Adaptive Evolution in the Chloroplast Gene rps4 in Ferns Selection and Classification for Amaryllis DUS Testing Quantitative Traits Improving Blast Resistance of Jinggeng1 Using Molecular Marker Technique Response of Major Effect QTL to Artificial Selection for Resistance to Brown Spot Disease in Tobacco Study on the Main Traits Genetic Analysis and Superior Tree Selection of Hybrid Offsprings of ‘Lvling’ Walnut Selection of the Plus Trees of Idesia polycarpa Maxim. from the Natural Seedlings Studies on the selection of gardening liana in Guangxi Abamectin resistance selection and its cross-resistance revealed in diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. Preliminary Studies on the Indirect Selection Method of Seed Protein in Soybean Effects of Population Improvemetn on Grain Weight Per Plant and Ears Per Plant as Well as Plant Height by Using Tal Gene in Wheat Study on Improvement Effects of Population (Zhong Zong 2) of Half-sib Recurrent Selection Provenance Selection of Juglans mandshurica Maxim. and the Effects of Environmental Factors Progress in genetic and breeding research on rice chalkiness Habitat selection of sympatric blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur) and red deer (Cervus elaphus alxaicus) during rutting periods in the Helan Mountains, China Animal urine excretion characteristics and its effect on grassland vegetation and animal selective intake: a review Pollination syndromes predict brood-site deceptive pollination by female hoverflies in Paphiopedilum dianthum (Orchidaceae) A preliminary study on the habitat selection of sable(Martes zibellina) in the autumn Habitat selection by giant pandas and grazing livestock in the Xiaoxiangling Mountains of Sichuan Province The important ecological factors influencing nest-site selection of grey-faced Buzzard Eagle Lek field selection of great bustard Sexual dimorphism and fecundity in the gold-stripe pond frog(Pelophylax plancyi)and the terrestrial frog(Fejervarya limnocharis) Mating system, mating tactics and effe The effects of learning experiences of Anastatus japonicus on its host selection process Habitat selection by wapiti (Cervus elaphus xanthopygus) in the Wandashan Mountains based on habitat availability Selection research of VA mycorrhizal fungus and plant GENETIC GROUNDS OF EARLY SELECTION FOR SINGLE CROSSES IN WHEAT Variation Analysis and Plus Family Selection on Half-Sib Progenies from Clonal Seed Orchard of Pinus massoniana The Effect on the Selectivity of Tetranychus viennensis for Different Host Plants by Vilatiles From Plant STUDY ON SELECTION OF EUCALYPTUS FINE CLONE FOR FIBER TIMBER IN SOUTHERN HILLY LAND OF FUJIAN Effects of Improvement by Mass Selection on the Different Maize Synthetic Populations Construction of Maize opaque-2 Near-isogenic Lines and Rapid Detection of Lysine Content Molecular Mechanisms of Stress Adaptation in Plant Natural Populations New variety breeding of Dioscorea alata, cultivar "Wenshanyao No.1" Cultivation of Young stock Plants and Selection of Cuttings in Chinese Fir Scion-plucking Garden Fieled Evaluation and Selection of Acacia mearnsii Provenances Research on the Selection of the Applicable Ectomycorrhizal Fungi of Populus tomentosa The Selection of Superior Emblic Types A Study on Selection of Host Plant of the White Wax Scale STAGE REPORT ON PROVENANCE TESTS OF MASSON PINE IN ZHEJIANG PROVINCE Foraging Habitat Selection of Bar-Headed Goose in Winter at Caohai National Reserve in Guizhou Relationship between Habitat Selection of Giant Panda and Forest Community Characters in Qinling Mountains Spatial Structure Optimizing Adjustment and Control Model of Phyllostachys edulis Stand MATHEMATICAL MODELS FOR ECONOMICAL GENETICS IN POPLAR——TECHNIQUE OF OPTIMUM SELECTION FOR MULTIPLE OBJECTIVES THE INVESTIGATION OF SELECTION AGE IN WHITE ELM PROVENANCE TEST GENETIC VARIATION IN GROWTH AND WOOD PROPERTIES AND MULTIPLE-TRAITS SELECTION OF POPLAR CLONES A SERIES OlF STUDIES ON ALEURITES FORDII BREEDING PROGRAMME SELECTION AND INSECT RESISTANCE OF TRANSGENIC HYBRID POPLAR 741 CARRYING TWO INSECT-RESISTANT GENES AN APPROACH TO INHERITANCE AND VARIATION OF MAIN ECONOMIC CHARACTERS AND COMPREHENSIVE SELECTION OF HALF-SIB FAMILIES OF SLASH PINE STUDY ON GENETIC VARIATION AND SELECTION OF MAIN WOOD CHARACTERISTICS AMONG PROVENANCES OF LIRIODENDRON INTERNATIONAL PROVENANCE TRIALS OF CASUARINA JUNGHUHNIANA IN SOUTHERN CHINA Selection of Methionine-Resistant Variant in Onobrychis viciaefolia Scop. Studies on Selection of Valuable Somaclonal Mutants in Silage Maize Estimating fractional cover of photosynthetic vegetation and non-photosynthetic vegetation in the Xilingol steppe region with EO-1 hyperion data Habitat selection of asian badgers (Meles leucurus) setts in Zhangguangcailing, Heilongjiang Province, China Nest-site selection of reed parrotbills in the mosaic reed harvesting habitats The spring habitat selection of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in Great Xing‘anling of China Habitat selection attributes of giant panda. Frost-resistance of subtropical evergreen woody plants: An evaluation based on plant functional traits. Foraging habitat selection of Otis tarda dybowskil during its breeding season Habitat selection of feral yak in winter and spring in the Helan Mountains, China Red fox habitat selection and landscape feature analysis in the Dalai Lake Natural Reserve in Inner Mongolia Advances in ecological immunology The habitat selection of Giant panda in Wanglang Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, China Make use of nest-site of oriental white stork in the Yellow River Estuary Nature Reserve Effects of physical leaf features of host plants on leaf-mining insects The habitat characteristics of Eurasian badger in Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal embankment Development of a New High-oleic Peanut Cultivar Huayu 662 by Using Molecular Marker Aided Selection and NIRS Selection and Identification of Resistant PLBs and Transgenic Plants Mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens with Antisense ACS Gene in Dendrobium spp. Host Selection of Adult Dioryctria pryeri Genetic Variation on Rooting Ability of Stem Cutting and Juvenile Growth of Larix kaempferi×L. olgensis Interspecific Hybrids Phenological Variation of Larix Species and Their Intra Species andInter Species Hybrid Families and Early Selection Woody Landscape Plants Selection in Urban Accessory Greenlands of Branches in Semi-Arid Areas——An Example of Shendong Mining Area In Vitro Selection and Identification of Heat-Tolerant Clonal Line Z1-1-1 of Senecio cruentus Application of backward selection method based on Tujia medical trialistic theoryin new drug research Variation of Nitrogen Utilization among Catalpa bungei Clones at Nursery Stage and High-Yield Clones Selection Study on hydroxyproline tolerance of different cultivars of Chrysanthemum morifolium in vitro Quick finding of absorption ingredients of Paeoniae Radix Alba by SEMAC A New Walnut Cultivar‘Qianhe 7’ THE HYBRID VIGOR OF PAULOWNIA YULINENSIS—1 A STUDY ON PLUS TREE SELECTION IN EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS LABILL AND E.MAIDENII F.V.M.