Effects of Nitrogen Rate on Assimilate Transportation to Underground at Different Maize Growing Stages A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON SOME SEEdLINGS SELECTED FROM THE PAKISTAN MANGOS TREES Analysis on influential factors in China’s exports of primary and semi-finished products of traditional Chinese medicine to ASEAN Absorption and transportation of calycosin in Astragali Radix by using Caco-2 monolayer model In vitro studies of Raf-CREB, Akt-CREB, and CaMKⅡ-CREB signal transduction pathway regulated by ginsenosides Rb1, Rg1 and Re Analysis on composition regularity of Carthami Flos-containing traditional Chinese medicines Separation, purification and primary reverse cholesterol transport study of Cordyceps militaris polysaccharide Regulatory effect of leonurus extracts on hyperuricemia in rats Outline of Gymnospermous Medicinal Plants in China Study on hepatotoxicity of aqueous extracts of Polygonum multiflorum in rats after 28-day oral administration: cholestasis-related mechanism Effect of Zhusha Anshen pill, cinnabar, HgS, HgCl2 and MeHg on gene expression of renal transporters in mice Two new lactone derivatives from an endophyte Diaporthe sp. XZ-07 cultivated on Camptotheca acuminata Plant Nucleocytoplasmic Transport and Innate Immunity Diversity of dsRNA mycoviruses in Magnaporthe oryzae and correlation relationship of the mycoviruses and biological characters of their host strain QSP5 Analysis of genetic diversity among populations of rice blast fungus based on the fingerprint of virulence gene Pathogenicity of Magnaporthe oryzae isolates from rice cultivar Kongyu 163 Screening of rice proteins interacting with the rice blast resistance protein PID3 by GST pull-down Analysis and identification of the strains isolated from rice blast specimens Preparation of polyclonal antibody of a chitinase from Magnaporthe oryzae and its usage for detection MoCOS1 regulates the expression level of MoCMR1 in rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae Effects of Se-enriched Soils on the Plant Growth,Selenium Uptake and Transport in Flue-cured Tobacco Changes in sugar, pyruvic acid content and nitrate reductase activity of Elymus sibiricus reproductive branches during seed development Effect of different parts of Portulace oleracea on the levels of TNF-α and IL-6 in the supernatant of cultured adipose cell Study on transport of sophocarpine in millicell system by LC-MS Effect of Nitrogen Addition on the Specific Leaf Area and Important Value of Dominant Species in the Typical Steppe of the Loess Plateau, China Effects of Enclosure Years on the Grassland Community Characteristics and Pasture Mass Index of Seriphidium transiliense Desert Grassland Effects of Seawater Stress on Photosynthetic and Antioxidant Characteristics in Portulaca oleracea Comparative study on kidney tonifying and Yang supporting effects of different processed products of Morinda officinalis Isolation and Assaying of polysaccharides in Portulaca oleracea Occurrence and output of all types of belowground buds of Leymus chinensis and the dynamics of formation and maintenance of aboveground shoots Gansu Nematode Trophic Group Structure in the Rhizosphere of Flowers A New Fresh Tomato Hybrid‘Hongzun 1’ Studies on Fruit Quality and Pollen Morphology of Red Flesh Sport from‘Red Sun’Kiwifruit Identification of Large Fruit and Sweet Osmanthus Flavour Sport from‘Shixia’Longan Using RAPD Marker Structure, Function, and Co-evolution of Rice Blast Resistance Genes Variety Identification and Seed Test  by Peanut Pod Image Characteristics Color Region Classification of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves Based on the Image Isolation and Characterization of an Embryo-specific Promoter OsESP1 from Rice Regulation of Nitrogen Level on Photosynthetic Energy Partitioning in Wheat Leaves under Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Relationship of Non-Structure Carbohydrate Production and Yield Components of Aerobic Rice, HD297 Light Reaction Characteristics in Functional Leaves of Liangyoupeijiu in the Reproductive Growth Stage Effects of Nitrogen Nutrition on Photosynthetic