A STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS AND POTUSSIUM FERTILIZERS ON SEEDING(1+0) OF ORIENTAL ARBORVITAE(PLATYCLADUS ORIENTALIS (LINN) FRANCO) GIS-BASED DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR WOOD TRANSPORTATION PLANNING New Approach to Decide the Mixed Proportion for Establishing Chinese Fir and Broad-leaved Mixed Forest Isolation and Analysis of PcAHS Gene and Its Promoter from Dwarfing Rootstock‘Zhongai 1’Pear ON COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF FORESTRY PROJECTS Species Diversity of Some Deciduous Broad-Leaved Forests in the Warm-Temperate Zone and its Relations Community Stability A putative 6-transmembrane nitrate transporter OsNRT1.1b plays a key role in rice under low nitrogen K+ retention in leaf mesophyll, an overlooked component of salinity tolerance mechanism: A case study for barley Induced Pib Expression and Resistance to Magnaporthe grisea are Compromised by Cytosine Demethylation at Critical Promoter Regions in Rice A Comparative Study on the Ecophysiological Characteristics of the Absorbing and Distributing 32P of Different Forest Successional Dominant Species Seedlings A Comparative Study on the Growth of Salt-treated Pucciinellia tenuiflora at the Seeding and Elongating Stages and its Relations with Irons The Relationship Between Vegetation Degeneration and Soil Salinization in an Aneurolepidium chinense Grassland of Song-Nen Plain A Preliminary Study of the Regulation and Competition of the Dominant Plant Populations in Xujiaba Region, Ailao Mts Tunnan Application of Importance Value-Area Curve to Tropical and Subtropical Forests The role of the isotope tracer technique in ecological research of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Case studies on the identification of key biodiversity areas (KBAs) in foreign countries and progress and prospects in China Learning from the Development of Dutch EoL Concrete Recycling Industry Plant and Yeast NHX Antiporters: Roles in Membrane Trafficking External supports affect the photosynthetic characteristics and biomass allocation of the climbing plant Humulus scandens Progresses in Studying of Protein Families Involved in Zn/Fe Transporting in Plants Lab. of Quantitative Vegetation Ecology; Institute of Botany; the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing; China The frontiers of urban ecological research in industrial transformation DISTRIBUTION OF HYDRAULIC RESISTANCE IN SOIL-PLANT-ATMOSPHERE CONTINUUM THE EFFECT OF HYPEROSMOTIC SHOCK ON TRANSMEMBRANE K+ OF DUNALIELLA SALINA STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF THE ENERGY SYSTEM OF ECOLOGICAL TWO POPULATION SYSTEM Amending of importance value and its application on classification of Leymus chinensis communities Anatomy structures study of Portulaca oleracea Research Progresses on Plant Sucrose Transporters and Functional Regulation Zn Stress Changchun Spend Different Parts of Zn Accumulation by Exogenous Ethephon Regulation Characteristics of Gap Makers and Plant Diversity in Picea asperata and Abies fabri Forest in Xiaoxing’an Mountains Pathogenicity analysis of Magnaporthe grisea against major Pi-genes and main rice varieties in Fujian Province Analysis of genetic diversity among populations for the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea in southwest China Resistance analysis of blast-resistance genes and resistance evaluation and utilization of rice varieties in Harbin The latest development about regulation and controlling of cut flowers transportation Mechanism of iron uptake and utilization by plant Clning and Sequence Analysis of a Na+/H+ Antiporter Gene in HalophyteLimonium gmelinii Expression of the Pathogenesis-related Gene Promoter—GUS Reporter Fusion in Arabidopsis Accumulation, Transportation and Distribution of Dry Matter after Anthesis in Hybrid Wheat Effect of potassium application rate on uptake and distribution of potassium and grain yield in oil flax Review of advances in the study of plant ABCG transporters Advances on screening of Cd-hyperaccumulators and transgenic improvement of plant in Cd-accumulation Pollen dispersal in a mountainous area based on pollen