Blooming and Fruiting Habits,Microspore Genesis and Development of Male Gametes of Trigonobalanus doichangensis Observations on the Spore Germination and Prothallium Development of Ferns Genomic Exchange and Rearrangement and Its Effect on Fertility of Male Gametophyte in Cucumis hytivus A New Variety of Glycine soja Zucc. Preliminary Study on Irradiation Breedin of Ailanthus altissima Swingle Breeding and Application of a New Millet Variety Fugu 7 with High Yield and Drought Resistance Mutagenic Effects of Co -rays on Polianthes tuberose L Effects of 60Co γ-rays Irradiation on Saccharopolyspora erythraea M SSRMARKERANALYSISONGENETICVARIATIONOFM3FROMMAIZE INBREDLINES48-2ANDR08AFTERIRRADIATIONINDUCEMENT A study on the development of stigma and megagametophyte, and embryogeny in Cimicifuga simplex Wormsk Fingerprint analysis of gamboge by HPLC Allelopathic effects of companion species on spore germination and gametophyte development in Cibotium barometz Advances in research of chem ical constituents and pharmacological activities of Pongam ia pinnata Gametophyte development of Taenitis blechnoides Megasporogenesis,microsporogenesis and development of male and female gametophytes in Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Genesis of microspore, megaspore and the development of male gametophyte, female gametophyte in Diphylleia sinensis Study on the development correlation between male and female gametes and the induction of 2n gamete of Rongan kumquat (F.crassifolia) Studies on callus induction and gametophyte regeneration of Bartramia pomiformis Gametophyte development in Hypodematium glanduloso-pilosum and its systematic significance Gametophyte development in Mesopteris tonkineusis and its systematic significance Studies on the Development of Gametophyte of Egenolfia sinensis and Egenolfia bipinnatifida Cytogenetic Studies on the Cross-progenies Between Chinese Spring-Agilops 2C Disomic Addition and Chinese Spring-Elytriga Disomic Addition Pollen Viability and Male and Female Gametophyte Development in Houttuynia cordata Thunb. Study on the Morphodifferentiation and Anther Structure in Flowers of Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. Creation and Identification of ‘Chinese Spring’ wheat Elytrigia elongata Translocation Lines The Mutagenic Effects of 60Co-γ Radiation on White Clover Callus The New Cultivars of Rosa‘Yanni’,‘Lüye’and‘Haleihuixing’ Construction of Molecular Linkage Map in Masson Pine Using RAPD Markers and Megaga metophytes from a Single Tree Pollen-Mesophyll Protoplast Fusion and Hybrid Plant Regeneration in Nicotiana Induction and Differentiation of Callus from Female Gametohyte Explants of Pinus bungeana Zucc. and P. tabulaeformis Carr. Origin of Megagametophytes with Supernumerary Egg Cells Occurring in Oryza sativa RAPD Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Saccharina japonica Germplasm Resources Development of Male and Female Gametophytes between Fertile Line and Male Sterile Line’s Flowers of Catalpa bungei C.A.Meyer. The Differentiation of Flower Bud and Development of Male Gametophyte in Calycanthus chinensis Studies on the Induction of 2n Gamete in Chinese Cabbage and the Production of Tetraploid by Sexual Polyploidization Studies on the Induction of 2n Gamete in Chinese Cabbage and the Production of Tetraploid by Sexual Polyploidization Polyploid Induction in Pear in vitro Treatment With Gamma-rays Comparative Study on the Breeding Systems of Rosa praelucens and Rosa soulieana STUDIES ON THE MICROSPOROGENESIS AND THE FORMATION OF THE MALE GAMETOPHYTE IN PLATYCLADUS ORIENTALIS Study on the Parthenogenesis of Ericerus pela (Chavannes) Evidence of Dichogamy in Santalum album L. Determination of n+1 Gamete Transmission Rate of Trisomics and Location of Gene Controlling 2n Gamete Formation in Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa) Abnormalities Occurring during