Effects of different treatments on seed germination of Dioscorea nipponica Study on secondary metabolites of endophytic fungus Fusarium chlamydosporum from Dioscorea opposite Flavonoids and Anthraquinone from Dioscorea bulbifera L Comparative Study on Anti-Hypercholesterolemia Activity of Diosgenin and Total Saponin of Dioscorea panthaica Introduction and cultivation of Dioscorea panthaica Identification of Rhizome Dioscoreae in different areas by thermal analysis Synergistic protective effect of Scutellariae Radix with Phellodendri Chinensis Cortex on Dioscoreae Bulibferae Rhizoma liver toxicity in rats Studies on the Steroidal Saponins of Dioscorea tokoro Makino Collected from Zhejiang Cloning and Expression Analysis of DaF3H Gene in Yam(Dioscorea alata) Biological Characters of Tetraploid Dioscorea zingiberensis Factors of Flower Inducing and Histological Observation in Dioscorea zingberensis C.H.Wright in vitro Cloning and Expression Analysis of DaF3H Gene in Yam(Dioscorea alata) Effect of different light intensity on diosgenin and biomass of Dioscorea zingiberensis of low-light intensity type Effects of Fe, Mn, and Zn on rhizome yields and disogenin contents of Dioscorea zingiberensis New variety breeding of Dioscorea alata, cultivar "Wenshanyao No.1" Cryopreservation Technique of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. Germplasm Resources by Vitrification Preliminary Study on In vitro Conservation of Dioscorea bulbifera L. Virus-free Plantlet Germplasm and its Genetic Stability and Virus Change Comparison of Leaf Morphology in Different Ploidies of Dioscorea zingiberensis Stilbenoids from rhizomes of Dioscorea bulbifera Determination of allantoin in Dioscoreae Rhizoma by LC-MS/MS Low temperature conservation of Dioscorea bulbifera microtuber and genetic stability of its germination seedling Enzymatic Degradation of Parvifloside Molecular Identification and Relationship of Four Species in Genus Dioscorea A PHYTOGEGORAPHICAL STUDY ON THE FAMILY DIOSCOREACEAE Establishment of Regeneration System of Leaves and Stems of Dioscorea bulbifera L. Virus-free Plantlets qRT-PCR analysis of SQS gene expression during microtuber formation of Dioscorea bulbifera Progress and prospect of botancial research in Dioscorea zingiberensis Studies on plantlet regeneration from the mature leaves of Dioscorea zingiberensis 水解原位萃取薯蓣皂苷元的工艺条件研究 Isolation and structure identification of steroidal saponin from Dioscorea zingiberensis Isolation and identification of steroidal saponins from fresh rhizome of Dioscorea zingiberensis Physicochemical properties of starch obtained from Dioscorea nipponica Discovery of natural triploid variations of Dioscorea zingiberensis and its evaluation of main economic qualities Water-soluble constituents from Dioscorea zingiberensis Biocatalyticacidhydrolysisofdiosgeninin Dioscoreazingiberensis through polyOxethyleneoxide-maleic acidanhydridemodified cellulose enzyme Chemical constituents from aerial parts of Dioscorea nipponica Primary study on proliferation and rooting of stem with a bud in Dioscorea bulbifera Ontogeny of staminate flowers in D.collettii var.hypoglauca Palibin Impact factors in in vitro induction of microtubers from Dioscorea opposita Rapid propagation technology of Dioscorea bulbifera virus-free plantlets Shoot tip culture and virus detection of Dioscorea bulbifera Effects of Dioscorea septemloba on bone metabolism in ovariectomized rats Determination of pseudoprodioscin in Dioscorea panthaica by HPLC Processing technics of Rhizoma Dioscoreae stired by wheat bran ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF STER0IDAL SAPOGENINS FROM RHIZOME OF DIOSCOREA COLLETTIl VAR.HYPOGLAUCA Haploid Callus and Plantlets Regenerated from Anther Culture of Dioscorea zingiberensis (Dioscoreaceae) Antioxidant Activity in Vitro of Glycoprotein from Chinese Yam Antioxidant Activity in Vitro of Glycoprotein from Chinese Yam Element Composition of Dioscorea zingiberensis and Its Relation with Soil Nutrients Studies on the developmental anatomy of rhizome in Dioscorea zingiberensis Research on the Microtuber Induction System of Dioscorea alata in Vitro Research on the Microtuber Induction System of Dioscorea alata in Vitro Micro-morphological Characteristics of Leaf Epidermis and Its Taxonomic Significance in Dioscorea from China Variation of endogenous hormones in formation of microtuber of Dioscorea opposite in vitro Variation of Endogenous Hormone and Carbohydrate Contents in Growing Yam Bulbils Study on HPLC-ELSD fingerprint of total steroid saponins in herbs of Dioscorea zingiberensis Numerical analysis of morphological variation of germplasm resources of Dioscorea Antithrombotic components in Dioscorea nipponica A Comparision among Natural Variations of Dioscorea zingiberensis psbA-trnH Fragment Sequence Analysis of Four Species in Genus Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae) Genetic Diversity of 111 Dioscorea alata Linn. Germplasm using AFLP Markers n vitro Propagation of Common Yam (Dioscorea opposita) Community characteristics of natural Pinus tabulaeformis forest in Hilly Loess Regions Cryopreservation technique of Dioscorea opposita germplasm by vitrification Sequence analysis on rDNA-ITS region of germplasm resources from Dioscoreae Rhizoma Effect of total saponin of Dioscorea on chronic hyperuricemia and expression of URAT1 in rats