Temperature and moisture influence somatic embryogenesis and somatic differentiation of immature embryos in different genotype wheat Studies on the Histology of Organogenesis in Isolated Culture of Mature Embryo of Melilotoides ruthenicus(L.) Sojak cv.‘Zhili‘ Plant Regeneration of Leymus chinensis Via in Vitro Culture Meta-analysis on efficacy and safety of Wenxin Granule combined with metoprolol for treatment of ventricular premature Application of future net worth model in early selection of Larix kaempferi Comparison of the Structure Slice of Mature Maize Stalks Study on Provenance Variation and Selection of Taxod ium distichum Effects of Microlepia strigosa under Drought Stress on Physiological Change Laws Ultrastructural Observation on Embryo Sac Development in Phaius tankervilliae (Aiton)Bl. Effects of Different Woods on the Yield of Gastrodia elata Effect of MET on Immature Embryo Callus Induction, Differentiation and Hardening of Plantlets The Development of Gynoecium after Anthesis and Fertilization in Eleutherococcus senticosus (Araliaceae) Chemical Compound Characteristic Analysis of Wood forming Tissue from Reaction Wood of Pinus koraiensis Relationship between mature spike number of highland barley and climatic factors Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Mature Embryo Explants in Quercus acutissima Carr. Callus Induction and Differentiation of Mature Embryos of Wheat Study on Spikelet Budding Directly from Immature Panicle Culture in Rice PLANT REGENERATION FROM COTYLEDON OF IMMATURE EMBRYO OF JUJUBE Effects of Fertilizing on Millet Rootshoot Growth, Rhizospheric Soil Enzyme and Microbe in Immature Soil in North China Regeneration culture from bombarded immature embryos of wheats and transgenic plant Characterization of callus induction and plant regeneration in immature embryo culture among several heterotic groups of elite maize inbreds A High-efficiency Regeneration System for Immature Embryo of Ziziphus jujuba‘Dongzao’at Very Early Stage Genetic Study on Immature Fruit Color of Cucumber A New Early-maturing Spring Cabbage Hybrid‘Huifeng 6’ Separation and purification of total organic acids from immature flower of Lonicera japonica by macroporous resin A Study on the Technique of Plant Regeneration from Mature Seed Embryo of Kentucky bluegrass in vitro FACTORS INFLUENCING MATURE EMBRYO REGENERATION OF Zoysia sinica HANCE ENHANCEMENT OF INTERGENERIC HYBRIDIZATION BETWEEN COMMON WHEAT AND Leymus angustus BY MEANS OF POLLEN IRRADIATION COMPARISON OF TISSUE CULTURE ABILITY FROM MATURE EMBRYO BETWEEN GLUTINOUS AND SEMI-GLUTINOUS RICE CULTIVARS EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT AUXINS AND COMBINING APPLICATION WITH ABA ON REGENERATION OF IMMATURE EMBRYOS OF WHEAT Somatic Embryogenesis of Picea asperata Induced from Immature Embryos Prediction of Mature Wood Anatomical Properties of Pinus banksiana Plantation Based on Support Vector Machines (SVM) Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Immature Zygotic Embryos of Black Locust(Robinia pseudoacacia) Adventitious Shoot Regeneration in Vitro from Immature Cotyledon of the Sweet Cherry Genetic Effects and Diagnosis of Premature Senescence of Leaf in Upland Cotton Studies on mature structures and distribution of active constituent of Pogostemon cablin Studies on the Changes of Endogenous Hormones during the Course of Regeneration from Allium fistulosum L. Mature Embryos Culture A Hairless Kiwifruit Cultivar with Yellow Flesh‘E Mihoutao 3’ Early Autumn Cabbage Hybrid ‘Huifeng 4’ In vitro Asymbiotic Germination and Propagation of Paphiopedilum concolor (Lindl.) Pfitz. In