Observation on the Gametophyte Development of Dryopteris subtriangularis Experimental Observations on the Gametophyte Development of Pylaisiella polyantha Megasporogenesis,Microsporogenesis and the Development of the Female and Male Gametophyte of Puccinellia tenuiflora A Study on the Embryology of Endangered Plant Manglietia aromatica A New Species of Genus Chloromonas (Chlamydomonadaceae, Volvocales) and Its Life History CROSSABILITY OF WHEAT WITH RYE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF MALE GAMETES DEVELOPING OF A WHEAT/RYE HYBRID PROGRESS AND PROSPECT OF GAMETO-SOMATIC HYBRIDIZATION IN ANGIOSPERM Studies on the Reproductive Characteristics of Cimicifuga nanchuanensis (Ranunculaceae), an Endemic Endangered Species to China Embryological Study on Mosla chinensis (Lamiaceae) Megasporogenesis and microsporogenesis as well as male and female gametophyte development of Pittosporum tobira Microsporogenesis, development of male gametophyte in Michelia figo and their systematic significance THE STUDIES OF THE FEMALE GAMETOPHYTE DEVELOPMENT AND THE EMBRYOGENESIS IN DORITIS PULCHERRIMA LINDL. MEGA- AND MICROSPOROGENESIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF FEMALE AND MALE GAMETOPHYTES IN ANOECTOCHILUS ROXBURGHII (ORCHIDACEAE) Gametophyte Development of Three Species of Dryopteridaceae Chlorophyll Fluorescence Analysis of Hermaphrodite and Male Gametophytes from Ceratopteris thalictroides(L.) Brongn. on Different Media DELAYED SELFING IN AN ALPINE SPECIES GENTIANOPSIS BARBATA FLORAL SYNDROME AND BREEDING SYSTEM OF LOBELIA CHINENSIS, A PERENNIAL HERB WITH STAMEN FUSION INTRAFLORAL STAMEN DIFFERENTIATIONS AND THEIR ADAPTIVE SIGNIFICANCES Stamen movements in hermaphroditic flowers: diversity and adaptive significance Reproductive ecology of Bulbophyllum ambrosia (Orchidaceae) Prediction of the spatial patterns of species richness based on the plant-topography relationship: An application of GAMs approach Megasporogenesis, Microsporogenesis and the Development of the Female and Male Gametophyte of Limonium gmelinii The genesis of microspore and the formation of male gametophyte in Swertia davidii Franch. Studies on the development of gametophyte of Ceratopteris thalictroides Observations on megasporogenesis, microsporogenesis and development of female and male gametophytes of Tamarix chinensis(Tamaricaceace) Studies on microsporogenesis and the formation of malegametophyte in Iris blowdowill Observation on the gametophyte development of Phymatosorus hainanensis(Polypodiaceae) The development of megasporogenesis and the formation of female gametophyte in Dysosma versipellis STUDEES ON THE GAMETOPHYTES DEVELOPMENT IN FERNS STUDY ON THE MORPHOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARCHEGONIUM AND ANTHERIDIUM OF THE FERN OSMUNDA CINNAMOMEA THE GENESIS OF MICROSPORE AND THE FORMATION OF MALE GAMETOPHYTE IN DYSOSMA VERSIPELLIS(HANCE)M.CHENG STUDY ON THE DICHOGAMY OF JUGLANS MANDSHURICA MAXIM. STUDY ON SELECTION AND SYNTHETIC PROCEDURE OF TRITITRIGIA STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF GAMETOPHYTES OF FERNS FROM NORTH- EASTERN CHINA X. WOODISIACEAE STUDIES ON THE MEGASPOROGENESIS AND MICROSPOROGENESIS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THEIR FEMALE AND MALE GAMETOPHYTE IN ELEUTHEROCOCCUS BRACHYPUS Observations on megasporogenesis, microsporogenesis and development of female and male gemetophyte of Aneurolepidium chinense (Trin.) Kitag. Cytological study of backcross plants Chinese Spring ph1b mutant with different Aegilops by common wheat Preliminary study of the effects of fairy ring of grassland on the growth of herbage 革苞菊胚胎学研究 Ⅰ.