Application of support vector machine approach in studying nephron toxicity of Chinese medicinal materials Optimization of extraction process of compound Clematidis Radix spray by support vector machine Research on composition rules of prescriptions dealing with syndrome of deficiency of both qi and blood from national standard for Chinese patent drugs Analysis on medication regularity of modern traditional Chinese medicines in treating melancholia based on data mining technology Physiological response and bioaccumulation of Panax notoginseng to cadmium under hydroponic Study on hemolytic mechanism of polyphyllin Ⅱ Advance in treatment of hyperuricemia by Chinese medicine based on uric acid transporterome Effect of Leaf Picking on Output of Radix Astragali seu Hedysari Effects of testosterone and cortisol in sports fatigued organism by Chinese material medica of Shixiang Yaofa Transport mechanism of swertiamain metabolite across Caco-2 model Absorption kinetics of atractylenolide I in intestines of rats NEW REPORTS OF BATRACHOSPERMUM ROTH(BATRACHOSPERMALES, RHODOPHYTA) FROM CHINA Analysis of the resistance of rice major Pi-genes to the Magnaporthe oryzae isolates in Jiangxi Province Importance of secondary exploitation for Chinese materia medica in traditional Chinese medicine field Support vector machine and Chinese materia medica research Four New Reports of Batrachospermum (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta) from China Sexual interference in two Chamerion species with contrasting modes of movement herkogamy Photosynthetic Characterization of the Plant Dicranopteris dichotoma Bernh. In a Rare Earth Elements Mine Where is the Site of the “Oxygen Burst” Located During Light Induction in Dark-Adapted Leaves? A Study Using Photoacoustic Techniques Arabidopsis SOI33/AtENT8 Gene Encodes a Putative Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporter That Is Involved in Cytokinin Transport In Planta Antiporter Gene from Hordum brevisubulatum (Trin.) Link and Its Overexpression in Transgenic Tobaccos Expression of Brassica napus L. g-Glutamylcysteine Synthetase and Low- and High-Affinity Sulfate Transporters in Response to Excess Cadmium Cloning of Salt Tolerance-Related cDNAs from the Mangrove Plant Sesuvium portulacastrum L. Effects of vascular plants on methane emissions from natural wetlands Nitrogen transports and transformations in the Wuchuan headwater stream Principle analysis and method improvement on cost calculation in watershed ecological compensation Spatial assessment and zoning regulations of ecological importance based on GIS for rural habitation in Changgang Town, Xinguo county Identification of Large Fruit and Sweet Osmanthus Flavour Sport from‘Shixia’Longan Using RAPD Marker The Study of Root Induction and Root Vigor in Photinia fraseri in Vitro The Reaserch about the Absorption, Transportation and Distr ibution of Ironin Apple Trees by Using Different Fertilize Methods The Reaserch about the Absorption, Transportation and Distr ibution of Ironin Apple Trees by Using Different Fertilize Methods Comparison of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics in Four TurfgrassSpecies Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Apple MxIrt1 Gene Biological characteristics, temporalspatial distribution of Portunus trituberculatus and relationships between its density and impact factors in Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea, China. Gansu Nematode Trophic Group Structure in the Rhizosphere of Flowers Clning and Sequence Analysis of a Na+/H+ Antiporter Gene in HalophyteLimonium gmelinii Two New Tomato Hybrids‘Ji P135’and‘Ji S136’ AFLP Ana lysis on the Short Ca tkinsMuta tion of Chestnut AFLP Ana lysis on the Short Ca tkinsMuta tion of Chestnut Preliminary Studies on Pollen Morphology of Fuji Sports Strains A New Seedless Watermelon Cultivar ‘Cu iyu’ MbNramp1 Gene Cloning,Sequence Analysis and Expression Analysis in Malus baccata(L.)Borkh. Molecular Cloning and Function Analyses of Two Ammonium Transporter Protein Genes from Pyrus calleryana Advances in Long Distance Transport of RNA Molecules in Plant Phloem Transport characteristics of ligustrazine across Caco-2 cell monolayer model and its effect on P-glycoprotein expression Protection of Dachaihu Granule on guinea pigs with bile pigment stones and its mechanism Interaction of carbohydrate derivatives and sodium-glucose cotransporters 2 by molecular dynamic simulation Chemical constituents from Scolopendra multidens (I) Molecular dynamics simulation of interaction mode between tanshinone IIA and cholesteryl ester transfer protein Establishment of a drug screening model based on anti-oxidative response element Factors Influencing the Production of Chinese Yam (Dioscorea batatas Decne. ) Report on the Investigation of Medicinal Fangji in Our Country Cloning and analysis of the phosphate transporter protein SgPT1 from Stylosanthes Isolation and expression analysis of a plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporter from Nitraria tangutorum Absorption of 3-acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid in Caco-2 cells and MDCK cell models Cloning and expression analysis of a magnesium transporter gene in Dendrobium officinale Effects of astragaloside IV with active components in Panax notoginseng on energy metabolism in brain tissues after cerebral ischemic-reperfusion in mice Discrimination of Cotidis Rhizoma from different habitats by support vector machine Lipase-catalyzed construction of glucose-modified brain targeting liposomes with paclitaxel and research on its optimized preparation process Transportation of Plant Viruses Mediated by Movement Proteins Formation of Oxalate in Tobacco Leaves and the Downward Transport THE MECHANISM OF PHOTOPROTECTION DURING LIGHT ENERGY TRANSFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH META- BOLISM OF DISSIPATING ENERGY IN PHOTOSYNTHESIS Analysis on formula raw materials application of health food containing Gardeniae Fructus Ginsenoside Rb1 upregulates expressions of GLUTs to promote glucose consumption in adiopcytes Transmembrane transport behavior of in vitro HepG2 cells of ananas and its effect on lipids and glucose distribution Distinct effect of Wansheng Huafeng Dan containing ardisia crenata on renal transporters, mercury accumulation and Kim-1 expression from mercuric chloride Chemical constituents of methanol portion of Illicium henryi Analysis on medication regularity of Chinese patent medicines containing Scutellaria baicalensis An introduction of RECORD and GRACE checklist for studies in real world Effect of β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex on transport of major components of Xiangfu Siwu decoction essential oil in Caco-2 cell monolayer model Foraging and Transporting of Chinese Yew Seed by Frugivorous Birds A Novel Method of Softwood Recognition Review of forestry decision support system Plant Diversity and Its Elevational Gradient Patterns in Wulu Mountain, Shanxi, China Niches and Interspecific Association of Dominant Tree Populations of Taxus chinensis in Wuling Damu Mountain Nature Reserve Plasma Membrane Na+/H+ Antiporter Is Involved in Plant Salt Tolerance Characteristics of the Sand Flow Structure of Artificially governed Sand Dune on the East Shore of Qinghai Effects of Tree Competition on the Biomass Partitioning of Abies nephrolepis CANONICAL CORRELATION ANALYSIS——A MULTIVARIATION ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE APPLICATED IN ECOLOGY Analysis of the Gene Effects for Some Important Agronomic Characters in Summer Soybean