Pathogenicity differentiation of Magnaporthe grisea The effect of ZJUF0986 bioactive metabolite on the pathogenicity of Magnaporthe oryzae Identification of stem rot and root rot pathogens isolated from Anthurium andraeanum and Ananas comosus var. variegata Activity of acetylcholinesterase in Paratrioza sinica and the inhibiting effect of triazophos, phoxim on the esterase Mass trapping of the Spodoptera litura moth with synthetic sex pheromone lures and control efficacy in the fields Composition of lineage and virulence type of the Magnaporthe grisea population derived from the nurseries and fields in Fujian Province of China Evaluation of twenty-two blast resistance genes in Yunnan using monogenetic rice lines Studies on numerical characteristics of insect community structure of five stored export agricultural products ORCHARD-ORIENTED DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR PEST CONTROL ON APPLE AND PEAR ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF CHITINASE PRODUCING BACTERIA INHIBITING GROWTH OF MAGNAPORTHE GRISEA Plant-mediated Methane Transport and Emission from a Spartina alterniflora Marsh Process of Cell Biology of Isoquinoline Alkaloid Biosynthesis, Transport and Storage Mechanisms of Arsenic Uptake and Metabolism in Plants The Molecular Mechanism of Long-distance Sugar Transport in Plants Progress in Inorganic Nitrogen Transport Proteins and Their Phosphorylation Regulatory Mechanism in Arabidopsis An eukaryotic translation initiation factor, AteIF5A-2, affects cadmium accumulation and sensitivity in Arabidopsis Genetic diversity for mycorrhizal symbiosis and phosphate transporters in rice ABCB1 and ABCB19 auxin transporters have synergistic effects on early and late Arabidopsis anther development Loss-of-function mutation of rice SLAC7 decreases chloroplast stability and induces a photoprotection mechanism in rice Molecular mechanisms underlying phosphate sensing, signaling, and adaptation in plants SbHKT1;4, a member of the high-affinity potassium transporter gene family from Sorghum bicolor, functions to maintain optimal Na+/K+ balance under Na+ stress Using stable isotope technique to study feeding habits of the finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis ssp. sunameri) Effect of irrigation on nitrogen uptake and translocation in summer maize Cloning and Expression Analysis of Spook Gene in Portunus trituberculatus Cloning and Analysis of Gene for Adenine Nucleotide Translocase in Portunus trituberculatus Subcellular Localization and Expression Analysis of Hexose Transporter Gene ShHXT6 in Sugarcane Researches on weed niche in turf An analytical method on limiting factors of urban ecological supporting system and its application to Guangzhou City Advances in Study of Plant Organic Nitrogen Nutrition Correlation Analysis Between Landscape Characteristics of Ecotourist Vegetation and Geographical Factors in Luya Mountain Relationship Between Tourism Development and Vegetation Environment in Luya Mountain Nature Reserve I. Quality Analysis of Vegetation Environment Importance of Clonal Plants in Community Orientation, Attachment and Population Characteristics of the Goose Barnacle Octolasmis neptuni Living on the Gills and Mouth Appendages of the Swimming Crab Portunus trituberculatus Effects of external support on the foraging behavior and reproductive strategies in Gynostemma pentaphylum populations Comparison of photosynthetic decline of flag leaves between two high-yield wheat varieties Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Portulaca oleracea with NaCl Stress Effects of Sulfur and Organic Fertilizer Fertilizations on Carbon and Nitrogen Transport in Winter Wheat under Copper and Cadmium Stresses Biosynthesis,transport and function of ascorbate in plants Advance of sulphate transporters of plant Transport and Partitioning of Photoassimilate in Higher Plant Correlation between ginsenoside contents in Panax ginseng roots and ecological factors, and ecological