Vitro Plant Regeneration from Immature Infloreses of Sea Dallisgrass(Paspalum vaginatum Sw.) Trasfering Soybean Gene into Hedysarum mongolicum Mature Seeds by Low Energy N+ Implantation Studies on the Biocycling of Nutrient Elements of Tree Layer of Cunninghamia lanceolata Mature Plantations The Vector Construction of Anthocyanins as a Visual Marker Gene and Its Transient Expression in Maize Immature Embryos Biological response of pioneer plant Macleaya cordata to N and P stresses under different water conditions Optimization of a regeneration system for mature embryo culture of wheat Ultramicroscopic Characterization of Mature Pollen Grains of Habenaria sagittifera Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of Red Mature Fruit in Cucumber Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of Red Mature Fruit in Cucumber A Study on Induction of Emdryogenic Callus and Plant Regeneration from Mature Embryos of Elytrigia hybrid(E. elongata×E. intermedia) Co-transformation of bar and P5CS Gene Using Bombardment on Lolium perenne L. A Study on the Induction of Embryogenic Callus and Plant Regeneration from Mature Embryos of Agropyron cristatum? Agropyron desertorum cv. Mengnong Somatic Embryogenesis and Analysis of the Genetic Stability of RegenerationSystem in Grapevine ‘Sinsaut’ Somatic Embryogenesis and Analysis of the Genetic Stability of RegenerationSystem in Grapevine ‘Sinsaut’ IMMATURE EMBRYO CULTURE OF SUNFLOWER Photoinhibition of Photosynthesis in Leaves of two Developing Stages of a Tropical Rainforest Canopy Tree, Pometia Tomentosa Effect of different base fertilizers on yield components,physiological and biochemical traits of winter wheat Transformation of Maize Immature Embryos with Trehalose Synthase Gene THE COMPARISON OF THE DYNAMIC CHANGES OF ENDOGENOUS HORMONES IN CALLUS BETWEEN MATURE AND IMMATURE EMBRYOS OF MAIZE Analysis of Factors Influencing Regeneration Rate of Embryogenic Callus from Immature Embryo of Maize RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN INDUCTION RATE OF EMBRYONIC CALLUS AND ENDOGENOUS HORMONES CONTENT IN MAIZE The Establishment of Acceptor System for Wheat Genetic Transformation Culture of Mature Pinus bangeana Embryo Function Analysis of Carrot SOC1 Homologues Responding to Photoperiod Early Autumn Cabbage Hybrid ‘Huifeng 5‘ Tissue culture and plant regeneration from mature seed of two cultivars of tall fescue ESTABLISHED EMBRYONIC SOMACLONES OF HORDEUM DISTICHUM 2n=24 STUDIES ON THE APPLICATION OF UNICONAZOL (S-07)IN IMMATURE EMBRYO CULTURE TRANSGENIC WHEAT PLANTS BY MICROPROJECTILE BOMBARDMENT OF IMMATURE WHEAT EMBRYOS Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Cowpea (Vigna sinensis) The Effect of High-Concentration Auxin and Plant Regeneration in the Immature Embryo Culture of Soybean A PRELIMINARY MORPHOLOGICAL STUDY ON IMMATURE STAGE OF NATURAL ENEMIES OF DRYOCOSMUS KURIPHILUS YASUMATSU ‘E M ihoutao 2’——A Premature New Kiwifruit Cultivar with Yellow Flesh QTL Mapping for Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration in Maize Immature Embryos QTL Analysis of Maize (Zea mays L.) Embryo Culturing Capacity Inhibition of winter seedling raising in greenhouse of prematurebolting in Angelica sinensis Tissue culture andpolyploidy induction of Morinda officinalis Study on effect of total flavonoids from Scutellaria amoenaon experimental arrhythmia PLANT REGENERATION IN TISSUE CULTURE OF SETARIA YUNNANENSIS X S.ITALICA(4n) F_1 PLANTS Establishment of High-efficiency Genetic Transformation System for the Wheat Variety Alondra‘s

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