analysis of four natural trap types from Lugu Lake, southwest China Characterization of a Purine Permease Family Gene OsPUP7 Involved in Growth and Development Control in Rice The ATP-binding Cassette Transporter OsABCG15 is Required for Anther Development and Pollen Fertility in Rice Physiological Mechanisms of Growth inhibition by Concentrated Potassium in Dunaliella Salina OsHT, a Rice Gene Encoding for a Plasma-Membrane Localized Histidine Transporter Rice MtN3/saliva/SWEET gene family: Evolution, expression profiling, and sugar transport A theoretical methodology of landscape eco-classification Ectopic Expression of a Bacterium NhaD-type Na+/H+ Antiporter Leads to Increased Tolerance to Combined Salt/Alkali Stresses Estimation model of carbon dioxide emissions by regional tourism transportation and empirical analysis of Nanjing and Huangshan cities, China Ecological risk evaluation of port in Bohai Bay Development of compatible biomass models for trees from different stand origin Spatial pattern gradient analysis of a transect in a hilly urban area in China from the perspective of transportation corridor sprawl Physiological Characteristic of Postphloem Sugar Transport in Fruit of Ziziphus jujuba Mill cv.Lingwuchangzao Effect of salinity on distribution of ions in mini-watermelon seedlings Developing the Dec ision Support System (DSS) for Conversionof Farm land to Forests Project Ba sed on ArcGIS Eng ine Ultrastructure of Sesuvium portulacastrum Samphire Mesophyll Cell under Hg2+ Stress Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a cDNA Encoding Na+/H+ Antiporter from Haloxylon ammodendron Community Composition and Interspecific Association Analysis of Kobresia capillifolia Grassland Influence of yak grazing on plant niche characteristics in alpine meadow communities at the northeastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau BASIC VIEWS ON GREAT WEST DEVELOPMENT AND SOME PROBLEMS IN VEGETATION CONSTRUCTION END-USE SELECTION OF PLANTATION POPLAR——SOLID WOOD OR LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER(LVL) STUDY AND PROSPECTS OF THEORY AND TECHNIQUES FOR STEADY-STATE MINERAL NUTRITION OF PLANIS THE APPLICATION OF CVP TO WOOD TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE DISPATCHING THE BIOMASS PSODUCTIVITY AND WOOD QUALITY OF EASTERN COTTONWOOD IN MINIROTATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Cloning of Potassium Transporter Gene (HcKUP12) from Halostachys caspica and Its Expression Profile under Salt Stress Detection Putative Protein Partners of the Precursor of Small Subunit of Rubisco (preSSU) by a Yeast Two-hybrid System Effects of Plant Growth Regulation Substances on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Assimilates Transportation in Winter Wheat under Post-anthesis Drought and Waterlogging Extraction and isolation of polysaccharide from Portulaca oleracea by traditional process combined with membrane separation technology and evaluation of its anti-oxidant activity Transport research on water extract from Magnoliae Officinalis Cortex across Caco-2 monolayer model Application of least squares support vector machines and partial least squares in quantitation on purification of Gardenia jasminoides intermediate using NIR spectroscopy Effects of 10 furanocoumarins in Angelica dahurica on intestinal transport of vincristine Effect of chlorogenic acid on carbohydrate metabolism in skeletal muscle of rats fed on high-fat diet Research on foreign countries‘laws and regulations on surveillance and  reporting of postmarketing drugs adverse reactions Establishment of reporter gene-based cell screening model for discovering new chemopreventive agents Herbal CONSORT statement and standardization of reporting traditional Chinese drug trials e time and the demand of city STUDIES ON MIXED FUELWOOD OF EUCALYPTUS I.A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON DIFFERENT MIXED SPACING AND DIFFERENT PROPORTION Research Progress and Prospect of Long Distance Transmission of RNA Molecules in Grafted Plants A STUDY ON OPTIMUM NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS OF PAULOWNIA ELONGATA AND ROBINIA PSEUDOACACIA SEEDLINGS