Embryology of Astragalus mongholicus Bge. Further Embryological Studies on the in Vitro Apogamy in Oryza saliva L. Isolation of Viable Male and Female Gametes in Cunninghamia lanceolata Further Studies on Microtubule Organizational Changes During Megagametogenesis in Rice Embryo Sac Full-long cDNA Sequence Cloning and Bioinformatic Analysis of Piwi Subfamily Member Giwi in the Gampsocleis gratiosa Gonads STUDIES ON MORPHOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY OF ACANTHOCHLAMYS BRACTEATA Ⅱ. THE ANTHER AND OVULE DEVELOPMENT Development of Gametophytes of Grammitis dorsipila Accumulation Characteristic of Heavy Metals Between Gametophytes and Sporophytes of Moss Funaria hygrometrica Ultrastructural study on the development of male gametophyte in Paeonia lactiflora Megasporogenesis,development of female gametophyte of Manglietia insignis(Magnoliaceae) Current status on female gametophyte and fertilization in Ginkgo biloba Influence to crop seed sprouting on bryophytes Anatomical Studies on Megasporogenesis, Microsporogenesis and Development of Female and Male Gametophyte in Tapiscia sinensis Oliver The New Cultivars of Rosa‘Yanni’,‘Lüye’and‘Haleihuixing’ A Study on Characteristics of Zoysia japonica Mutations Induced by 60Co-γ Irradiation Study on Phenotype Mutation of Hemarthria compressa and Dose Selection of 60Co-γ Irradiation Cloning, Prokaryotic Expression, and Functional Testing of a γ-Gliadin Gene from Wheat Cultivar Shaan 253 Gene Cloning and Sequence Analysis of γ-Gliadin Genes from Wheat Cultivar Shann 253 Experiment study of total anthraquinone in Cassiae Semen on lipid peroxidation and PPAR-γ expression in liver tissues of rats with alcoholic fatty liver Simulators of weather environment of ecosystems Estimation of paddy rice leaf area index based on photo gamma correction Fairness norm and natural resources conservation: a theoretical study based on evolutionary game model Fairness norm and natural resources conservation: an experimental study in Wolong Nature Reserve Game theory on the ecological compensation of the upper reaches of Minjiang River Development of Gametophyte and Oogenesis of the Fern Lygodium japonicum Primary Study on Antheridiogen System of Dryopteris uniformis Megasporogenesis and Development of Female Gametophyte in Cynanchum otophyllum Schneid Progress of Variations in Floral Organs and Seeds of Autotetraploid Plants Gametophyte Development of Athyrium niponicum Observation on the Systematic Characteristics of Gametophyte in Sinephropteris delavayi Gametophytic Development and Apogamy of the Fern Onychium siliculosum(Desv.) C. Chr. A New Observation on Several Morphological Characteristics of Gametophyte in Lygodium japonicum Comparative Studies on the Development of Male and Female Gametophytes Between Fertile Line and Male Sterile Line’s Flowers of Tagetes erecta L. Development and Apogamy of the Gametophyte of the Fern Pteris fauriei Microsporogenesis and Development of Male Gametophyte of Euphorbia fischeriana Study on Meiosis Comparison of Pollen Grain of F1 Hybrided by Gametocidal Substitution Lines and Wheat Preliminarily Study on Formation and Cytological Mechanism of Unreduced Male Gametes in Different Ploidy Phalaenopsis Preliminarily Study on Formation and Cytological Mechanism of Unreduced Male Gametes in Different Ploidy Phalaenopsis Selection of Semigamy Material VSg-1 in Cotton and Its Application in Breeding Research Separation of gamma linolenic acid from evening primrose oil with ureainclusion—orthogonal experiment of optimizing technological parameters and observation of urea inclusion compoundⅠ Effects of Baixiangdan capsule on location and expression levelsof GABAA receptor β2 subunit in hippocampus of PMS model rats with liver-qi invasion Antitumor effects of neogambogic acid both in vivo and in vitro Regulation of gambogic acid on hERG potassium channel