Regulation of exogenous brassinosteroid on growth of salt-stressed canola seedlings and its physiological mechanism Spatiotemporal changes of thermal environment landscape pattern in Changsha Meteorological effects on rice yields in Jiangsu Province Impact of decreasing precipitation on Larix gmelinii radial growth in Maoershan, Xiaoxing‘an Mountain, China Ecosystem health assessment based on variable fuzzy evaluation model in Dongshan Bay, Fujian, China Assessment of ecological carrying capacity on the typical resources-based cities: a case study of Tangshan City Research Progress in Breeding Technique of Sugarcane Healthy Seedlings or Seedcanes Optimization for ISSR Reaction System of Erythropsis kwangsiensis by Orthogonal Design Effect of co-cultivation time on camptothecin content in Camptotheca acuminata seedlings after inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Study of Extraction for Hypolipidemic Components From the Peel and Pomace of Citrus Paradisi cv.Changshanhuyou and Its Application Cloning and Expression Analysis of COMT Gene in Pyrus bretschneideri cv. Dangshan Su Fruit Research of Photosynthetic Characteristics and the Growth ofSeedlings and Cutting Stocks of Taxus yunnanensis Study on Nut Characteristics Variation and Superior Tree Selection of Carya illinoensis Study on Natural Regeneration of Different Shrub Forest Transformation Models on Xiaolongshan in Gansu Research on Change Low Output Forest of C itrus changshanhuyouin Red So il Hilly of J inqu Ba sin Biolog ica l Character istics of Eu rypoda an tenna ta and Its ControlMea sures Studies on Transpiration of seedlings of the Main Tree Species Under the Condition of Drought Stress in the Dry-hot River Valleys of the Jinsha River Tree Species Diversity and Structure Character istics of Q ue rcus a lienavar. acuteserrata Na tural Forest on Xiaolongshan Flor istic Ana lysis of Seed Plan ts in Kuocangsan Na tureReserve of Zhejiang Prov ince Study on In itia l Identif ica tion and Stability of Natural Pigmentof C itrus changshan-huyou Research on the wild medicinal vineplant resources in the “Danxia” geomorphological area of Langshan Mountain and their potential exploitability Response of plant growth and photosynthetic characteristics in Suaeda glauca and Atriplex triangularis seedlings to different concentrations of salt treatments Spatial and temproal pattern of Seriphidium seedling in small-scale under two gradient degradation Effect of Nitrogen Forms on Cell Ultrastructure and Photosynthesis of Tomato Under Salinity Effect of Nitrogen Forms on Cell Ultrastructure and Photosynthesis of Tomato Under Salinity Physiological Effects of Sustainable Water Saturation in Seedbed on Rice Dry Nursery Seedlings Spatial Patterns and Quantitative Dynamics of Erythrophleum fordii Populations at Damingshan Mountain, Guangxi Temporal and Spatial Variation of Soil Microbes and Enzyme Activities in Iron Tailings under Natural Restoration and Plantation Study on the Hydrology Dynamics of Needle-broad Leaved Mixed Plantation and Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest in Dagangshan Research on Variation of Floral and Fruit Traits of Malus hupehensis Populations between Mountain Taishan and Mountain Mengshan Study on the Sa lt Tolerance of Genetica llyMod if ied Tr iplo idChineseWhite Poplar Study on Container Seedlings Cultural Techniques with Light Medium forPrecious Timber Tree Species, Cupressus funebris Detection and identification of four isolates of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus from China and phylogeny of their coat protein gene INTEGRATED CONTROL PROGRAM OF CITRUS HUANGLONGBIN DISEASE STUDY ON THE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY OF RICE BACTERIAL LEAF BLIGHT (XANTHOMONAS ORYZAE) A QUANTITATION STUDY OF THE INTESPECIFIC ASSOCIATION OF QUERCUS ALIENA VAR. ACUTESERRATA COMMUNITY IN XIAOLONGSHAN MOUNTAIN OF TIANSHUI