STUDIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF GAMETOPHYTES OF FERNS FROM NORTHEASTERN CHINA Ⅷ ASPLENIACEAE STUDIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF GAMETOPHYTES OF FERNS FROM NORTH EASTERN CHINA Ⅶ.THELYPTERIDACEAE CYTOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC ON MICROSPOROGENESIS AND MALE GAMETOPHYTE DEVELOPMENT OF ( T.AESTIVUM/E.ELONGATA )F 1 STUDY ON THE EMBRYOLOGY OF ATRIPLEX TATARICA L THE EFFECTS OF DAMAGE AND MUTAGENESIS OF GAMMA RAYS COMBINED WITH CAFFEINE ON BARLEY THE ULTRASTRUCTURAL CHANGES DURING MICROSPOROGENESIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF MALE GAMETOPHYTE IN PLATYCODON GRANDIFLORUS MICROSPOROGENESIS, MEGASPOROGENESIS AND THE FORMATION OF MALE AND FEMALE GAMETOPHYTE IN SARUMA HENRYI OLIV. Dynamic Changes of Callose in Microsporogenesis and Microgametogenesis of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) SOME NOTES ON THE LAURACEAE OF CHINA Study on Morphologic and Cytogenetic Characterization of fertile offspring from Zea. may×Zea.perennis Attenuation mechanism of gamboges during processing based on inflammatory toxicity and AQP3, AQP4 protein and mRNA expressions in rat gastric and duodenal tissues STUDIES ON RAPD MARKERS SPECIFIC TO GAMETOCIDALCHROMOSOMESAND MOLECULE POLYMORPHISM BETWEEN TRITICUMAESTIVUM AND AEGILOPS SPECIES ANALYSIS OF ESTERASE ISOZYMES NINE SPECIES OF ATHYRIACEAE Megasporogenesis, Microsporogenesis and Development of Male and Female Gametophytes in Ceratoides arborescens Research Progress in Floral Organ Identity Gene AGAMOUS Genetic Analysis of Fertility Restoring Genes for Male Sterile Line with Ae. kotschyi Cytoplasm in Wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.) Thell.] Ultrastructure of Megagametophyte during the Development Period in Suger Beet(Beta vulgaris L.) Molecular Cloning and Characterization of PbSFBB13-gamma from Chinese White Pear (Pyrus bretschneideri) Megasporogenesis and Female Gametophytes Development of Phyllostachys violascens Development Process of Male Gametophyte in Autotetraploid Broccoli A New Lilium oriental L. Cultivar ‘China Red’ Comparison of Flower Anatom ica l Structure of Double Flower and Proliferation Flower Cultivars in Nelumbo nucifera During Flower Bud DifferentiationProcesses ADAPTIVE SIGNIFICANCE OF HERKOGAMY AND FLORAL BEHAVIOUR Cytoembryological Studies on Polyembryonic Line SB-1 of Oryza sativa: Apogamy of Synergids Embryological Studies in Rheum palmatum L. Microsporogenesis, Megasporogenesis and the Formation of Male and Female Gametophyte in Coix lacryma-jobi L. Ultrastructural Observations on Parthenogenesis and Antipodal Apogamy of Allium tuberosum Roxb Megasporogenesis, Microsporogenesis and Development of Female and Male Gametophyte in Siraitia grovenorii Investigation on the Development of Male Cametophyte in Anemarrhena Asphodeloides Chemical Constituents of the Essential Oil from the Peel of Citrus bergamia Risso The Relationship Between the Intercellular Chromatin Migration of Pollen Mother Cells and the Changes of Chromosome Numbers During the Genesis of Male Gametes in Allium Cepa Individual reproductive contributions in a population of Cyclobalanopsis glauca in Huangshan Studies on the Development of Gametophyte in Brainea insignis Gametophyte Development of Microlepia strigosa and M. platyphylla (Dennstaedtiaceae) Spore Culture and Gametophyte Development of Dryopteris varia (L.) Ktunze Gametophyte Development of Three Species in Cyatheaceae Anatomical Studies of Male and Female Gametophytes in Development of Lonicera maackii (Rupr.) Maxim Studies on Megasporogenesis and Development of Female