Anatomical Characteristics of Capparis spinosa L. in Tibet The Leaf Epidermis Characteristics of Six Species of Coniogramme Leaf Epidermis Development of Polygonatum cyrtonema Studies on the Photosynthetic Characteristic and Protective Enzyme of GraftedCucumber Leaves in Solar Greenhouse Nitrogen fertilizer effects on N recovery and residual soil NO3--N for greenhouse-grown tomato Chemical constituents from hulls of Nephelium lappaceum Study on recognition properties of artemisinin molecular imprinted polymer Advances in studies on active components of Saussurea lappa and their pharmacological actions Research on intestinal absorption characteristics of meglucumin cocrystal in rats Quantitative determination of seven constituents and fingerprint research on Inula cappa by UPLC A Study on Foliar Epidermis in Betulaceae Effects of drought stress and allelopathy on growth, photosynthesis and physio-biochemical characteristics of Terminalia catappa seedlings Study on rat small intestinal absorption features of puerarin loaded O-carboxymethyl chitosan microspheres based on single pass perfusion method Flavonoid glycoside compounds from roots of Arctium lappa and structure-activity relationship of anti-oxidantion Leaf Epidermal Feature in Clematis (Ranunculaceae) with Reference to Its Systematic Significance Origin of Megagametophytes with Supernumerary Egg Cells Occurring in Oryza sativa Effect of Chilling on Photosynthesis in Flag Leaves at Primary Heading Stage of F1 Hybrid Rice Cultivars and Their Parental Lines (Three Lines) The effect of temperature and moisture on N2O flux kinetics from loessial soil Experiment with effects of increased surface ozone concentration upon winter wheat photosynthesis Epidermal Characters of Leaves in Thermopsis and Thier Biological Significances THE LEAF EPIDERMIS OF HELMINTHOSTACHYACEAE AND OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Lectotypifications of Five Names of Chinese Taxa in Dicotyls Effects of three kinds of cyclodextrin on in vitro corneal penetration of curcumin Effect of aqueous extract from roots of Arctium lappa on vascular remolding in hypertensive rats Study on the Characteristics of Photosynthetic Physio-ecology in Leaves of Heptacodium miconioides Seedlings Epidermal Characters of Leaves in Araceae cDNA Cloning and Bioinformatic Analysis of the sPPa1 Gene from Picea wilsonii Intestinal absorption properties of flavones and extract of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus in rats Leaf Epidermal Micro-morphology of 29 Species of the genus Vicia L. from China 紫外线-B辐射与3种植物幼苗的光合作用——光合作用对紫外线-B敏感性的比较 Characters of leaf epidermis in Swertia L. Study on effect of enhancing yield of winter wheat by applying two kinds of controlled release nitrogen fertilizer Apparent quantum yield of photosynthesis of double cropping rice in red earth hilly region of China Effects of different irrigation methods on grain quality of japonica rice in Huanghuai District of China. Photosynthetic characteristics comparison between an invasive plant, Lantana camara L., and associated species Acoustic Signals of Dendroctonus valens and Structure of Its Stridulatory Apparatus Traits of Canopy Photosynthesis and Its Influencing Factors of Summer-sowing Millet(Setaria italica Beauv.) Rapid Identification of Early Indica Rice with Low AAC and Analysis o f Its Application in Quality Improvement Development of Canopy Apparent Photosynthesis among Maize Varieties from Different Eras Responses to Doubled CO2 in Medicago sativa: Studies on Ecophysiology and Simulation Modelling Photosynthetic Responses to Light Intensity in Intact Leaves of Some Coastal Desert and Tropical Rain Forest Plant Species in Atmospheres with Different CO2 Concentrations Anatomy of stem and leaf in different populations of Capparis spinosa in China ITS2 sequence analysis of eight medicinal plants in Inula L. Molecular recognition of galangin molecular imprinting polymer microsphere Absorption of coptisine chloride and berberrubine across human intestinal epithelial by using human Caco-2 cell monolayers Effects of puerarin on expression of nuclear factor kappaB after cerebral ischemia/reperfusion in rats Effect of Herba Epimedii flavone on the osteoblasts metabolism in vitro Study on condition for extraction of arctiin from fruits of Arctium lappa using supercritical fluid extraction Advances in studies on constituents and their pharmacological activities of Capparis spinosa A new variety of Capparidaceae from Guangxi, China Effects of leachates from Casuarina equisetifolia on growth and physiological and biochemical characteristics of Terminalia catappa seedlings Genetic Diversity of Waxy Gene in Chinese Glutinous Maize Nitric Oxide Modulates the Activities of Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase and PPase in Wheat Seedling Roots and Promotes the Salt Tolerance Against Salt Stress A note of Yinshania zayuensis and Camelina yunnanensis Adaptation mechanisms of alpine plants photosynthetic apparatus against adverse stress: A review Cloning and Its Prokaryotic Expression of a 70 kD Heat Shock Protein Gene from Capparis spinosa Study on Leaf Micro-morphological Characteristics of Osmanthus(Oleaceae) Isolation of PpAG Gene from Peach and Sequence Analysis of Fragment Similar to PpAG Influence of different nutrition levels on the digestion metabolism and beef quality of Holstein culling cows Absorption of multi-components from Coptidis Rhizoma in Caco-2 monolayer model and their interactions Absorption and transport characteristic of paeoniflorin and its derivatives in model of Caco-2 cell monolayers Study on chemical constituents from heartwood of Caesalpinia sappan Study on chemical constituents from heartwood of Caesalpinia sappan Absorption characteristics in intestine of icaritin self-microemulsion via CaCO2 monolayer model Identification of the Chinese Drug Great Burdock (Arct ium lappa)Seed and Its Substitutes by RAPD and TLC A Newly Recorded Species Rorippa amphibia (L.) Besser from China Leaf Epidermis Ultra-Microstructure Associated with Drought Resistance In Poa Pratensis Cultivars The Comparative Study of the Apparent Quantum Yield and Maximum Photosynthesis Rates of 3 Typical Vegetation Types on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau A Comparative Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Haloxylon ammodendron and Nitraria tangutorum on Temperate steppa subdesert in Alashan Active hypoglycemic fractions and constituents in roots of Aucklandiae lappa Study on processing method for fruits of Wei Medicine Capparis spinosa Component analysis, and purification and characterization of active ingredients in aqueous extract from Sappan Lignum Caffeic acids from roots of Arctium lappa and their neuroprotective activity