Clone and stress expression analysis of iron superoxide dismutase from Isatis indigotica Effects of exogenous salicylic acid on seed germination and seedling growth of Pogostemon cablin under salt stress MSAP Analysis of Epigenetic Changes in Cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.) under Salt Stress Cloning and expression analysis of HvLEC1 in Hordeum vulgare L. The evolutionary fate of Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase 1 (P5CS1) genes in allotetraploid Brassica napus Identification of Salt Stress-responsive Genes in Root of Alfalfa by Transcriptome Sequencing Technology Salt-responsive MicroRNAs in Populus euphratica by Deep Sequencing Response of Seed Germination to Temperature and Light Conditions,and Stresses of Salt and Drought in Populus euphratica Response of Root to Na+ and Changes of Vascular Tissue of Two Glycyrrhiza Species under NaCl Stress Effects of Salt Stress on the Growth and Leaf Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Acer palmatum Seedlings Effects of Exogenous Proline on Proline Metabolism of Cucumis melo under Salt Stress Effects of Exogenous Spermidine on Chlorophyll Precursors Content of Spinach Plants under Salt Stress Regulation of Copper-zinc Superoxide Dismutase Gene Expression by miR398 in Karelinia caspica under Salt Stress Studies on Physiological Mechanism of Salt Resistance Improved by Silicon in Cucumber Effects of Saline Water Irrigation on the Evapotranspiration of Different Warm Season Turfgrasses Assessment of Salinity Tolerance of Miscanthus scchariflora Germplasm during Germination Period Effects of Silicon on the Physiological Metabolism of Tested Pennisetum under Salt Stress THE PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSES OF WHEAT SEEDLINGS TO SALT STRESS UNDER ELEVATED ATMOSPHERIC CONCENTRATIONS OF CO2 Cloning and Expression Analysis of Phenylalanine Ammonia-lyase Gene from Lycium barbarum L. A Comparative Electron Microscopic of Ultra Structure in Different Lily Cultivars under Salt Stress Physiological Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Cucumber Seedlings under the Salt Stress Photosynthetic Characteristics of Limonium bicolor under Salt Stress K+ , Na+ and Cl- Distribution and Absorption in Cucumber Seedlings under NaCl Stress Effects of Bacillus megaterium CJLC2 on the growth and the salt-tolerance related physiological and biochemical characters of tomato under salt stress Effects of salicylic acid on seed germination and seedling physiological characteristics of Zinnia elegans under salt stress Comparison Study on Photosynthesis of Pagoda Tree and Walnut Seedlings under Salinity Effects of Exogenous Spermidine on Reactive Oxygen Species Levels andAntioxidant Enzymes Activities of Cucumber Seedlings under Salt Stress Effects of Exogenous Spermidine on Reactive Oxygen Species Levels andAntioxidant Enzymes Activities of Cucumber Seedlings under Salt Stress Supplemental Nitrogen Effects on Growth, Nutrient Content and Quality of Aloe vera Seedlings under Salt Stress Changes in Physiological Properties and Respiratory Pathway of the New Lines of Wheat Introduced Exogenous DNA Under Salt Stress Protective Effects of Glycinebetaine on Brassica chinensis Under Salt Stress (in English) Effects of Salinity Stress on the Levels of Covalently and Noncovalently Conjugated Polyamines in Plasma Membrane and Tonoplast Isolated from Barley Seedlings Effects of Si on the mitochondria respiration and lipid peroxidation of cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.) roots under salt stress Effect of Glutathion on Active Oxygen Scavenging System in Leaves of Barley Seedlings under Salt Stress Effect of Exogenous Glycine Betaine on Polyamines and Ions Content of Barley Seedlings under Salt Stress Differences in Salt Tolerance Between the Diploid and Autotetraploid ‘Hanfu’Apple Critical Concentration of Salt Stress in Chrysopogon aciculatus Effects of Salt Stress on the Growth and Photosynthetic Physiology Characteristics of Zoysia japonica Effects of Salt Stress on the Ions Uptake and Transport of Leymus secalinus Seedling Preliminary Effects of Inoculating