Recognition of important ecological nodes based on ecological networks analysis: A case study of urban district of Nanjing Structure and biodiversity of fig wasp community inside syconia of Ficus virens Ait. var. sublanceolata (Miq.) Corner in Fuzhou Molecular Cloning of importin and exportin in Hevea brasiliensis and Gene Expression Induced by Ethylene Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate on Carbon and Nitrogen Transportation in Winter Wheat Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Partial cDNAs of ST and ATPS from Maize Research Advances about the Relation between Membrane spanned Ion Transporter and Salt Tolerance in Plants Silicon Absorption ,Transport and Accumulation in Plants Research Advances about Signaling Pathway in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Symbiosis with Plants Potassium Transporters and Their Molecular Regulation in Higher Plants Effects of Simulated Greenhouse Effect on Growth Characteristics of Kobresia humilis Effects of NaCl Stress on Ion Absorption and Distribution in Sour Jujube Seedlings Preliminary Study on Expression Characteristics of Sorbitol Transporter (SOT)Gene Family and the Role in Sugar Accumulation in Pyrus pyrifolia Fruits Preliminary Study on Expression Characteristics of Sorbitol Transporter (SOT)Gene Family and the Role in Sugar Accumulation in Pyrus pyrifolia Fruits Effects of Nitrogen Rate on Plant Growth of Autumn Potato Crop and Gene Expression of Nitrate Reductase and Ammonium Transporter Cloning and Expression Analysis of Silicon Transporter Gene CmLsi3 in Roots of Pumpkin Cloning and Expression Analysis of Silicon Transporter Gene CmLsi3 in Roots of Pumpkin Comparison of Peel Characteristics Between‘Golden Delicious’and Its Non-russet Sport‘Fengshuai’Apples to Explore a Method to Prevent Fruit
Sequence and Expression Analysis of Apple Tonoplast Monosaccharide Transporter TMT Genes and Their Relationship with Sugar Accumulation in Fruit Undergrowth vegetation niche in scenic-recreational forest communities of Platycladus orientalis and Robinia pseudoacacia in Beijing suburb Effect of Drought Stress on Photochemical Efficiency and Dissipation of Excited Energy in Photosystem II of Populus euphratica The Establishment of Agrobacterium-mediated Transient Expression System in Cotton Cotyledons Study on the instrumental error of the portable photosynthesis system Management of eco-agricultural industrialization in China The utility of mitochondrial nad1 intron in phylogenetic study of Oryzeae with reference to the systematic position of Porteresia Effects of atmospheric thermally stratified condition on sensible heat within forest canopy. Salt tolerance of wild soybeans in Jiangsu and its relation with ionic distribution and selective transportation Impact of localized compaction and ridge fertilization on field nitrate transport and nitrate use efficiency Distributed modeling of nutrient transport in basin with support of remote sensing and geography information system Applications of nuclear magnetic resonance in the study of soilplantatmosphere continuum. Research progresses on  methanogenesis pathway  and methanogens in coastal wetlands. Regional difference of NPK fertilizers application and environmental risk assessment in Jiangsu Province, China. The construction strategy and countermeasures of ecological ports in China The temperature elevation suppresses the light energy utilization and growth of Chlolorella pyrenoidosa under high light intensity conditions Energy signature technology and its application on energy flux in mangrove ecosystems:a review and outlook Multidimensional time series analysis based on support vector regression and controlled autoregressive and its application in ecology Resistance of available resource fluctuation to alien species invasion Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Plasma Membrane Na+/H+ Antiporter Gene in Tamarix hispida CO2 Flux Components,Their Contributions to Stem Respiration and the Key Impact Factors in Stems of Larch Organic C and N in Various Surface Mineral Soil Fractions in the Broadleaved Korean Pine Mixed Forests in Changbai Mt. Population Structure of Natural Secondary Acer mono Forest Biosynthesis and Function of Glutathione in Plant Morphological Characteristics Comparisons Between Thalassiosira and Coscinodiscus Early detection of rice blast by TaqMan real-time flourescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction SSR distribution and its potential effects on function of ABC transporter genes in rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea Risk assessment and molecular mechanism of the resistance of Magnaporthe oryzae from rice to SYP-1620 Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase regulates the growth, development and pathogenicity of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae 陕西渭北旱塬土壤—植物—大气连续体中水分运转规律的研究──Ⅴ.田间冬小麦土壤—叶片途径水运转阻力研究 Expression and Function Analysis of Potassium Transporter Gene PpeKUP5 in Peach Identification and Expression Analysis of Potassium Transporter Gene Family in Apple Carotenoid Metabolism and Gene Expression Analysis of‘CN9’Nectarine and Its Yellow Flesh Mutant‘CN9Y’ The Study of Root Induction and Root Vigor in Photinia fraseri in Vitro Preliminary Studies on Pollen Morphology of Fuji Sports Strains Studies on Fruit Quality and Pollen Morphology of Red Flesh Sport from‘Red Sun’Kiwifruit DIFFERENT CHARACTERISTICS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN STEMS AND LEAVES OF MIKANIA MICRANTH Effects of nitrogen application on selenium accumulation, translocation and distribution of winter wheat at different growth periods Differential responses of two tomato cultivars to cadmium stress Expression of High-affinity Phosphate Transporter Genes,Phosphorus Absorption and Utilization in Flue-cured Tobacco under Deficient Phosphorus Stress Analyses on Fore ign Trade Sta tus of Flower & Plan ts in ZhejiangProvince and the Countermea sures Involvement of cAMP in ABA Signal Transduction in Tobacco Suspension Cells Intensity and Importance of Competition for a Grass (Festuca rubra) and a Legume (Trifolium pratense) Vary with Environmental Changes Overexpression of Proline Transporter Gene Isolated from Halophyte Confers Salt Tolerance in Arabidopsis Daily Ambrosia Pollen Concentration in the Air of Ankara, Turkey (1990-1999) Distribution of Vascular Tissue in Four Rattan Canes Studies on the Development of the Reproductive Organs of Caloglossa leprieurii (Mont.) J. Ag. Effects of ultraviolet-C irradiation on membrane lipid peroxidation and activity of PSⅡ electron transport in chloroplasts of Taxus cuspidata needles A review on modelling bacterial transport in soils Establishment of Chinese eco-agricultural model management information and decision support system ICP-AES studies on characteristics of distribution,accumulation and transportation of rare earth elements in soil-Dicranopteris dichotoma system Responses of vegetation restoration to climate change during the past 30 years in enclosed grassland of Yunwu Mountain in semi-arid region of the Loess Plateau Measurement of ecosystem services consumption: a case study of the traditional agricultural area in Congjiang County of Guizhou Province The physiological characteristics of salt-tolerance in Sesuvium portulacastrum L. Nitrogen budget estimation based on precipitation and runoff in the source of Yangtze River Spatial distribution and evolution of aeolian sandy land in the areas around Lhasa Airport (Tibet, China) since 1990 Ecosystem level water use efficiency: A review THE RESIDUE DYNAMICS AND THE TRANSPORTATION OF BUPROFEZIN IN WATER AND RICE PLANTS Induction and detection of apoptosis in rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae AtEDR1 Mediated Resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae in Arabidopsis thaliana Effect of Altitude on Structure and Species Diversity of Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation in Jiangyou District,Sichuan Province Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of a Promoter of Calmodulin Binding Protein Gene in Arabidopsis Overexpression of AtNHX5 Increases Salt Tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana