Relationships between H2O2 metabolism and Ca2+ transport in dormancybreaking process of nectarine floral buds. Sediment transport characteristics at different erosion stages for non-hardened roads of the Shenfu Coalfield, west China. Effects of biochar application on the vertical transport of NO3-N in the red soil and its simulation.  Analysis on accessibility of urban park green space: The case study of Shenyang Tiexi District. Altitudinal patterns of species richness and species range size of vascular plants in Xiaolongshan Reserve of Qinling Mountain: A test of Rapoport’s rule. Environmental behavior of graphene and its effect on the transport and fate of pollutants in environment. Application of opportunity\|cost method in determining ecological compensation standard: a case study in the central mountainous area of Hainan Island Plant diversity and its elevational gradient patterns in Mengshan Mountain, Shandong, China Adsorption and transport characteristics of two exterior-source antibiotics in
some agricultural soils
Impact of depth of groundwater table on nitrogen dynamics in soil under sewage irrigation Analysis of connectivity on greenland landscape in metropolitan region of Chongqing City Responses of Quercus mongolicas photosynthetic parameters to soil moisture
Modeling the responses of leaf photosynthetic parameters of Leymus chinensis to drought and rewatering The Function of Pinus bungeana Foliar Endodermis as Apoplastic Barrier under Salt Stress Uptake,Metabolism,and Toxicity of Iron Cyanide Complex in Weeping Willows ELECTRON LEAKAGE THROUGH VARIOUS ELECTRON TRANSPORT PATHWAYS IN MUNG BEAN MITOCHONDRIA Effects of Forest Gap on Underforest Species Diversity in a Cryptomeria fortunei Plantation in Zhougong Mountain,West Sichuan Isolation and Expression of Vacuolar Membrane Na+/H+ Antiporter Gene in Reaumuria trigyna Transcriptome analysis of the OsDCL1-RNAi rice mutant enhancing resistance to rice blast Identification and biological characteristic of blueberry Diaporthe bud blight pathogen Genetic analysis and gene mapping of rice blast resistance in cultivar Dongnong415 Mapping QTLs for rice blast resistance in DH line derived from Muwanggu and E’wan8 Functional analysis of cysteine residues of the Magnaporthe oryzae avirulence protein AvrPiz-t Method of the perithecium producing and ascospore germination of Diaporthe phaseolorum Isolation and Expression Analysis of a Vacuolar Membrane Na+/H+ Antiporter Gene NtNHX1 from Nitraria tangutorum Prediction of Mature Wood Anatomical Properties of Pinus banksiana Plantation Based on Support Vector Machines (SVM) Species Composition and Regeneration Characteristics of Main Woody Plant Seedlings in a Pine-oak Mixed Forest in Qinling Mountains NaCl Stress on the Growth, Ion Uptake and Transport of Helianthus tuberosus L. Seedlings Water transportation and regulation in plants Vascular development in the segment grafts of Cucurbita in Vitro Study on characteristics of photosynthetic membranes in Yangmai No.5 (T.aestivum L.) flag leaves during photosynthetic functional decline process Effects of vitamin C on peroxidization of chloroplast membrane lipid from cucumber PREDICTING SPECIES′ POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION—SVM COMPARED WITH GARP COMPARISON OF STYLE LENGTH AND REPRODUCTION SUCCESS IN FICUS OF DIFFERENT BREEDING SYSTEMS MERCURY TOLERANCE AND ACCUMULATION IN THE HALOPHYTE SESUVIUM PORTULACASTRUM Effects of nitrogen application rates on photosynthetic energy utilization in wheat leaves under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration Factors influencing fine root longevity of plantation-grown Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Absorption and metabolism mechanisms of inorganic arsenic in plants: A review. Regulation effects of short sunlight on two electron transport pathways in nectarine flower bud during dormancy induction. Dynamic changes of dominant tree species in broad-leaved Korean pine forest at different succession stages in Changbai Mountains. Effects of nitrogen application and elevated atmospheric CO2 on electron transport and energy partitioning in flag leaf photosynthesis of wheat. Environmental impact assessment based on planning support system. Changes of heavy metals form during aerobic high temperature composting of pig manure and the effects of passivators. Heavy metal-transport proteins in plants: A review. Function and Regulation Mechanisms of Nitrate Transporters in Higher Plants Overexpression of OsPT8 Gene to Enhance the Pi Deficiency Tolerance of Transgenic Tobacco The Differential Expression of Monosaccharide Transporter Genes in Disease-free Sugarcane Plants Isolation and Identification of an Antagonistic Bacterial Strain Against Rice Blast Fungus Mitochondrial Composition, Function and Stress Response in Plants Research on the eco-compensation standards and modes:taking Maoershan National Nature Reserve of Guangxi Province as an example Effects of human disturbance on species diversity of Phoebe zhennan communitis in Jinfengshan Moutain in western Sichuan Regioanl-level scenario simulation of urban expansion and the ecological effects: the case of Guangxi Xijiang River Economic Belt, Southwest China RS/GIS-based integrated evaluation of the ecosystem services of the Three Gorges Reservoir area (Chongqing section) TRANSPORTATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF 14C-RESERVES ON DIFFERENT GENOTYPE WHEAT VARIETIES AFTER ANTHESIS EXPRESSION OF GENES CONTROLLING PERFECT STATE AND MELANIN IN MAGNAPORTHE GRISEA B_301, AN ANTAGONIC PSEVDOMONAS STRAIN ON MAGNAPORTHE GRISEA PRIMARY RISK ANALYSES OF IMPORT OF ERWINIA AMYLOVORA TO CHINA Isolation,Purification and Transient Expression of Mesophyll Protoplast in Tartary Buckwheat Responses of Hydraulic Transport Efficiency and Safety of Current year Stems in Pinus tabulaeformis Seedlings to Nutrient Addition and Irrigation Isolation and Expression Analysis of an Anthocyanin Transport related NtAN9 Gene from Nicotiana tabacum Cloning and analysis of sequence characteristics of cDNA encoding the AtHKT1 gene from Arabidopsis thaliana leaves The Cloning and Quantitative Expression Analysis of Mycorrhizal
Phosphate Transporter Gene in Fragaria × ananassa
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Gene nm23 during Ovarian Development of Portunus trituberculatus Advances in Study of Polar Auxin Transport Relationship Between the Growth of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 on Medium with Glucose and the Photosynthetic Energy Transformation RESPONSE OF LEYMUS CHINENSIS GRASSLAND VEGETATION IN INNER MONGOLIA TO TEMPERATURE CHANGE The Responses of Momordica Charantia at Different Modular Levels to the Changes of Support Diameter Population Supporting Capacity of Land(PSCL) in Dabie Mountainous Region in Hubei Province Ecological suitability of plastic film-covered wheat and its supporting technique The preliminary practice on eco-agriculture engineering construction Stereo planting patterns and supporting cultivation techniques in Quanjiao County of Anhui Province Establishment of eco-agricultural decision supporting system Study on the niche of main tree species of Ormosia saxatilis community in natural forest The subacute toxicity of dibutyl phthalate (DBP) stress on Portunus trituberculatus The effect of landscape division by urban-transportation network in Fujian Effects of increased concentrations of gas CO2 on mineral ion uptake, transportation and distribution in Phyllostachys edulis Marine ecological capital:valuation methods of marine ecosystem services Genetic impact of swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus farming on wild genetic resources in Haizhou Bay Application of support vector machine to evaluate the eutrophication status of Taihu Lake Effects of exogenous pb and cu stress on eco-physiological characteristics on foxtail millet seedlings of different genotypes