division of ginseng plantation in China Biomass allocation strategies within a leaf: Implication for leaf size optimization Effects of exclosure on community inter-specific relationships in a typical temperate grassland Effect of neighboring competition on photosynthetic characteristics and biomass allocation of Chinese fir seedlings under low phosphorus stress An outlook on modern ecological agriculture in Shandong Province Sustainable development analysis from ecological footprints of traditional agricultural areas— A case study of Congjiang County of Guizhou Province China should seize strategic opportunity in climate change A review of conservation of rice terraces agriculture as agricultural heritage systems Agrobiodiversity features, conservation and utilization of China’s Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems Parameter optimization of BEPS model based on the flux data of the temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest in Northeast China. Clone and Expression Analysis of The High-affinity K+ Transporter Gene SeHKT1 from the Halophyte Salicornia europaea Constructing a Human Oocyte Reporter System Construction of Co-expressed MntH and Mn-catalase Gene in Escherichia coli and Optimization of Fermentation Conditions Cloning and Tissue Expression of Full-length cDNA in Gene Encoding Δ6-desaturase Fatty Acyl of Portunus trituberculatus Construction and Application of RARE-regulated Luciferase Reporter Gene System Stimulated by Retinoid Acid Cloning and Expression Analysis of Proline Transporter Gene in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Cloning, Expressing and Functional Analysis of Na+/H+ Antiporter Gene OpNHX1 from Olimarabidopsis pumila in Xinjiang KINETIC STUDY ON TRANSPORT OF BaP IN SOIL-RICE SYSTEM A STUDY ON THE COMMUNITY ECOLOGY OF Castanopsis kawakamii STUDY ON THE NICHE OF THE MAIN TREE POPULATION IN Castanopsis kawakamii COMMUNITY 应用~(59)Fe示踪法研究苹果树对铁盐的吸收和运转 缺水条件下苹果幼树叶片~(14)C-同化产物的输出和分配 THE CHANGES OF ASSIMILATE EXPORTATION FROM WHEAT FLAG LEAF AFTER ANTHESIS MOLECULAR CLONING AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF AMMONIUM TRANSPORTERENCODING GENES AMTB IN ASSOCIATIVE NITROGEN-FIXING BACTERIUM PSEUDOMONAS STUTZERI A1501 TRANSPORTATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ~(14)C-PHOTOSYNTHATE PRODUCED IN MAIN STEMS OF WHEAT Analysis of population virulences of Magnaporthe grisea in Jiangsu Province YIELD LOSS MODEL DUE TO THE INFESTATION OF WEEDS IN SUMMER MAIZE ESTABLISHMENT AND APPLICATION OF AN INOCULATION METHOD THROUGH PLANTING DISEASED LIVING RICE IN DROUGHT RICE NURSERY THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RESISTANCE OF RICE CULTIVARS AND VARIATION OF PHYSIOLOGICAL RACE OF MAGNAPORTHE GRISEA IN GUANGDONG A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON ACTIVE SUBSTANCES OF INDUCTIVE INFECTION OF MAGNAPORTHE GRISEA RELATIVE SURVIVAL ABILITY OF DIFFERENT RACES OF MAGNAPORTHE GRISEA IN RICE SEGREGATION FOR PATHOGENICITY OF 3 CROSSES IN RICE BLAST FUNGVS,MAGNAPORTHE GRISEA The Effect of TDS Regulator on the Leaf Photosynthetic Rate and Product Transport in Chinese Chestnut Wheat RAN1 Affects Microtubules Integrity and Nucleocytoplasmic Transport in Fission Yeast System EFFECT OF DWARFING ROOTSTOCK ON CARBOHYDRATE TRANSPORTATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF APPLE PREPARATION OF WHEAT ROOT PLASMA MEMBRANE VESICLES AND EFFECT OF WATER STRESS ON 45 Ca 2+ TRANSPORT ACTIVITY EFFECT OF GA TRANSPORTATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ~(32)P IN COTTON PLANTS TRACER KINETICS RESEARCH ON THE VARIATION OF TRANSPORTATION VELOCITY OF PHOTOSYNTHATE IN STEM AND SHEATH OF RICE STUDIES ON THE TRANSLOCATION OF ~(14)C-PRODUCTSASSIMILATED AT DIFFERENT TIME BY BARLEYLEAVES IN DIFFERENT LEAF POSITIONS Histochemical Studies on in Vitro Parthenogenesis in Helianthus annuus L. Effects of Chilling Temperature on Photosynthesis and Photosynthate Transport in Flag Leaves of Hybrid Rice at Milky Stage