Effects of Different Mixture Sowing on Yield and Quality of Forage Crop Effects of Fertilization on Niche of Main Plant Species in Maqu Alpine Desertification Meadow Transfer and transformation of PAHs in the hydrological process of camphor forest ecosystem Urban ecological regulation based on ecological carrying capacity A Measuring, Reporting and Verifying System for REDD+ Activities in China Investigation of Statistical Relationship between Keel Structure and Main Performance of Wood Sports Flooring Cloning and Functional Analysis of Magnaporthe oryzae-Induced Promoter OsQ16p in Rice Difference and Related Reason for Assimilate Distribution of Sweetpotato Varieties with Different Tuber Root Yields Genetic Composition and Its Transmissibility Analysis of Wheat Candidate Backbone Parent Kenong 9204 Two New Tomato Hybrids‘Ji P135’and‘Ji S136’ A New Fresh Tomato Hybrid‘Hongzun 1’ MbNramp1 Gene Cloning,Sequence Analysis and Expression Analysis in Malus baccata(L.)Borkh. Two New Species of Urticaceae from Tibet Ultrastructural Changes of Plasmodesmata in Staminal Hairs of Setcreasea purpurea During Development Inhibition of Auxin Polar Transport Affecting the Model of Leaf Growth and Development Translocation of Uranin within the Living Ovules of Vanilla Preparation of polysaccharides, alkaloids, and polyphenols from fresh Portulaca oleracea and their anti-diabetic effects Principle of active component dissolution in extract of different compatibility proportions of Paeoniae Radix Alba and Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Effects of puerarin on plasma membrane GLUT4 content in skeletal muscle from insulin-resistant sprague-dawley rats under insulin stimulation Advances in studies on absorption characteristics of pentacyclic triterpenes Absorption mechan ism of paeon iflorin across Caco - 2 monolayer model Application of object-oriented image analysis to land-cover classification in hilly areas Functional analysis of α-Importin in Senecio scandens, based on sequence and putative structural domain Effects of Pb and Zn on the growth and physiological response of Sesuvium portulacastrum Two Dimensional Image Construction of Ultrasonic Wave for Comparison of Several Compatible Biomass Models and Estimation Approaches Analysis on composition and medication regularities of prescriptions treating hypochondriac pain based on traditional Chinese medicine inheritance support system inheritance support platform Cloning and expression analysis of a zinc-regulated transporters (ZRT), iron-regulated transporter (IRT)-like protein encoding gene in Dendrobium officinale Influence of vitamin E tocopherol polyethylene glycol succinate 1000 on baohuoside I across membrane transport of Caco-2 monolayer model Correlation of combinations between Angelicae Sinensis Radix and Carthami Flos THE EVOLVING PATTERN OF TREE SPECIES COMPOSITION.NUMBER AND VOLUME PROPORTIONS lN EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FORESTS CLONING AND CHARACTERIZATIONOFWOUNDINDCIBLEPROMOTERS FROM POPUL US STUDY ON COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS OF NATURAL FOREST IN BETULA LUMINIFERA Study on the Niche and Competition of Populations in Man-natural Mixed Forest of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Broadleaf Trees Dynamic Response to Selective Cutting Intensity on Tree Species Structure and Species Diversity in a Natural Spruce-Fir Forest Study on Plant Niche under Fencing Measures in the Semi-arid Grassland of North China Effects of Salt Stress on the Ions Uptake and Transport of Leymus secalinus Seedling A STUDY ON CALCULATING PROPORTIONAL COEFFICIENT OF CROWN AREA AND DETERMINING STANDARD DENSITY (STEM NUMBER) OF PURE ARTIFICIAL EVEN AGED STAND STUDY ON FORESTRY NEAR-REAL TIME DIFFERENTIAL POSITIONING PORTABLE GPS RECEIVER Above-Ground Biomass Distribution Models for Arbor Layer of Eight Subtropical Forest Types Cloning and analysis on pleiotropic drug resistance transporter gene conserved