The thinning regular of the the shrubbery at Tongguling National Nature Reserve on Hainan Island,China Effects of thinning on macro fungi and their relationship with litter decomposition in Pinus tabulaeformis plantations SELF-THINNING MODEL IN PLANTATION OF PINUS MASSONIANA LAMB. Visualized Simulation of Interactive Thinning in Chinese Fir Plantation Based on Workflow Technique Study on the Self-pruning of Chinese Fir Plantation A New Pattern Testing Model and Application on Secondary Forest Cutting EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT THINNING INTENSITY ON THE STAND PRODUCTIVITY OF EUCALYPTUS GRANDIS × E.UROPHYLLA Effects of Thinning Intensity on Structure Characteristics and Spatial Distribution of Quercus wutaishanica Populations Effects of Fruit-thinning on Fruits Development, Pigmentation and Carbohydrate Content in Plant Organs of Wampee Study on thinning to Robinia pseudoacacia forest on the Loess Plateau Effect of Close-to-Nature Management on Species Diversity in a Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation Self-thinning of natural broadleaved forests in Baishilazi Nature Reserve Effect of thinning on Platycladus orientalis plantation and the diversity of undergrowth vegetation Effects of Precision Seeding without Thinning Process on Yield and Yield Components of Cotton Effects of Thinning Intensity on Wood Properties of Slash Pine Effect of Planting Density and Thinning on Dominant Height Growth Curve in Chinese Fir Plantation Establishment of Tending Thinning Table for the National Chinese Fir Plantations A Review on Stand Density──about the 3/2 Power Law Effects of thinning on fine root biomass and carbon storage of subalpine Picea asperata plantation in Western Sichuan Province, China Utilization of compressed Chinese fir thinning wood Experience model for self-thinning process of even-aged pure stands Effects of Exogenous ALA on Thinning and Fruit Quality in‘Hosui’Pear(Pyrus pyrifolia) DENSITY REGULATION LAW FOR CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA FOREST DURING SELF-THINNING Pruning in Autumn,Spraying of Growth Regulators in Spring to Promote Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L.) Seed Yield and Germination A comparison of selecting data points and fitting coefficients methods for estimating self-thinning boundary line Effects of Hand-thinning on Quality and Partial Endogenous Hormone Contents in Wampee Fruits Changing Rules of Components of Cunninghamia lanceolata Thinning Wood in Heat Treating Process A Case Study in Planning for Sustainable Forest Medium-Term Management of Norway Spruce from Northern Germany A STUDY ON THE SELF-THINNING OF DENSITY VARIATION FOR EVEN-AGED PURE STANDS COMPARISON FOR BP-MSM MODEL AND ZHANG’S MODEL IN STUDYING FOREST SELF-THINNING THE GROWTH RESPONSE OF MASSON PINE PULPWOOD TO DIFFERENT THINNING INTENSITIES STUDIES ON THE DENSITY AND THINNING EXPERIMENTS OF CHINESE FIR SIANDS A STUDY ON THE SELF-THINNING LAW OF CHINESE FIR PLANTATION AN EMPIRICAL MODEL DESCRIBING NATURAL THINNING PROCESS OF PLANT POPULATION Effects of Flower Thinning on the Mesocarp Cell Division and Expansion of‘Okubo’Peach Fruit Effects of Fruit-thinning on Fruits Development, Pigmentation and Carbohydrate Content in Plant Organs of Wampee The Study of Thinning and Its Optimum Control for Larch Plantation The Competitive Model of Diameter Growth of Chinese Fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook) after Thinning and Its Applications STUDY ON THE CONTROL OF HEMIBERLESIA PITYSOPHILA TAKAGI BY PRUNING AND THINNING Impacts of Different Thinning Intensities on Growth of Cupressus funebris Plantation and Understory Plants Effects of Thinning on Mixed Stands of Larix olgensis, Abies nephrolepis and Picea jazoensis The Natural Thinning and Structural Pattern of the Intermediate Cutting Intensity in the Cunninghamia lanceolata Stand Effects of Thinning on the Growth and the Diversity of Undergrowth of Pinus tabulaeformis Plantation in Beijing Mountainous Areas Response of Soil Enzyme Activity to Thinning Intensity of Aerial Seeding Pinus tabulaeformis Stands Studies on individual sexual reproductive process of Juglans mandshurica Adjustmentof photoassimilate partitioning of Malus pumila flower thinning and its physiological performance Influence of thinning on soil fertility in artificial forests Summary and evaluation of the researches on self-thinning pure stands Self thinning of even aged pure plantations of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica on sandy soil RESEARCH ON EFFECT OF AMELIORATING SOIL PROPERTIES BY UNDERGROWTH VEGE TATION OF CHINA FIR Allometric relationship between mean component biomass and density during the course of self-thinning for Fagopyrum esculentum populations STUDY ON MODEL OF SELF THINNING LAW OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS POPULATION RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE ECOLOGICAL FACTORS AND THE DAMAGE LEVEL OF PINUS MASSONIANA FOREST ATTACKED BY HEMIBERLESIA PITYSOPHILA Does the relative importance of resource competition and architectural effect in floral variation vary with stages of floral ontogeny? Instant response of individual size inequality indices to thinning regimes in plantation. Effects of thinning intensities on population regeneration of natural Quercus variabilis forest on the south slope of Qinling Mountains. On the Thinning Scheme for Industrial Timber Stands of Slash Pine and Loblolly Pine Effects of Different Thinning Intensities on Slash Pine Plantations The Review of Studies on Stand Basal Area Growth Model The Choice of Variables Transformation and Estimate of Measurement Error Matrix for the Study on Density diameter Relationship Effects of Plant Thinning on Clone’s Flowering and Seeding in Chinese Fir Seed Orchard Efect of Two Flower Thinners on Pollination and Fertilization of Apple Density and Biomass Dynamics of Pinus taiwanensis at Songyang County, Zhejiang Province Simulating thinning of Larix olgensis industrial plantation THE RESEARCH OF SELF-THINNING LAW FOR EVEN-AGED PURE STANDS Growth Dynamics and Self-Thinning of the Dominant Populations in the Mangrove Community Effects of thinning intensity on rain water chemistry of canopies and litters of Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata in Qinling Mountain Mating System and Genetic Diversity in a Pinus tabulaeformis Carr Seed Orchard Before and AfterThinning Carbon density and its spatial distribution in Quercus acutissima plantations under different thinning intensities. The Effects of Thinning on Forest Growth and Model Study Assessment of Stand Thinning Model under the Integrated Whole stand Growth Model System Effects of Fruit Thinning on Fruit Sugar Accumulation and Leaf Photosynthetic Characteristics of Pear Influences of Management Measures on the Seed Set and 1000-grain Weight of Ceratoides arborescens Efect of Two Flower Thinners on Pollination and Fertilization of Apple Relationship between the Virtual Dynamic Thinning Line and the Self-Thinning Boundary Line in Simulated Plant Populations Effects of different thinning methods on ecophysiology of dense apple orchard Initial Effects of Crop Trees Growth after Crop Tree Release on Pinus massoniana Plantation DYNAMIC ANALYSIS AND ITS SD MODEL OF THE FOREST RESOURCES IN DAQINGSHAN EXPERIMENTAL BUREAU EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON BURNING TREATMENT TO TENDING AND THINNING REMAIDERS OF NATURE HALF-MATURE FOREST AND YOUNG GROWTH IN DAXINGAN MOUNTAIN A STUDY ON THE TECHNOLOGY OF FINGER-JOINTED LUMBER FROM THINNING