Histological Stud ies of Somatic Embryogenesis in Eruca sativa Mill. Efficient Somatic Embryogenesis from Leaf Explants of Phalaenopsis in vitro Culture and Histological Observations Efficient Somatic Embryogenesis from Leaf Explants of Phalaenopsis in vitro Culture and Histological Observations Studies of Indirect Somatic Embryogenesis of Papaya STUDIES ON HISTOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE ORGANGENESIS AND SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS OF POPULUS ALBA× (P.DAVIDIANA×P.SIMONIIP.TOMENTOSA IN VITRO Cloning of DlWUS from Embryogenic Callus and Its Expression Analysis during Somatic Embryogenesis in Dimocarpus longan Lour. Accumulation of main medicinal components in somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration of Aralia elata The Current Status of Larix Somatic Embryogenesis Research Plant Regeneration from Protoplast Culture of Musa AAB Silk cv. Guoshanxiang Pseudobulbils Induction,Somatic Embryogenesis and Shoot Regeneration in Rosa multiflora Thunb. Histocytology Observation on the Somatic Embryogenesis in Ananas comosus Callus Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Mature Embryo Explants in Quercus acutissima Carr. ULTRASTRUCTURAL AND CYTOCHEMICAL LOCALIZATION OF ATPase ACTIVITY STUDIES OF EMBRYONIC CELL DIFFERENTIATION IN LYCIUM BARBARUM L STUDIES ON SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS FROM CELL SUSPENSIONCULTURE OF LOBLOLLY PINE Ultrastructural Studies of Somatic Embryogenesis in Wheat Studies on the Vigor of Carrot Somatic Embryos Enhanced by Desiccation Cytological Studies of Somatic Embryogenesis in Carrot Haploid Mutam Cell Line Ts-59 Effect of Abscisic Acid on Somatic Embryogenesis in Coptis chinensis Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation on Morphogenesis in the Ovule Culture of Citrus Studies on Somatic Embryogenesis and Desiccation Someatic Embryos in Celery High Frequency Induction of Somatic Embryoid of Rice in Suspension Culture Studies on Somatic Embryogenesis and Histological Observation in Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Coker 312 Somatic Embryogenesis and Plantlet Formation of Picea wilsonii Mast. in Ditterent Conditions Fractional Selection of Somatic Embryos in the Production of Carrot Artificial Seeds Hormonal Regulation and Effect of L-Proline on Somatic Embryogenesis of Sainfoin Morphogenesis in in vitro Culture of Terminal Floral Apex of Banana Tissue Culture and Embryogenesis of Gossypium hirsutum L Changes in the Syntheses of DNA, RNA and Protein during Early Somatic Embrogenesis in Sainfoin(Onobrychis viciaefolia Sccp.) Studies on Somatic Embryogenesis of Coptis chinensis Study on the Somatic Embryogenesis from leaf of Begonia fimbristipula Hance in vitro The Study of Some Factors Affecting Somatic Embryogenesis in IR Lines of Rice Somatic Embryogenesis from Sugarcane Protoplasts RAPD AS AN AID TO EVALUATE SOMACLONAL VARIATION OF APPLE REGIONAL SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS FROM IN VITRO APPLELEAF AND ARTIFICIAL SEED OF APPLE CHANGES IN THE SYNTHESIS OF DNA,RNA AND PROTEIN DURING SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS IN WHEAT(Tritocum aestivum L.) Studies on Transgen ic Acceptor System of Ground-CoverChrysanthemum Via Indirect Soma tic Embryogenesis Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Hedychium coccineum Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Hedychium coccineum Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration in Hippeastrum hybridum Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration in Hippeastrum hybridum OBSERVATIONS ON SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS OF CNIDIUM MONNIERI CULTURED IN VITRO PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHANGES DURING SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS IN RICE (ORYZA SATIVA L.CV.PUWANYIHAO) SYNCHRONIZATION OF SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS IN COPTIS CHINENSIS F. STUDIES ON PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES DURING SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS OF DIGITARIA SANGUINALIS(L.) SCOP. PLANT REGENERATION AND SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS OF COPTIS CHINENSIS F. In vitro Regeneration of Four Commercial Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Cultivars Grown in Xinjiang, China Identification, Cloning, and Potential Application of Genes Related to Somatic Embryogenesis in Plant Tissue Culture Some physiological and biochemical charateristics of different developmental stages of somatic embryogenesis in Anthurium andraeanum EFFECT OF PINGYANGMYCIN ON SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS
Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration in Cotton Cultivars from Yellow and Yangtze River Planting Areas An Efficient Culture System for Synchronization Control of Somatic Embryogenesis in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Cytological and Histological Investigations on Somatic and Zygotic Embryogenesis of Sorbus pohuashanensis Meristematic Nodule: a Valuable Developmental Pathway for Plant Regeneration APPLICATION OF EXOGENOUS PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR IN PLANT SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS AND PLANTLET REGENERATION OF DIFFERENT GENOTYPES OF Paulownia PLANTS Study on Tissue and Protoplast Culture of Wild Cotton (Gossypium davidsonii) Hormonal Control of Somatic Embryogenesis and Callus Growth of Saintpaulta ionantha in Vitro Embryogenic Callus Formation and Plantlet Regeneration of Piragmites communis Somatic Embryogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration from Callus of Mature Zygotic Embryos of Masson Pine Studies of Technical Conditions of Somatic Embryogenesis in Cell Suspension Culture of Apium Graveolens Effect of MGBG on Growth of the Callus Tissue, Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis of Alfalfa and Their Ethylene Biosynthesis Cytology observation and formation conditions of somatic embryog-enesis in Vetiveria zizaniodes Preliminary Report on Somatic Embryogenesis from Stem of Quercus acutissima Carr. and Histological Observation Somatic Embryogenesis from Mature Zygotic Embryo Explants of Sorbus pohuashanensis Hedl Induction of Embryogenic callus and Somatic Embryogenesis of Juglans mandshurica Maxim. Factors Affecting Induction of embryogenic callus of Larix gmelinii Advances in the Cytobiology of Plant Somatic Embryogenesis Studies on Four Kinds of Isozymes during Somatic Embryogenesis of Emmenopterys henryi Oliv Somatic Embryogenesis and Establishment of Plant Regeneration System of Eruca sativa Mill. Changes of Starch and Polysaccharides During the Somatic Embryogenesis and Development of Saposhnikovia divaricata Somatic Embryogenesis and Multiplicity of Chromosome Number in Embryogenic Cell Lines of Larix ssp. Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Anthurium andraeanum Plant Regeneration from Immature Embryos of Ginkgo biloba The Induction of Multiple Buds and Soma tic Embryogenesis of Musa AAB Silk ‘Guoshanxiang’ Establishment and Plant Regeneration of Somatic Embryogenic Cell Suspension Cultures in Ginger ( Zingiber officinale Rosc. ) Studies of Somatic Embryo via Cotyledon Induction in Cucumis melon L.‘Hetao’ Somatic Embryogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration from Leaves of Euphorbia cotinifolia Ultracytochemical Localization of Ca 2+ in the SomaticEmbryogenesis of Xanthocera sorbifolia High Frequency Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Elite Cotton Variety CCRI 19 INVESTIGATION ON HISTOLOGICAL CYTOLOGY OF THE SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS DURING TISSUE CULTURE OF ASEPARAGUS OFFICINALIS