protein of K562 leukemia cells Embryological Studies on Endangered Ophiopogon xylorrhizus (Liliaceae) Megasporogenesis, Microsporogenesis and Development of Gametophytes in Eleutherococcus senticosus (Araliaceae) Isolation, identification and preliminary investigation of population succession of two endocellular bacteria from Acremonium strictum Gams. GAMT2 Encodes a Methyltransferase of Gibberellic Acid That is Involved in Seed Maturation and Germination in Arabidopsis Pollen-Ovule Ratio and Gamete Investment in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae) Gamete Recognition in Higher Plants: An Abstruse but Charming Mystery GAMETOPHYTIC FACTOR 1, Involved in Pre-mRNA Splicing, Is Essential for Megagametogenesis and Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis The Arabidopsis Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome Subunit 1 is Critical for Both Female Gametogenesis and Embryogenesis Clues to the signals for chloroplast photo-relocation from the lifetimes of accumulation and avoidance responses Early evolution of life cycles in embryophytes: A focus on the fossil evidence of gametophyte/sporophyte size and morphological complexity A logistic model for the stability of a symbiotic system for the coal and electricity industries Numerical classification, ordination and species diversity along elevation gradients of the forest community in Xiaoqinling Effect of 60Co-γ rays on Physiological Index and Molecule Characteristic of Poncirus trifoliata Effect of 137Cs-γ Rays Irradiation on Germination and Seedling Growth and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Grape Screening of the Diversity Mutat ional Strains of Converting D-xylose to Ethanol by 60Co-γ Irradiat ion and Its Fermentat ion Characterizat ion Reaserch Induced Chromosome Aberrations of Wheat by Gametocidal Chromosome and Cytogenetic Study of Their Offsprings The Variation of DNA Cytosine Methylation in Wheat Genome Induced by 60Co-γ Rays Microstructural Observation on the Development of Gametophytes and Oogenesis in the Fern Stenoloma chusanum A Novel Agaricus blazei Cultivar‘Fuji 5’ STUDIES ON THE MEGAGAMETOPHYTE DEVELOPMENT IN PANAX JAPONICUS C.A.MEY EMBRYO SAC DEVELOPMENT AND EMBRYOGENY IN ALLIUM TUBEROSUM STUDIES ON CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF ZANTHOXYLUM SPP.Ⅰ.SEPARATION OF YANGAMBIN OBSERVATIONS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF FRITILLARIA TYPE OF EMBRYO SAC IN LILIUM LANCIFOLIUM BY MEANS OF ENZYMATIC MACERATION ON THE STABILITY OF SYNERGID APOGAMY IN RICE OVARY CULTURE AND ITS DEVELOPMENTAL CONDITIONS STUDY ON MICROSPOROGENESIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF MALE GAMETOPHYTE OF PINUS YUNNANENSIS FRANCH. THE MICRO-AND MEGASPOROGENESIS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF MALE AND FEMALE GAMETOPHYTE OF LYCIUM BARBARUM L. Regeneration of Hybrid Plantlets Via Pollen-Hypocotyl Protoplast Fusion in Brassica spp. Studies on the Development of Gametophytes in Cornus officinalis (Cornaceae) Studies on Chemical Constituents of Bufo Siccus Comparison of Cytotoxicity of Different Processed Products of Gamboge on K562 Tumor Cells Studies on the Acute Toxicity and Anti-inflammatory Effect of Processed Products of Gamboge Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Euphorbia nematocypha Hand.-Mazz. Effects of γ-poly glutamic acid on substrate mineral nutrient supply and growth of tomato plug seedlings STUDIES ON POLLEN-SOMATIC PROTOPLAST FUSION BETWEEN BRASSICA CHINENSIS AND B. JUNCEA MICROSPOROGENESIS, MEGASPOROGENESIS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF MALE AND FEMALE GAMETOPHYTE IN ALLIUM CHINENSE G.DON STUDIES ON CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF ZANTHOXYLUM ECHINOCARPUM HEMSLEY Embryological Studies on Momordi cacharantia L.

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