fragments from roots of Panax ginseng Effects of vanillin and ethyl vanillin on mRNA expression of transport proteinsin liver of rats Studies on the Phospholipid Components of Danggui Research on Vegetation Structure and Evolvementof Limestone Mountain in Shandong Province Mating System and Genetic Diversity Proportion in Pinus bungeana A Study on Service System of Forestry Resource and EnvironmentInformation Based on Internet (FINFOSYS) Study on Online Decision Support System of Forestry Resources and Environment Information Secondary metabolites of marine fungus Eutypella scoparia from the South China Sea and their antitumor activities Effects of vanillin and ethyl vanillin on mRNA expression of transport proteins in liver of rats Cloning and analysis on pleiotropic drug resistance transporter gene conserved fragments from roots of Panax ginseng Advances in studies on oral absorption and metabolism of pentacyclic triterpenoid saponins Study on in situ intestinal absorption of Pulsatilla saponin D in rats The Chloroplast Outer Envelope Membrane: The Edge of Light and Excitement Understanding Abiotic Stress Tolerance Mechanisms: Recent Studies on Stress Response in Rice SAD2 in Arabidopsis Functions in Trichome Initiation through Mediating GL3 Function and Regulating GL1, TTG1 and GL2 Expression Membrane Transporters for Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium Uptake in Plants Gene Structure and Expression of the High-affinity Nitrate Transport System in Rice Roots Cloning and Expression Analysis of Rice (Oryza sativa) Sucrose Transporter Genes OsSUT2M and OsSUT5Z Adenosine Diphosphate Ribosylation Factor-GTPase-Activating Protein Stimulates the Transport of AUX1 Endosome, Which Relies on Actin Cytoskeletal Organization in Rice Root Development A Transgenic Study on Affecting Potato Tuber Yield by Expressing the Rice Sucrose Transporter Genes OsSUT5Z and OsSUT2M Polarity, Continuity, and Alignment in Plant Vascular Strands Transport, signaling, and homeostasis of potassium and sodium in plants Iron deprivation results in a rapid but not sustained increase of the expression of genes involved in iron metabolism and sulfate uptake in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) seedlings The kinesin-like proteins, KAC1/2, regulate actin dynamics underlying chloroplast light-avoidance in Physcomitrella patens Protein trafficking during plant innate immunity The dynamic process of carbon and phosphorus losses by runoff and associated loss load in a farmland-dominated watershed of purple soil region The basic principle of random forest and its applications in ecology: a case study of Pinus yunnanensis Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant symbiosis on plant water relation and its mechanism Cloning of BhNHX Gene from Betula halophila and Its Co-expressional Regulation with CaM Gene under Different Stresses Analysis on Outcrossing Rate in a Masson Pine Clonal Seed Orchard during Early Phase of Seed Production Cloning and Expression to Salt Stress of Na+/H+ Antiporter Gene (MnNHX 1) in Mulberry Tree Effects of Magnetized Water on the Growth and Nitrogen Fixation of Rhizobial Strain on Alfalfa Effects of Five Turf-bed Substrates on the Root Growth and Distribution of Zoysia japonica ‘Lanyin No. Ⅲ’ Clonal Plants and Their Importance of Different Alpine Grasslands in Haibei Region, Qinghai Province Molecular Characterization and Subcellular Localization of BoSUT2 from Bambusa oldhamii Mechanisms of Financial Crisis on China‘s Forest Products Export Forest Canopy Height Estimation of Large Area Using Spaceborne LIDAR and HJ-1A/HSI Hyperspectral Imageries A NEW PRESENCE 0F IMP0RTANT FATTY ACID (CIS-TETRAC0S-15-EN0IC) -OIL 0F MALANIA OLEFERA CHUN ET LEE. Effect of ferulic acid on cholesterol efflux in macrophage foam cell formation and potential mechanism Effect of Jinlida on changes in expression of skeletal muscle lipid transport enzymes in fat-induced insulin resistance ApoE-/- mice