Morphological and Phylogenetic Analysis of Karlodinium veneficum Isolated from the East China Sea in China A comparative study of the stomata and PM2.5 particles on the leaf surface of Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa Carr.) in different polluted places Observing the Pollen Microstructure of Different Alfalfa Varieties Carried on Satellite Using Scanning Electron Microscope Natural and Applied Wax Coatings on Valencia Orange and Their Effects onWeight Loss of Fruit Comparison of Seed Morphology in Schisandra Observation and comparision on morphological characteristics of pollen of Lonicera japonica in different cultivars Study on thermoanalysis-based calamina processing SEM and XRD Analyses of the Roots and Leaves of Coleus with Selenium
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ESM observation of secretory salt structure in Limonium bicolor leaf Scanning Electron Microscope Observation on Twinembryo Seedling Rice Seed Ultrastructures of the Antennal Sensilla in Algedomia coclesalis Study on characteristics of non-glandular hairs of cultivated Lonicera japonica Diagnostic Significance of Cuticular Patterns on Corolla Surface from Pueraria spp Pollen Morphology of Bee Plants in Changbai Mountain Area Notes on Carex (Cyperaceae) from China (IV): the identity and revision of sect. Infossae Scanning Electron Microscopic Observations of Antennae and Sensilla of Kallima inachus A study on micromorphological characters of foliar epidermis of different tobacco varieties Studies on Pollen Morphology of Nelumbo Germplasm COMPARATIVE STUDY ON MORPHOLOGY OF ARTEMISIA PLANTS FROM NORTHEASTERN CHINA I. MORPHOLOGY OF SEED COAT Foliar Structure of Several Species of Epiphytic Tillandsia(Bromeliaceae) xtraction ofAstragalus polysaccharides bycellulase Study on histological anatomy of Abies nephrolepis SEM observation on the pollens of three species in Isodon Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopic Observations of Sensilla on the Antennae of Anoplophora glabripennis SEM Observation on the Pollen Grains of Ten Species in Impatiens L. (Balsaminaceae) Pollen Morphologies of Typhonium Schott and Its Genetically Close Genera (Araceae) Pollen Morphology Observation of 15 Wild Lilies from Four Provinces in Western China SEM and XRD Analyses of the Roots and Leaves of Coleus with Selenium
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Pharmacognostic Studies on Chinese Crude Drugs"Dunyebixie"and "Xibixie" Microstructure characteristics of seed from 11 plants of Artemisia L. in China Observation of pollen morphology of 16 Vicia accessions using scanning electron microscopy SEM observation on pollen morphology of 12 lily species Antagonism mechanism of gingerols against inflammatory effect of toxic raphides from Pinella pedatisecta Scanning Electron Microscope Observation on Pollinium Morphology of Five Most Common Cultivated Orchid Genera(Orchidaceae) Glandular Hairs on the Leaf Epidermis of Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.) Hyland and the Process of Secreting Flavonoids by the Glandular Hairs Based on Histochemistry Method Observation on the Morphology of Kerria yunnanensis with Scanning Electron Microscope OBSERVATION ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF LAC INSECT (HOMOPTERA: KERRIIDAE) WITH SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE Pollen morphology of the Araceae from China Observations on Spore Morphology of the Chinese Liverworts Cuticular Diversity of the Seed Outer Envelope in Ephedra (Ephedraceae) with a Discussion on Its Systematic significance Micromeritic properties of tanshinone ⅡA spray drying powder Deodorization Effects of Metal Reagents Pd/Al3O2on the Powder of LWT Microcharacters in the ligules of Nannoglottis (Compositae) and their systematic significance SEM Identification of Hairs on Surface of Fruits and Seeds of Chinese medicinal Plants Studies on the Identification of Morphology and Inorganic Elements of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. Produced in Sichuan hy Applying Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis The flower and pollen morphology of Solidago Spore morphology of pteridophytes from Guangxi III.Pteridaceae Preparation technology of Dracocephalum moldevica total flavonoids pellets and its release mechanism Scanning Electron Microscope Observation on the Pollen Grains of Chenopodiaceae Effects of Different Fixatives on Freeze-Fractured Samples of Plant Cells for SEM Observations A SEM observation of the salt-secreting structure of leaves in four species of Limonium POLLEN VIABILITY AND STIGMA RECEPTIVITYOF ELEUTHEROCOCCUS SENTICOSUS (ARALIACEAE) POLLEN SUBMICROSCOPIC MORPHOLOGY OF ELEUTHEROCOCCUS SENTICOSUS AND E. SESSILIFLORUS (ARALIACEAE) OBSERVATION OF THE FRUITS OF LACTUCA SATIVA AND ITS VARIETIES WITH AN ELECTRON MICROSCOPE Foliar Surface Structure of Akebia trifoliata (Thunb.) Koidz. by ESEM Micro-Structure Examination of Strengthened Wood Sheets by Compression Perpendicular to Grain Effect of EDDS Treatments on FTIR-ATR, SEM-EDXS Features and Physiological Characteristics of Coleus blumei Roots under Se Stress Micromorphological Features of the Seed Surface of the Genus Hippophae L. Observations on the Spore Morphology of Three Huperzia Berm. Species Study on tracheary elements of three genera in Athyriaceae A TECHNIQUE OF OBSERVATION ON PARAFFIN SECTIONS WITH SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE THE SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE OF POLLEN AND FRUIT OF FOUR SPECIES Isolation and purification, its structure spectral analysis, and microscopy observation of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide Isolation and purification, its structure spectral analysis, and microscopy observation of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide Pollen Morphology and Its Taxonomy of Twenty Six Species in Rhododendron Behind the diversity: Ontogenies of radiate, disciform, and discoid capitula of Chrysanthemum and its allies The Removal Effect and Mechanism of Citrobacter freundii on U(Ⅵ) THE MACERATION METHOD FOR PREPARATION OF PLANT SPECIMEN OF HIGH RESOLUTION FOR SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY USING MICROWAVE ULTRASTRUCTURAL QBSERVATIQN OF ROOTS TIPS CELLS OF MAIZE AND ONION SEEDLINGS BY SCANNING ELECTROSCOPE SUBSTRUCTURAL OBSERVATION OF SESBANIA SEED BY SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY OBSERVATION OF POLLEN MORPHOLOGY OF SEVERAL YELLOW CAMELLIAS (THEACEAE) UNDER SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE Observation of above-ground part of Cynanchum paniculatum by scanning electron microscope Pollen Morphology of Acinos Miller Species Growing in Turkey Screening of Lactic Acid Bacteria with High Autolysis Rate by N+ Implantation Correlations between physical characters of wheat leaf hairs in SEM and the biological parameters of grain aphid Stiobion avenae Macro- and Micro-Structural Changes in Bamboo after Attack by Various Fungi Pollen Morphology of Some Species of Impatiens L . ( Balsaminaceae) Pollen Morphology of Some Species of Impatiens L . ( Balsaminaceae) Application of Polyethylene Glycol on Preparation of Plant Specimen of Freeze-Fracture Cell-Biological Studies on Arunclally Isolated Generative Cells from Angiosperm Pollen