AN CONTRAST ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF SOIL IN THE NATURAL HABITAT AND RE SITE RESERVE OF TWO ENDEMIC SPECIES OF THE THREE GORGES RESERVOIR REGION OF YANGZI RIVER Study on Anatomical Structure Adaptation of Stem of Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb to Various Water Condition Community Characteristics and Conservation Strategies of Adiantum reniforme var.sinense, an Endemic Species in the Three-Gorge Reservoir Region Effect of Habitat Fragmentation on Bryophytes Diversity in the Thousand-Island Lake Region Root distribution and canopy structure of Salix gordejevii in different sandy land habitats Bud demography of Quercus liaotungensis:the fates of buds Clonal plasticity of Iris japonica under different soil and canopy conditions in subtropocal evergreen broad-leaved forest. Relative importance of water, energy, and heterogeneity in determining regional pteridophyte and seed plant richness in China Evaluation of landscape connectivity based on least-cost model. A preliminary study on the habitat selection of sable(Martes zibellina) in the autumn Electroantennogram and behavioural responses of two varieties of Leis axyridis from three types of habitats to aphid-damaged tea shoot volatiles and aphid kairomones Habitat selection by giant pandas and grazing livestock in the Xiaoxiangling Mountains of Sichuan Province Hydrological characteristics of different species in three habitats of Hunshandak Sandland Terrestrial core habitat of three anurans in Zoige Wetland Nature Reserve Specific leaf area and leaf dry matter content of some plants in different dune habitats The competition model of species at different types of habitat and simulation studies and applications Habitat selection by wapiti (Cervus elaphus xanthopygus) in the Wandashan Mountains based on habitat availability Comparison of Stem Structures of Eight Mosses in Two Habitats Studies on the Habitat,Population Structure and Dynamics of Cycas tanqingii HPLC fingerprint of Codonopsis tangshen from different habitats Investigation and protection for endangered Coptis deltoidea Analysis of community spatial patterns of Leontopodium nanum patches in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Habitat selection of sympatric blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur) and red deer (Cervus elaphus alxaicus) during rutting periods in the Helan Mountains, China Modeling potential habitat for alien species of Dreissena polymorpha in the continental USA SPECIES RESPONSES TO DIFFERENT TYPES OF HUMAN-CAUSEDHABITAT DEGRADATION Comparison of Seedling Recruitment and Establishment of Quercus wutaishanica in Two Habitats in Dongling Mountainous Area, Beijing NESTEDNESS: METHODS, MECHANISMS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION Habitat selection of feral yak in winter and spring in the Helan Mountains, China Red fox habitat selection and landscape feature analysis in the Dalai Lake Natural Reserve in Inner Mongolia The biomass of Bashania fargesii in giant pandas habitat in Qinling Mountains The saxicolous moss‘s features of absorbing water and its structural adaptability in the heterogeneous environment with rock desertification Conservation strategies for Ulmus elongata based on the analysis of biological and ecological factors Ecological damage assessment of jiaozhou bay reclamation based on habitat equivalency analysis The impact of conservation projects on iant Panda Habitat The habitat selection of Giant panda in Wanglang Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, China The diversity of ground-dwelling beetles at cultivated land and restored habitats on the Bashang plateau Habitat prediction for forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii) in Qinling mountain range based on niche model The habitat characteristics of Eurasian badger in Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal embankment Habitat Difference Analysis of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Colonization and Spore Density for Seven Compositae Invasive Species in Guangzhou Relationship between Vegetation, Landform effects and Soil Nutrients in Karst Forest of Mulun, Guangxi, China Structure Characteristics of Different Types of Village Waterside Forests in Fujian Province Litter Mass of Five Karst Forests and Their Hydrological Effects in Guizhou Effects of Site Condition on Growth and Spatial Variations of Hedysarum Laeve Application of RS, GIS and GPS Techniques in Study of Avian Habitat Genetic Variation of Natural Populations of Betula luminifera in Fujian and Its Relationship with the Habitat Habitat Suitability of Cornus officinalis in the Qinling Region Based on Fuzzy Mathematics Species Diversity of the Tree Layer with Changes in Altitudes in Rhinopithecus roxellana Habitats at Shennongjia,China Allozyme-based Genetic Diversity of Dipteronia dyeriana in China Studies on the diversity of bryophytes in the activity areas of Guizhou snub nosed monkey Quality of Pinellia ternata grown in Funan Comparison of Growing Progress of Betula platyphylla in Different Natural Habitats A STUDY ABOUT ENDANGERED MECHANISM OF Erythrophleum fordii The Recovery Processes of Giant Panda Habitat in Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan China Distribution Patterns and Their Seasonal Changes of Carabus Beetles in Dongling Mountain Region Near Beijing Adaptive strategies of dimorphic seeds of the desert halophyte Suaeda corniculata in saline habitat Diversity of epiphytic orchids in fragmental limestone forests in Xishuangbanna, China Effects of habitat heterogeneity on community functional diversity of Dinghu Mountain evergreen broad-leaved forest Gas exchange characteristics in the mangrove associate Hibiscus tiliaceus Quantitative analysis of the effects of Stipa krylovii and Leymus chinensis on the factors of vitiality of Oedaleus decorus asiaticus Breeding System and Clonal Architecture of Sinosenecio jishouensis Contents of Betulin and Betulinic Acid of Betula platyphylla in Huanglong Mountain Analysis of Stability Evaluation about the Main Forest Communities on the Habitat of Giant Panda in Qinling Mountains Floristic analysis of seed plants in the Thousand Island Lake region THE STUDY ON ECOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGIC CHARACTERS OF THE GENUS DYSOSMA IN MOUNTAIN EMEI Study on the Habitat Characteristics of Brandt’s Vole A comparing study on the tree species diversities of gaps in natural evergreen broad-leaved forest in Mountain Wuyi GENETIC DIVERSITY IN FRAGMENTED POPULATIONS OF BERCHEMIELLA WILSONII VAR. PUBIPETIOLATA, AN ENDANGERED PLANT ENDEMIC TO EASTERN CHINA INFLUENCE OF THE WENCHUAN EARTHQUAKE ON GIANT PANDA HABITATS AND STRATEGIES FOR RESTORATION PATCHY CONTRAST OF HABITAT AFFECTS INTRACLONAL DIVISION OF LABOR OF POTENTILLA ANSERINA THE ROOT LONGEVITY OF ARTEMISIA HALODENDRON INHABITING TWO SANDY LAND HABITATS DOMINANT TREES’ NICHE CHARACTERISTICS AND FOOD PLANTS IN RHINOPITHECUS ROXELLANA HABITAT IN SHENNONGJIA, CHINA Numerical classification of associations in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest based on multivariate regression trees―a case study of 24 hm2 Gutianshan forest plot in China Genetic diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in karst microhabitats of Guizhou Province, China Ecological adaptation of plants and control of rocky-desertification on karst region of Southwest China Small mammals burrow selection and habitat characteristics in an alpine forest of eastern Tibet Plateau, China. Habitat selection and natural enemy function of Chrysopa pallens rambur in agroforestry systems The evaluation method in the impact of intensive sea use on the marine ecological environment Leaf morphology and PSⅡchlorophyll fluorescence parameters in leaves of Sinosenecio jishouensis in Different Habitats Habitat assessment of sika deer(Cervus nippon)in the Taohongling National Nature Reserve, Jiangxi Province, China Stream habitat assessment of Dong River, China, using River Habitat Survey method