Regulation of Rice (Oryza sativa) NHX1 Gene:Role of Its Promoter and C terminal Isolation and Expression Pattern Analysis of GmABC from Fuyang Soybean Ecological Studies on Vegetation Quantity in the Semi-Arid Valley Region of Lasa Biological Characteristics of Variegated Bud Sports of Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Transportation of the mRNA and Protein of the Foreign Bt Gene in Transgenic Poplar Niche Characteristics of Dominant Woody Populations in Quercus aquifoliodesShrubCommunity in Balangshan Mountain in Wolong Nature Reserve Inverse Model Identification on Applying Glue System of Medium Density Fiberboard Based on Support Vector Machine Structure Characteristics of Street Trees in Meizhou City Studies on Carbohydrate Content and Sucrose-metabolizing Enzymes Activities in Different Parts of Tomato Studies on Carbohydrate Content and Sucrose-metabolizing Enzymes Activities in Different Parts of Tomato Research Progress of Molecular Markers for Forage Germplasm Resources Important Traits in China Impact of high salt stress on Apocynum venetum growth and ionic homeostasis. Autoradiographic Study on the Transport Pathway of Storage Protein of Soybean Within Cotyledon Cells The Role of Methyl Jamonate(JA-Me)on Its Regulation of the photosynthetic Rate and the Translocation of Assimilates in Rice A Preliminary Study on the Relationships between the Main Climatic Ecological Factors and the Physiological Activities and the Growth of Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook in Its Northernmost Marginal Regions Photosynthetic Functions of Rice Improved by 2,3-eroxypropionate A soil erosion model built on Machine Learning Theory Agricultural production in Hani Rice Terraces System and related threats- A case study of Zuofu and Mitian Villages in Honghe County, China Geographical distribution of vineyard cultural heritagein the world and its causes of formation On the conservation of China‘s Agri-cultural Heritage Systems On the value, conservation and sustainable development of GIAHS pilot sites in China Measurement of transaction cost of rest-grazing policy Diversity of opportunistic fungi colonizing egg and femaleroot-knot nematodes of tobacco The edge effects on tree-liana relationship in a secondary natural forest in Bawangling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island, China Relationship between Endogenous Hormone Content and Embryo Growth and the Seed Germination of Paris polyphylla var. yunnansensis Assessing indicators of eco-mobility in the scale of urban communities A new hyperspectral index for the estimation of nitrogen contents of wheat canopy THE EFFECT OF ACETYCHOLINE ON ~(14)C-ASSIMILATES TRANSLOCATION OF Isatis tinctoria L. EFFECT OF REWATERING AFTER WATER STRESS ON PARTITIONING OF ~( 14) C-LABELLED PHOTOASSIMILATE IN MATURE APPLE TREE THE RELEASING PROPORTION OF STERILE MALE MOTH AND THE COMBINED EFFECTS OF CONTROLLING WILD SILKWORM IN FIELD EFFECT OF HIGH TEMPERATURE ON TRANSPORTATION OF ASSIMILATEFROM WHEAT FLAG LEAF DURING GRAIN FILLING STAGE DISTRIBUTION AND TRANSPORTATION OF 14CASSIMILATE LABELEDAT PRELIMINARY HEADING STAGE IN WINTER WHEAT REGULATION OF 6 BENZYLAMINOPURINE AND ETHYREL ON CARBO ASSIMILATES EXPORT FROM LEAF AND PARTITION IN WHEAT PLANT TRANSPORTATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ~(14)C-ASSIMILATE FROM FUNCTIONAL LEAVES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF GRAINS OF MAIZE EFFECTS OF DROUGHT ON THE ABSORPTION OF PHOSPHORUS IN MAIZE SEEDLINGS Biological control of rice blast by Bacillus subtilis B-332 strain The relationship between genetic lineages and pathotypes of Magnaporthe grisea in Jiangxi rice area Effects of saponins from Schima superba on cell morphology, physiological and biochemical indices of Magnaporthe oryzae Research advances in nitrate uptake and transport in plants Chromosome localization and regulation role in phosphorous uptake of phosphate transporter gene TaPht1; 4 under Pi deprivation in wheat Grassland investigation in Sunan Yuguor autonomous county Study on biomass and root system distribution characteristics of sport turf in different substrate compositions Cloning and sequence analysis of aNa+/H+ antiporter gene in the halophyte Limonium gmelinii Influence of urea application on aboveground biomass and important value of the species in the degraded grassland Mechanisms of heavy metal accumulation in plants: a review Determine the Boundaries of Grassland Communities Based on Species Important Value and Soil Moisture content AtMGT7: An Arabidopsis Gene Encoding a Low-Affinity Magnesium Transporter Anatomical and Chemical Alterations but not Photosynthetic Dynamics and Apoplastic Transport Changes are Involved in the Brittleness Culm Mutation of Rice Changes of Photosystem II Electron Transport in the Chlorophyll-deficient Oilseed Rape Mutant Studied by Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Thermoluminescence Regulation of the High-Affinity Nitrate Transport System in Wheat Roots by Exogenous Abscisic Acid and Glutamine Cloning and Expression Pattern of a Gene Encoding a Putative Plastidic Molecular Mechanisms and Genetic Basis of Heavy Metal Tolerance/Hyperaccumulation in Plants Alternation in Lipid Composition of Wheat Leaves Induced by Phosphate Deficiency Is Related to Both Lipid Biosynthesis and Phosphatidylglycerol Degradation Rational range and optimum proportion of energy input in farmland Lifetable of natural citrus leafminer populationits —— its construction and analysis Morphological characteristics and growth redundancy of spring wheat root system in semi-arid regions Soil NO3--N transport under field unsaturated flow condition——a simulation study Population supporting capacity of land resources in Hainan Island Significant impact of job-housing distance on carbon emissions from transport: a scenario analysis Carbon footprint evaluation research on the tourism transportation system at tourist attractions: a case study in Hengshan Application and comparison of two prediction models for groundwater dynamics The responses of photosynthetic energy use in wheat flag leaves to nitrogen application rates and light density under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration Electron transfer mechanism of extracellular respiration: a review Freshness Evalution of Portunus trituberculatus Based on Electronic Nose Sesuvium portulacastrum, A Promising Hhalophyte in Research and Application Effects of different nitrogen forms and phloem-scalding on iron transport in phloem of maize plants Response of photosynthetic functions of winter wheat to salt stress Effect of potassium nutrition on some physiological characteristics and yield formation of sweet potato A review on the molecular basis of potassium uptake in plants Vegetation Changes in the Lower Reaches of the Heihe River after its Water Import Glycinin Research and Its Use in the Improvement of Rice Nutritive Quality Research Advances about the Genes of Zinc-transporting Proteins Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of Toc33 gene in Brassica napus Glutathione metabolism and environmental stresses in plants Advance of ZIP gene family related to iron transporter in plant Difference of ecological dominance of meadow population on different tourism disturbance Isolation,function and expression analysis of two wheat phosphate transporter genes CHARACTERISTIC OF WATER TRANSLACATION IN WOOD CHIPS UNDER NON-OSOTHERMAL CONDITION PSⅡ ELECTRON TRANSPORT AND SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE OF KOREAN PINE DURING WINTER Studies on Red Flesh Sport from‘Red Sun’Kiwifruit Using RAPD Marker