Antitumor constituents from seeds of Caesalpinia minax Antitumor constituents from seeds of Caesalpinia minax Iridoid glycosides from Centranthera grandiflora Iridoid glycosides from Centranthera grandiflora Taxonomic Status of Cephalotaxus alpina(Li) L.K.Fu(Cephalotaxaceae) in the Views of Morphological Characteristics of Seeds and Leaves The effect of different land use patterns on soil properties in alpine areas of eastern Qilian Mountains Water holding capacity of ground covers and soils in different land uses and land covers in subalpine region of Western Sichuan, China Carbon stock and biochemical properties in the organic layer and mineral soil under three subalpine forests in Western China Subpopulation differentiation of Anthoxanthum alpinum (Poaceae) along an altitudinal gradient detected by random amplified polymorphic DNA The identity of Alpinia nanchuanensis Z. Y. Zhu Some New Species of Caragana and Chesneya from China Spatialtemporal variation of soil organic carbon and its relations to soil physical properties in degraded alpine grasslands Dynamic changes of topsoil organic carbon in subalpine spruce plantation at different succession stages in western Sichuan Province Resistance mechanisms of Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) to fenvalerate and alpha-cypermethrin. Effects of strong solar UV-B radiation on photosynthesis and photosynthetic pigment contents of Saussurea superba on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Effects of snow pack removal on the dynamics of winter-time soil temperature, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in alpine forests of west Sichuan. Responses of plant functional traits and soil factors to slope aspect in alpine meadow of South Gansu, Northwest China. Seasonal changes in enzymatic antioxidant system in roots of alpine perennial forage grasses related to freezing tolerance Some ecological characteristics of the isolated population of alpine musk deer(Moschus chrysogaster) in the Xinglong forest,Gansu Province The current status and conservation of the isolated population of alpine musk deer(Moschus chrysogaster)at Helan Mountain The phosphorus cycling in an Alpine Meadow Ecosystem ECOLOGICAL STUDIES ON THE PLANT COMMUNITYSUCCESSION ON THE ABANDONED CROPLAND INTAIBAISHAN,QINLING MOUNTAINSⅡ.THE COMMUNITY α DIVERSITY FEATURE OF THE SUCCESSIONAL SERIES A SIMULATION ANALYSIS ON ROTATION GRAZING SYSTEM OF SUMMER-AUTUMN PASTURE IN AN ALPINE MEADOW ECOSYSTEM Response of biodiversity and productivity to simulated rainfall on an alpine Kobresia humilis meadow Study on reproductive ecology of Kobresia pygmaea population in alpine meadow Seasonal variation inantioxidants of Polygonum viviparumand its relation to solar radiartion in alpine meadow The Study on Cold Resistance of Different Citrus medica Strains The Study on Cold Resistance of Different Citrus medica Strains A new cassane diterpene from seeds of Caesalpinia decapetala Purification technology for flavone from Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Fructus with macroporous resins Study on the Chemical Components of the Essential Oil from Ligusticum brachylobum Franch. Morphological Studies on Adulterant Sharen in Alpinia Identificatoin of the Chemical Components of two Alpinia Species Mechanisms of catalpol and jasminoidin by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry A novelditerpenefromCaesalpiniaminax Effect of catalpol,berberine。and their combination on expression of Giut4 protein and C-Cbl associated protein in insulin resistant 3T3-L1 adipocytes A new benzofuran in Catalpa ovata Anti-senility effect of ethanol extractin rhizome of Lepidium meyenii in mice Effect of catalpol,berberine, and their combination on insulin resistant 3T3-L1 adipoeytes Molecular mechanism of Rehmannia glutinosa oligosaccharides on improvement of insulin resistance of HepG2 cell in vitro A New Diterpenoid from Alpinia zerumbet Changes of carbon pools of alpine sandy Salix cheilophila shelterbelts with stand age Soil invertase and urease activities at different periods in subalpine forest gap in western Sichuan Aboveground litter contribution to soil respiration in a subalpine dragon spruce plantation of western Sichuan Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon addition on leaf carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration of Elymus nutans of alpine meadow on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China Effects of snow cover on acid-soluble extractive and acid-insoluble residue during foliar litter decomposition in the alpine forest Musk secretion and its relationship to population dynamics and age-structure in captive Alpine musk deer (Moschus sifanicus)at the Xinglongshan Musk Deer Farm Dynamics of soil nutrients and their response to seasonal freeze-thaw in the subalpine-alpine forests of western Sichuan Effects of Arabisalpina L. var. parviflora Franch and Zea mays L. intercropping system on root-exudated organic acids under lead stress Influence of yak dung collection on characteristics and productivity of plant functional group of alpine meadow Vegetation community of the wetland in Bayinbu Lake swan conservation of Xinjiang Carbon density and reserve of alpine grassland vegetation in northern Tibet CO2 efflux in subalpine meadows under different grazing management in Shangrila, Yunnan A method to estimate carbon storage potential in alpine Kobresia meadows on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Effects of human activities on organic carbon storage in the Kobresia hummilis meadow ecosystem on the Tibetan Plateau Changes in litter quality of subalpine forests during one freeze-thaw season The effect of natural factors and disturbance intensity on spacial heterogeneity of plant diversity in alpine meadow Soil nutritional properties and moisture gradient of the ecotone between dry valley and montane forest of the Minjiang River Spatio-temporal trends for fine root biomass of alpine Rhododendron thymifolium and their significance for ecological adaptation in Qilian Mountain THE IDIOBLASTS AND THEIR ECOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE IN LEAVES OF 16 ALPINE PLANTS Physiological Response to Drought Stress of Four Kinds of Stocks Grafted Seedlings of Catalpa bungei cl.‘Yu-1’ Seasonal and Spatial Variations of Leaf Area Index of Sub-Alpine Dark Coniferous Forest during Growing Season in Western Sichuan Changes of Species Composition and Diversity in the Restoration Process of Sub-Alpine Dark Brown Coniferous Forests in Western Sichuan,China Effects of Fargesia nitida on Species Diversity and Trees Regeneration in Different Forest Cycles of Subalpine Forest in Wolong Nature Reserve Study on Spermatophyte Flora of the Alpine Frigid Zone in Shergyla Mountain of Tibet Development of Soybean Germplasm Lacking of 7S Globulin α-Subunit Comparative study of the alpine grassland communities in varying degradation in Zoige County, Sichuan Province Study on the Flexistyly Pollination Mechanism in Alpinia Plants (Zingiberaceae) Isolation and purification of alpinetin and cardamomin from Alpinia katsumadai by high speed counter-current chromatography Chemical constituents from Osbeckia chinensis Determination of catalpol and aucubin in fresh Rehmannia glutinosa by HPLC Determination of two diphenyl heplanoids in ethanol extract from Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma by GC Chemical constituents in fruits of Catalpa ovata Establishment of DALP reaction system for plants of Rhodiola L. Numerical analysis of inter-specific relationships in Alpine steppe community in Bayanbulak Structural Elucidation of Salpriolactone The Protein Change During the Inactivation of Escherivhia coli by Supercritical CO2 THE POTENTIAL TO ASSESS AGRICULTURAL TRIDIMENTION POLLUTION USING FALLOUT RADIONUCLIDES Isolation and characterizing of a cDNA clone encoding an elongation factor EF-1α from halophyte Suaeda salsa Cloning and RNA in Situ Hybridization of Calmodulin Gene in Alpinia oblongifolia

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