Female Gametophyte Development Result in the Diversity of Abnormal Embryo Sacs and Leads to Abnormal Fertilization in indica/japonica Hybrids in Rice Four Closely-related RING-type E3 Ligases, APD1–4, are Involved in Pollen Mitosis II Regulation in Arabidopsis Studies on Nucleic Acid and Protein Synthesis and D evelopment of Male Gametnphyte of Clivia nobilis Cultured in Vitro The Ovule Structure and Development of Male and Female Gametophytes in Araentotaxus Formation of microspores and development of male gametes in Paeonia jishanensis, with an analysis of factors of endangerment of this entity Evapotranspiration of Phragmites communis community in Panjin Wetland and its controlling factors Isolation and Genetic Polymorphism Analysis of Pear SFBB Genes Detection of the Molecular Marker and Chromosomal Segment linked to Unreduced Gamete Gene in Common Wheat Transmission and Genetic Stability of No-homoeologous Small Fragment Wheat–Haynaldia villosa Translocation Chromosomes with Pm21 in Various Cultivar Backgrounds of Common Wheat Gamma-aminobutyric acid mediates the nicotine biosynthesis in tobacco under flooding stress Preparation and pharmacokinetics of gambogic acid long-circulating liposomes Effects of gamma linolenic acid on atherosclerosis induced by
cholesterol-rich diet in rats
Mutagenic effects of gamma-rays on Coix lacryma-jobi Effect on proliferation and apoptosis and regulation on nucleoporin Nup88 in acute leukemic cell U937 by gambogic acid Pollen Mother Cell Meiosis and Male Gametophyte Development of Atractylodes japonica Meiotic Chromosome Behavior of Pollen Mother Cells and Gamete Fertility in Triploid Grape ‘Summer Black’ Microsporogenesis and Male Gametophyte Development of Long-style Flower of Luculia pinciana(Rubiaceae) DEVELOPMENT 0F THE MALE AND FEMALE GAMETOPHYTES IN CAMELLIA RETICULATA L. Studies on the Development of Male- and Female- Gametophytes and Callose Deposit Dynamics in Anmearrhean asphodeloides Changes of Endogenous Polyamines in Leave and Buds of Dichogamous English Walnut (Juglans regia L. ) during Flower Bud Differentiation Megasporogenesis, Microsporogenesis and Development of Female and MaleGametophyte of Hemerocallis citrine Baroni Studies on the Megasporogenesis, Microsporogenesis and Development of Female and Male Gametophyte of Capsicum annuum L. Study of gambogenic acid-induced apoptosis of melanoma B16 cells through PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathways Sporogenesis and Gametogenesis of Calla Lily(Zantedeschia hybrids) Effects of Pb2+ on Spore Germination and Gametophyte Development of Three Species of Fern THE MEASUREMENT OF DOSE DISTRIBUTION IN THE PRODUCT BOXES BY ALANINE-ESR DOSIMETER STUDY ON MILLET INDUCTION EFFECT BY IRRADIATION EFFECTS OF γ-RAYS ON VEGETABLE LEAF AND LEAF TISSUE RESISTANCE STUDY ON THE STORAGE PROPERTIES OF IRRADIATED GINGER PROTEIN NUTRIENT VALUE EVALUATION OF MUTANT STRAIN J_5 FRUITBODY Agaricus bazei MURRILL BY~(60)Co γ-IRRADIATION EFFECT OF GAMMA IRRADIATION ON Agrobacterium-MEDIATED GENETIC TRANSFORMATION OF JAPANESE LAWNGRASS(Zoysia japonica Steud.) EFFECT OF IRRADIATION ON DEVELOPMENT AND PROPAGATION OF LARCH BARK BEETLE (Coleoptera: Scolytoidea) The Research on Biological Characteristics of Cochineal (Dactylopius coccus Costa) Radiated by 60Co-γ Ray Effect of 60Co-γ rays Irradiation on Shooting From the Green Globular Bodies in Pteridophyte Describe relationship among multi-components of Siwu decoction using game theory Cytological Characteristics of F1 Hybrids between Wheat-Agropyron Addition Lines and Wheat-Gametocidal Chromosome Addition Line Expression Characteristic on TaPDC-E1a Gene and Its regulatory Enzymes Gene in Male Sterile Line of Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Isolation and Analysis of AGAMOUS Homologous Gene and Its Promoter from Vicia sativa L.

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