Characteristic Analysis of the Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest on the North Slope of Huangshan Mountain Transmissional Effect of Heat Shock in Plants Spiral Thickenings of Vessel Elements in Magnoliaceae in China Integral landscape pattern of gneiss area of Taihang Mountain Adaptability of Cucurbita moschata Duch. seedlings to low-temperature stress Evaluation of soil quality in reclaimed coastal regions in North Jiangsu Province Effects of soil data and map scale on assessment of total phosphorus storage in upland soils. Geo-spectrum characteristics of land use change in Jiangsu Province, China. Response of photosynthesis to water stress in four saplings from subtropical forests under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration Natural colonized plants on tailings of Lead-Zinc mine Studies on relationships among methane emission and methane-oxidizing and methanogenic bacteria in three types of rice-field soil Viewpoints on the study of economic thresholds of cotton bollworm THE PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS IN LEAVES OF Liriodendron chinense SEEDLINGS IN MT LUSHAN Quantitative analysis of weed communities in cotton fields in cotton growing regions of Jiangsu Province Quantitative analysis of weed communities in cotton fields in cotton-growing regions of Jiangsu Province EFFECT OF HUMAN ACTIVITY ON 13 C/ 12 C RATIOS IN TREE RINGS OF PINUS MASSONIANA ON DINGHUSHAN AN ECOLOGICAL STUDY ON CLUPANODON PUNCTATUS IN THE WATERS OF DONGSHAN ISLAND AN INFORMATION SYSTEM OF JIANGSU PLANT RESOURCE STUDIES ON CHARACTER AND FEATURE OF SEED PLANTS FLORA OF WULINGSHAN REGION NEW TAXA FROM YUNNAN PROVINCE New fern records from Jiangsu Province Knots’ Rings in Different Development Phases for Larch Plantations Effect of Phytohormone on Induction of Genetic Tumor in Different Tobaccos Development of Pinus koraiensis Tree-ring Chronology and Master Year Analysis in Liangshui National Natural Reserve,China The calculation and control of the effective fastpropagation velocity and the total yield of commodity seedlings on the plant fast propagation EFFECTS OF SALT AND LOW TEMPERATURE ON ATPase ACTIVITY AND PIP_2CONTENT IN PLASMALEMMA FROM PEANUT SEEDLING HYPOCOTYL EFFFCT OF THE COLD HARDINESS OF PLANT LOW TEMPERATURE RPOTECTION AGENT ON TONIATO SEEDLINGS STUDY ON THE INTROGRESSIVE HYBRIDIZATION BETWEEN PINUS HWANGSHANENSIS AND P.MASSONIANA A STUDY OF THE AERO-ANION CONCENTRATION IN FOREST RECREATION AREA THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN FREE PROLINE AND MEMBRANE LIPID PEROXIDATION IN RICE SEEDLINGS UNDER OSMOTIC STRESS THE ANALSIS OF DONGSHAN ORCHARD ECOSYSTEM AND OPTIMIZING DESIGN NEW TAXA OF THE GENUS ARISTOLOCHIA FROM SICHUAN STUDIES ON KARYOTYPES OF FRITILLARIA HUANGSHANENSIS AND F. MONANTHA Heat shock induced heat tolerance in maize seedlings and involvement of proline AN INVESTIGATION ON SPECIES OF RHODODENDRON IN JINGGANG MOUNTAIN Tree Rings of the Jiangya Reservoir and Changes of the Climate during the Recent Hundred Years(1902~1996)in Lou River Effects of tourism disturbance on plant diversity in Qingshan Lake scenic area of Zhejiang Province. EFFECTS OF INOCULATION OF ECTOMYCORRHIZAL FUNGI ON THE SEEDLING GROWTH OF MONGOL SCOTCH PINE (PINUS SYLVESTRIS VAR. MONGOLICA) Effects of acid rain stress on gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of Castanopsis sclerophylla seedlings Application of self-organizing map to quantitative analysis of mountain meadow in the Songshan Nature Reserve of Beijing, China Diversity patterns in intertidal communities of three southern islands of Changshan archipelago Acclimation of foliar photosynthetic apparatus of three tropical woody species to growth irradiance Response of structural plasticity of Tilia amurensis sapling crowns to different light conditions Effect of Zn2+, Cd2+and their combined on Ca, Fe and Mn uptake by wheat seedlings