchard Ecosystem The S Distributon in Grazing System and its Biological Cycling A Study of Nutrients in Fernland of Hong Kong A Primary Study on the Output and Input of Phosphorus in 14 Crop Fields in the Haihe River Basin, North China Phosphorus Budgets and Cycling in Leymunes chineses Grassland Study on the Functional Characteristics of Apple/Crops Intercropping Agroforestry Systems Studies on the Biocycling of Nutrient Elements of Tree Layer of Cunninghamia lanceolata Mature Plantations Effects of freeze-thaw cycles on soil nitrogen loss and availability δ15N in fine roots of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations of different ages and implications for soil nitrogen cycling rates Review of the key enzymes in the anammox process and ecological inferences derived from related molecular markers Learning from the Development of Dutch EoL Concrete Recycling Industry Construction of a resource-saving and environmentally friendly type of Guangdong Lead cycling in a simulated wastewater-affected mangrove(Avicennia marina) wetland system A STUDY ON THE INTERNAL TRANSFER AND CYCLINGOF NUTIENTS IN LOBLOLLY PINE PLANTATION Inhibition of polyporus polysaccharide on proliferation of A549 cells by adjusting Cyclin D1 expression by HuR Neuro-protective effects and mechanism of Terminalia chebula extract HZ4 on cerebral infarction models Research on resources chemistry of Chinese medicinal materials and resources recycling utilization ways and goals and tasks Effect of puerarin on hypoxia induced proliferation of PASMCs by regulating reactive oxygen Effect of organic residues cycling on phosphorus nutrition in red paddy systems of south China Comparison on nutrient cycling in different generation plantations of Chinese fir Effect of extracts of Ligusticum chuanxiong and Angelica sinensis on MAPK pathway and cycle proteins in vascular smooth muscle cells Measurement and evaluation of interactive relationships in urban complex ecosystem Phosphorus and sulphur bio-cycling in alpine tundra ecosystem of Changbai Mountains Recycling rate of N and P through a feeding-composting cycle and their recoveries in agro-ecosystems

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