Functions of Wheat Leaves under Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Nonlinear Screening Indexes of Drought Resistance at Rice Seedling Stage Based on Support Vector Machine Cloning of cDNAs for a Noval Sugar Transporter Gene,ZmERD6,from Maize and Its Expression Analysis under Abiotic Stresses Multi-mathematical modelings for compatibility optimization of Jiangzhi granules Establishment of Drug Screenine Model Based on Transcriptional Regulation of Estrogen Responsive Element Utilization of spaceflight technology on medicinal plant study Experimental study of estrogenic activities of five kinds of Chinese herbal medicines Effects of nitrogen forms on transport and accumulation of ions in canola (B. napus L.) and rice (Oryza sativa L.) under saline stress Effect of different potassium application time on the vigor of photosynthate transportations of edible sweet potato (Ipomoea Batata L.) Current research progresses of amino acids uptake, transport and their biological roles in higher plants Dry matter formation and nitrogen uptake in two maize cultivars differing in nitrogen use efficiency Pharmacological Study on Tianxiong(Tuber of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.), A Chinese Drug for Reinforcing the Kidney Yang Retail in Hong Kong Market Recent Advances in Plant Aquaporins Effects of Salt Stress on the Characteristics of Ion Absorption and Distribution in Puccinellia tenuiflora The Cloning and Quantitative Expression Analysis of Mycorrhizal
Phosphate Transporter Gene in Fragaria × ananassa
Change Pattern of Water Potential After Long-distance Transportation and Development of Pretreatment Solution for Cut Chrysanthemum Study on Characteristics of Plant Niche in Maqu Alpine Desertified Meadow Study on Community Quantity Character in Alpine Mixed-sown Grassland under Different Grazing Intensities Expression of a Vacuolar Na+/H+ Antiporter Gene of Alfalfa Enhances Salinity Tolerance in Transgenic Arabidopsis Effect of Source-Sink Regulation on the Transportation and Allocation of Boll-leaf Photosynthetic Products in Cotton Research Advances on the Rice Blast in the Northeast of China Study on anti-anxiety activity of extract and total valepotriate in Valerianae Rhizoma Important application of intestinal transporters and metabolismenzymes on gastrointestinal disposal of active ingredients ofChinese materia medica Analysis of Chinese medicine tablets on coating qualitybased on support vector machine Community ecology of Acanthopanax giraldii in west Sichuan plateau Study on transport mechanism of baicalin in Scutellariae Radix extracts and effect of Angelica Dahurica extracts on transport of baicalin by Caco-2 cell monolayer model Application of support vector machine in screening neurotoxic compounds from traditional Chinese medicine Effectiveness of pine roots on elements transport of loess soil during the heavy rainstorm on the Chinese Loess Plateau Effect of zinc fertilization on accumulation and transportation of N,P,K and Zn after anthesis of wheat Effects of plant root on nutritious elements transport in soil profiles of the Chinese Loess Plateau Recent advances in molecular biology of nitrate transporters in higher plants Effects of different phosphorus nutrition levels on photosynthesis in satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) leaves Effect of Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Ozone on the Mineral Nutrient Content and Distribution and Transportation in Oligostachyum lubricum Artificial Fungal Colony and Its Fruiting of Phlebopus portentosus (Boletaceae) in Pot SSR Variation in the WD Repeats Domain Genes and It′s Effects on Protein Structure of Rice Blast Fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae The Accumulation and Transportation of Photosynsates in Cotton Leaves and Their Relation to Night Temperature and Fiber Development Studies on the Sensitivity of Different Rice Genotypes to Photoinhibition and its Mechanism Genetic Analysis of Wetwood Proportion on Clone Test Stand of Populus tomentosa Decision Support System (DSS) Development for Afforestation of Converting Cropland to Forest