大、小孢子发生和雌、雄配子体发育 Studies on megasporgenesis and development of female gametophyet of Alangium chinense (Lour.) Harms Transformation of Populus deltoides with Anti-PLDγ Gene and Chitinase Gene Self-hybridized Triploids Derived from 2n Gametes Induced by Colchicine inPummelo Self-hybridized Triploids Derived from 2n Gametes Induced by Colchicine inPummelo Studies on Gametophyte Development and Spore Propagation of Aleuritopte risargentea Effects of 60Co-gamma Rays Irradiation on in Vitro Cultured Cut Chrysanthemum and Variations of Main Morphological Characters in the M1 Generation Advances in studies on gambogic acid Gametophyte development in Onychium japonicum and its systematic significance Stability of gambogic acid The Influence of Different Proceses on Bactericidal and Tumoricidal Effects of Gamboges Studies on the Development of Gametophyte in Diplazium subsinuatum A Study on Gametophytes development of Arthromeris lungtauensis Megasporegenesis and Female Gametophyte Development in Berberis pruinosa Franch. Observation on Megasporogenesis, Microsporogenesis and Development of Female and Male Gametophytes of Catalpa speciosa Warder A New Species of Dysmorphococcus (Phacotaceae, Volvocales) and Its Life Cycle Sex differentiation in ferns response to environmental factors Research on Starch and Protein Accumulation and Metabolism During the Development of the Ginkgo biloba Female Gametophyte Megasporogenesis,Microsporogenesis and Development of Gametophytes of Pistacia vera Megasporogenesis,Microsporogenesis and Development of Gametophytes of Pistacia vera STUDIES ON MEGASPOROGENESIS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF FEMALE GAMETOPHYTE IN FRAXINUS MANDSHURICA THE THEORY OF COTYLODON NODE ZONE AND THE EVOLUTION OF THE STRUCTURE OF WOOD THE EFFECT OF GAMETOCIDAL CHROMOSOME 2C DERIVED FROM AEGILOPS CYLINDRYCA ON MEIOSIS AND MITOSIS OF POLLEN GRAINS OF TRITICALE Effects of Light Intensity on Spore Germination and Sex Differentiation of Ceratopteris thalictroides(L.) Brongn. The Gametophyte Development of Athyrium fallaciosum and Effect of Sowing Density on the Gametophyte Sexual Expression Gametophyte Development and Apogamy of the Fern Cheilosoria chusana Comparative Studies on Gametophyte Morphology and Development of Four Species of Athyriaceae Pollination ecology and breeding system of Impatiens lateristachys(Balsaminaceae)endemic to China Megasporogenesis,Microsporogenesis and Development of Female and Male Gametophyte of Tricyrtis maculata (D.Don) Machride Mega-microsporogenesis and the development of female-male gametophyte in Aspidistra retusa Gametophyte development of Leptorumohra quadripinnata Ontogeny of staminate flowers in D.collettii var.hypoglauca Palibin Ontogeny of Pollen and Pollination in Keteleeria fortunei The emergence of macrospore and the formation of female gametophyte in Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Comparative Morphology of Development of the Gametophyte and Juvenile Sporophyte of Phymatopteris Variation Analysis of DNA Methylation of Gametocidal Chromosome 2C Radiosensitivity of Green Globular Bodies of Matteuccia struthiopteris Exposed to 60Coγ Radiation ABORTED GAMETOPHYTE 1 is required for gametogenesis in Arabidopsis Observations on Megasporogenesis and Megagametophyte Development in Paulownia sp and Sesamum indicum by Enzymatic Maceration Technique Observations on the Developmental Femal Gametophyte and the Process of Fertilization of Amcmum visllosum Lour. Effects of γ-aminobutyric acid on the photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of muskmelon seedlings under hypoxia stress. STUDIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF GAMETOPHYTES OF FERNS FROM NORTH-EASTERN CHINA Ⅵ.SINOPTERIDACEAE

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