Gametophyte in Tsoongiodendron odorum Content Dynamics of Endogenous Hormones in Different Seed Developmental Stages of Korean Pine Megasporogenesis, Female Gametophyte Development and Embryogenesis in Critically Endangered Glyptostrobus pensilis Control of Apriona germari by Radiation Sterility Technology Dynamic Changes of Methylcytosine in Polarized Cell Growth and Their Response to GABA Signals Studies on Microsporogenesis and Development of Male Gametophytes in Endangered Species Glyptostrobus pensilis Effects of Herbicide Quinclorac on Sexual Reproduction of Ceratopteris pteridoides Studies on the Inheritance of Cleistogamy in Rice and Its Biological Meaning Effect of Male-Gametocide on the Culture Ability in Indica Rice Cytogenetic Study on the Formation of Amphiploids in the F_1 Hybrids of Triticurn carthlicum Nevskivar and Aegilops tauschii Cosson USING MALE-GAMETOCIDE IN PRODUCING PRIMARY TRITICALE A New Steroidal Glycoside from Fermented Leaves of Agave americana Effects of the Extract from Bergamot and Boxthorn on the Delay of Skin Aging and Hair Growth in Mice Effects of oxysophoridine on Glu and GABA immuno-reaction positive neurons in cortex and hippocampus of rats Screening of effective fraction on experimental gastric ulcer from Pongamia pinnata roots Chemical constituents of volatile oils from Catunaregam spinosa fruits Observation on the gametophyte development of Cyclosorus acuminatus and C.dentatus Studies of microsporogenesis and male gametophyte formation of Michelia guangxiensis Preparation of total gambogic acid hydrophilic matrix tablet and its in vitro release PROGRESS ON REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM OF FOREST SEED ORCHARDS Seed dormancy release and soil seed bank of three arid desert plants under burial conditions Pollination ecology of alpine herb Meconopsis integrifolia at different altitudes Megasporogenesis, Microsporogenesis and Development of Male and Female Gametophytes in Bupleurum chinense Research progress on development and physio-ecology of fern gametophytes In Vitro Fertilization of Angiosperms—10 Year Effort in China Embryogenesis of Polyembryonic Rice ApⅢ: Structural and Histochemical Studies of Egg Apparatus Around Fertilization Isolation of PpAG Gene from Peach and Sequence Analysis of Fragment Similar to PpAG Studies on Microspores Development and Male Gametophytes Formation of Ostryopsis davidiana Decne. Gametophyte Development of Boniniella ikenoi Polyploid Induction in Pear in vitro Treatment With Gamma-rays Studies on Gametophyte Development and Spore Propagation of Nephrolepis auriculta and N. falcata Studies on Gametophyte Development and Spore Propagation of Nephrolepis auriculta and N. falcata Comparison of Flower Anatom ica l Structure of Double Flower and Proliferation Flower Cultivars in Nelumbo nucifera During Flower Bud DifferentiationProcesses A New Lilium oriental L. Cultivar ‘East Red’ Studies on Gametophyte Development and Spore Propagation of Aleuritopte risargentea A New Lilium oriental L. Cultivar ‘East Red’ A New Lilium oriental L. Cultivar ‘China Red’ Development Process of Male Gametophyte in Autotetraploid Broccoli Gametophyte development of Acystopteris japonica and its systematic significance Genesis of microspore and the development of male gametophyte in Tripterospermum discoideum Microsporogenesis and the development of male gametophyte in Swertia bimaculata STUDIES ON CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF ZANTHOXYLUM PASHANENSE N. CHAO NATURAL DOUBLING OF CHROMOSOMES OF HYBRIDS BETWEEN WHEAT AND RYE

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