Glomus versiforme on ‘Chardonnay’RootedCuttings under Salt Stress Analysis of Main Agronomic Traits for Improved Japonica Rice Varieties under Salt Stress Cloning and preliminary analysis of a new BBI-type protease inhibitor gene TaUES from wheat Effects of seed priming on physiology of seed germination and seeding growth of Marsdenia tenacissima under NaCl stress Growth and Physiological Response of Nitraria tangutorum to Salt Stress Comparison on Osmotica Accumulation of Different Salt-tolerant Plants under Salt Stress Studies on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Three Clones of Catalpa bungei under Various Salt Stress Effect of salt stress on different components of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Relationship Between H+-ATPase Activity and Fluidity of Tonoplast in Barley Roots Under NaCl Stress Effects of CO2 Doubling on Some Photosynthetic Functions of Spring Wheat Under Salt Stress A Comparative Study on the Growth of Salt-treated Pucciinellia tenuiflora at the Seeding and Elongating Stages and its Relations with Irons Functional analysis of DA1-Related Protein 2 in Arabidopsis under salt stress Effect of temperature on antioxidation mechanism of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings under salt stress Effect of exogenous sucrose application on wheat seedling salt tolerance Effects of nitrogen on sweet sorghum seed germination, seedling growth and physiological traits under NaCl stress Effect of seed priming on sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) seed germination and seedling growth under salt stress Responses of seedling growth and endogenous hormone contents in different wheat cultivars to salt stress Effect of salt stress on seed germination of Vitex negundoFraxinus velutina and Elaeagnus angustifolia Protection of salicylic acid on Neo-Taraxacum siphonanthum in salt stress EFFECT OF SALT STRESS ON SEED GERMINATION OF LOLIUM PERENNE L. AND FESTUCA ELATA KENG. Endogenous Hormone Regulation with Exogenous Calcium under Salt Stress in Strawberry Effects of Lanthanum on the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Wheat Seedling under Salt Stress Osmoticregulation in Two Limonium Mill. Callus under NaCl Stress Effects of Osmotic Priming with KNO3 on Germination Characteristics and Antioxidant Properties of Eggplant Seedlings under Ca(NO3)2 Stress Physiological Response of an Alkali Resistant Halophyte Kochia sieversiana to Salt and Alkali Stresses Effect of Salt Stress on the Growth and Antioxidant Enzyme Activity of Kenaf Seedlings Effects of Exogenous Spermidine on Free Polyamine Content and Polyamine Biosynthesis Gene Expression in Cucumber Seedlings under Salt Stress Effects of Exogenous NO Donor on Glutathione-dependent Antioxidative Systems in Wheat Seedling Leaf under Salt Stress Effects of Calcium on Absorption and Distribution of Ions and H+-ATPase Activity in Barley and Wheat Under Salt Stress Studies on Expression of miRNAs in Thellungiella under Salt Stress Effects of Iso-osmotic Ca(NO3)2 and NaCl Stress on the Growth and Osmotic Substances of Cucumber Seedlings Physiological and Biochemical Mechanisms of an Endemic Halophyte Reaumuria trigyna Maxim.under Salt Stress Influence of Calcium on Alleviating NaCl-Induced Injury Effects in Arabidopsis thaliana Seedlings Effects of Exogenous Spd on NO3--N,NH4+-N Contents and Nitrate Reductase Activity of Salt Stressed Leaves and Roots of Cucumber Seedlings Effects of NaHSO3 on Nitrogen Assimilation Enzymes and Proline Accumulation of Wheat Seedlings Exposed to Salinity The Role of DNA Hypermethylation in Salt Resistence of Triticum aestivum L. Effects of Exogenous Proline on Nitrate Reduction in Melon Seedlings under Salt Stress Study on salt stress tolerance of Chrysanthemum morifolium ‘Hangbaiju’ and ‘Huangju’ and F1 seedlings Effect of Salt Stress on Growth and Uptake of Nutrient of Taxodium distichum under Varying Soil Water Content Germination and Physiological Response of Albizia julibrissin Seeds under Alkali-Salt Stress Effect of NaCl Stress on Antioxidant Enzyme Activities andIsoenzyme Pattern of Broussonetia papyrifera Plantlets